San Christobal de las Casas 10th June 2006.
To all followers of the ‘Other’ campaign and the 6th declaration.
To the national and international press.
To human rights organisations.
As followers of the ‘Other’ Chiapas, we have added ourselves to the denouncement that has been made by our compañeros in the Autonomous Zapatista community Che Guevara, pertaining to Caracol 4, with respect to
the aggression they have suffered at the hands of OCEZ-Casa del Pueblo.
On the 5th June 2006 members of the OCEZ-Casa del Pueblo damaged maiz plants, four members of this organization fired 16 and 410 calibre weapons, and threatened a Zapatista companero with a machete. These
actions were at the orders of Ramiro Sántiz López, leader of the OCEZ-Casa del Pueblo.
Since 1997 bases of help of the EZLN have suffered systematic aggression at the hands of OCEZ-Casa del Pueblo. OCEZ-Casa del Pueblo have used diverse methods; from threats, slander, fabrication of crimes, beatings, hacking people, livestock and crops, to; expulsions, burning of houses, abductions and shootings. Our compañeros also denouced similar aggression made against neughbouring people and oganizationes. The purpose of these aggressions is to expel from those lands all the people who do not belong to OCEZ-Casa del Pueblo.
The authorities of the Independent Municipality Che Guevara, and the Meeting of Good Government ‘Corazón del Arcoiris’, besides making investigations, have tried on several occasions to see that these problems
are fixed by means of words and dialogue, however the OCEZ-House del Pueblo has not made use of these invitations.
Due to the gravity of this situation, and after a commission that went, today, to where these events happened, to gather testimonies and examine the
damages, we, the followers of the Other Campaign in Chiapas declare that:
1. We energetically reject these types of practices
that the OCEZ-Casa del Pueblo, has come to make
against our Zapatista compañeros and the neighbouring
2. We echo the call of the Independent Authorities
Zapatistas, that these conflicts are solved through
3. We, like the compañeros of the Other Campaign in
the state of Chiapas, at national and international
levels will follow closely everything that happens to
the Zapatista Caracoles. We know undoubtedly that any
aggression to our compañeros is aggressions to one and
all of us.
We request that the followers of the ‘Other Campaign’, at both national and international levels, present this denunciation in the activities they make public tomorrow, 11th June.
From the organizations, groups, families and individuals of the ‘Other’ in the State of Chiapas.
Please write to the following denouncing the ongoing repression by the 'OCEZ-Casa del Pueblo' in Chiapas:
Mexican Ambassador to UK:
Juan José Bremer de Martino
16 St. George St, Mayfair

President Vicente Fox Quesada. E-mail:

Chiapas State Governor (PRD): Pablo Salazar
Gobernador Constitucional del Estado de Chiapas
Palacio de gobierno, 1er Piso, C.P. 29000 Tuxtla
E mail: