consumption as well as the trillions of deaths of sea
beings (fishes, seals, whales, dolphins, turtles, penguins etc.)
from the fishing industry was generated by coming across
this week articles in the BBC, NY Times, and Harvard promoting
fish consumption.
Because pawns of commercial fishing interests at the NY Times
and BBC in January of 2006 and at Harvard recently have
promoted the consumption of fish flesh, this article is
a response.
Dick Gregory: Eating fish liver oil is like eating the filter out of a
The BBC in an article promoting fish consumption
wrote " Depression - Linked to low intakes of fish - high in omega-3
fatty acids which are essential for good brain health".
In reality the high mercury levels in fish cause memory and mental function loss. The cultures eating the most fish (Inuit) have the lowest life expectancy of
any group surviving to adulthood, while the Japanese who eat high amounts of fish have as their number 1 cause of death fish correlated stomach cancer. Toxins in fish include selenium, chromium, lead, arsenic, pcb's, pbb's, pvc's
and every other nonbiodegradable toxin which is 100 to 1000 times more concentrated in the flesh of fish than in the water. (Rachel Carson's The Silent Spring dealt with among other things the massive loss of bird and fish
life from DDT. Fish is the antibrain food as fruitarian and vegetarian
geniuses DaVinci, Einstein, Ramanujan, Mary Shelley and
others can attest. Linus Pauling, only person to win a Nobel Prize both for peace and his discovery of 6
elements, has written that an orthmolecule is a fruit
molecule. They are the most similar to the neural
transmitters in the brain. There is no vitamin C (speeds flow
of nerve signals across synapses) in fish or animal flesh
or in animal products.) The EPA issued 3500 warnings against fish consumption in one year alone. Arsenic poisoning (arsenic from the oceans is concentrated in the
flesh of fishes) creates lesions and warts on the hands.
The female hormones correlated to skyrocketing rates of
prostate, uterine and breast cancer in the US come from
injections or 'medications' given to cows, sheep pigs
chickens etc. The urine from these factory farmed animals
is dumped into the waterways causing fish to have
cancerous growths. If they are eaten by humans before
they die they can cause cancer in human beings, just as
a chicken can transmit leukemia (though the multi trillion
dollar chicken industry calls leukemia leukosis when they
don't manage to hide chicken cancer altogether.)
One national cancer association reports that fish consumption is
related to stomach cancer.. Those countries with the highest fish
consumption having the highest rates. Included are Korea, Japan,
Norway and others. Those countries with the highest
meat consumption (Canada, Australia, the US, Chile,
Argentina, etc.) have the highest intestinal cancer rates.
Fish flesh can cause food poisoning (ptomaine, brucellosis,
toxoplasmosis, salmonella,
ecoli). Anaphylactic shock frequently causes death to those who
eat shellfish. It is universally known that dead fish stink (as
do all cadavers). Choking on fish bones has been common throughout the
The Texas Dept. of Health stated in one year that 245 people had been victims
illness from oysters in Galveston Bay. The bacterium is Vibrio
parahaemolyticus. 208 people have had oyster illness in the Northwest.
U.S. News and World Report Nov 24, 1997: One of the strains
food poisoning in shellfish is Vibria Vulnificus.
There is no natural bulk in fish. It is naturally constipating.
The ketosis from high animal protein diets leads not only
to bleeding ulcers but to kidney shutdown and blocked urethras.
In addition is the emerging truth of piscean spongiform encephalopathy or Mad Fish Disease as both
factory farmed and ocean fish are eating the parts of other animals.
The uric acid in fish is trioxypurine, more powerful than caffein, and is correlated to arthritis as it crystallizes in needle formation around the joints. It also
adds to the incidence of heart disease and stroke, stimulating the
heart unnaturally.
Owen Parrett, MD wrote that even Rocky Mountain trout from the most
unpolluted streams
have worms while
The coprophagous (human and other waste eating) habits
of shellfish
are the number 2 (yes) cause of hepatitis.
Commercial fishing causes more fatalities annually than
any other occupation, through sudden storm drownings,
through problems with pulleys, ropes, nets, sails,
through spiking and other injuries from fishes gasping
for their breath and fighting for their lives. Noncommercial
fishermen have died when lightning turned their metal poles
into lightning rods.
Choking on meat or fish is the 6th cause of accidental death in the
US. So common has it been to choke on fish bones that the Catholic
Church has a feastday dedicated to St. Blaize in which throats
are blessed. Fraternity house pranks in the cruel blood sport
of goldfish swallowing have resulted in deaths to humans
as well as the fish.
A radio network caller, Oct 27, 97: "My mother never got to see the same military MD twice, so it was years before medical detectives realized that her
Saturday headaches were caused by her Friday fisheating with an
to iodine.
NPR November 6, 1997: Dr. James Porter of the Univ. of Athens at
Georgia was studying the many new fishes diseases such as black band and white pox. He reported that increased shipping, increased pollution,
and overfishing (an oxymoron since all fishing is overfishing) are factors for the rise.
With asbestos in Lake Michigan, pcb's in the livers of polar bears
in Alaska, oyster contamination in the Gulf from the runoff of
the Mississippi, lipophilic insecticides in Lake Erie, pfiesteria
in the Atlantic seaboard ..arsenic, chromium and mercury, pcb's,
insecticides, fish killing old oil and every other toxin in the
shellfish in the NE
eating unprocessed human waste, where is there fresh fish?
The UN FAO, Prince Philip, and government and private
coalitions around the world are working to reduce fishing
so as not to wipe out certain species.
There are trillions of gallons of fish oil slop on trawler and
processing floors.
Harvard whose corporate funded studies were a factor in Stanley
Prusiner's (prion discoverer) leaving for California is also promoting
the glut of fish on the market.
States like Maryland which subsidize fishing promotion
are violating the first amendment rights of Buddhists, Hindus,
vegetarians, vegans, Seventh Day Adventists, Jains, and
many other religions which teach not killing.
The sale of fish brings 54 million to the state of Maryland, whose
governor prevailed on 3 chains in the Washington area to
begin again to sell Chesapeake fish despite the pfiesteria disease
caused by untold trillions of gallons of pig factory farm
sewage being dumped into the Atlantic.
One factor of many in the disease of the fish might be the Calvert
Cliffs nuclear power plant, which raises the temperature of the water
in the area.
Seals and whales are killed by Canadians Norwegians and Japanese
because they
compete for fish. Penguin babies can die because there
are no longer enough fish for them to eat.
Dolphins, turtles and other sea creatures are
caught in the nets.
Still other creatures are caught in boat propellers.
Those who promote fisheating incur the karma not only of the
suffocated fish (problems of breath) but the karma of the seals,
dolphins, turtles, octopi and all other sea beings killed by the
fishing industry or individuals.
A Hindu ashram not in accord with the Bhagavad Gita's
dietary nonviolence
was inundated by the perhaps military machine generated tsunami.
Dr Donald Broom, science adviser to the British government, has said that the pain
system in fish is the same as for mammals and humans.
Any child who sees a fish flopping on the deck, or struggling for life on a hook,
or impaled in the eye by a flyfisher knows that fishes fill pain.
What's worse than a snakeoil salesman? A pawn of fishmongers.
A vanguard of holistic veterinarians, and James A Peden,
author of VEGETARIAN CATS AND DOGS, which is in its third printing, are
working to help petowners transition their cats to nonharmful foods, ones
which do not cause urethra blockages, feline leukemia, kidney dysfunction or
food poisoning. Andrew Knight DVM has written of a litany
of toxins in commercial pet food.

(to be added:)
a list of some of the thousands of toxins in ocean water
a list of vegan MD links

animal fat

Adventists longest lived community in US.. Ellen White said to be vegan
Mervyn Hardinge, MD (left Harvard as did Stanley Prusiner)
(Harvard is invested in slaughterhouses and its research
is pawn to its investments)
Hardinge wrote Non Flesh Dietaries, his study of fruitarians, vegans,
vegetarians and animal eaters for the Journal of the ADA (a dairy
dominated lobby)
Stanley Prusiner, PhD discoverer of prions or Mad Cow and
other spongiform encephalopathies
Joan Ullyot MD of San Francisco sports medicine
Linus Pauling, PhD Winner of 2 Nobel Prizes.. one in biochemistry
and one for peace... said fruitarian diet is the diet which
generated neural transmitters of human beings

Dr Pauling would not animals harmed in research)
Milton Mills, MD sued dairy industry over lactose intolerance
Physician Exposes:

a. A man took his daughters fishing in Tampico Bay in Mexico.. and was spiked by a large catfish which severed a hand artery. He was able
to get medical attention for the profuse bleeding.
b. Janet Barkas, editor of Grove Press, went fishing and caught
a hook in the fish' eye. That was her last day fishing.
c. PW, at the Soldier and Sailors' Home in Washington, caught the
same fish out of the pond virtually every day for 10 years.. each time
pulling the hook from the throat.. sometimes with flesh attached. PW
died of throat cancer. A Calcutta guru who told his followers
it was permissible to eat fish died of throat cancer. (The child of a well=known presidential
candidate went to a hospital to be treated for his flyfishing hook
which was imbedded in his nose.)
d.. One fisherman reports that after seeing the fishes gasp for air
in the bottom of his boat.. as they slowly suffocate.. he will never
fish again.
e.. Syndee Brinkman: I went snorkeling and saw how gently the fish
welcomed us into their world.. and how violently we welcomed
them into ours.. I never ate an animal or fish again.
f. EB was a fisherman all his life and lived into his mid nineties.
He stopped fishing after he dreamt one night that he was tiny and a
fish was very large. The fish had him on a hook.
Diet and Nutrition; Rudolf Ballantine, MD.
Diseases Of Food Animals Owen Parrett MD
Foods That Cause You to Lose Weight: The Negative Calorie Effect more books like this
by Barnard, Neal MD (Dr Barnard has written over a dozen books)
EyeCare Sourcebook by Jay Lavine MD

(some of his articles are free on the internet)


MD author of Diseases Of Food Animals on why he does not eat meat

animal fat

Adventists longest lived community in US.. Ellen White said to be vegan

Please purchase books printed on nontree paper or 100% recycled
paper (e.g. rice, cotton)
both Oregon State and the
Seventh Day Adventist Hospitals
are inflicting pain on animals.
Dr Pauling would not want
his Nobel winning work contaminated
by animal torture.
(Generally, the CDC has been the tool of multinational
pharmaceutical drug pushers and has stifled information
about the toxic effects of meat, fish, and animal products.
However paragraphs from a CDC article from the webpage are
The most common diseases caused by marine toxins in United States in order of incidence are scombrotoxic fish poisoning, ciguatera poisoning, paralytic shellfish poisoning, neurotoxic shellfish poisoning and amnesic shellfish poisoning.
Scombrotoxic fish poisoning also known as scombroid or histamine fish poisoning, is caused by bacterial spoilage of certain finfish such as tuna, mackerel, bonito, and, rarely, other fish. As bacteria break down fish proteins, byproducts such as histamine and other substances that block histamine breakdown build up in fish. Eating spoiled fish that have high levels of these histamines can cause in human disease. Symptoms begin within 2 minutes to 2 hours after eating the fish. The most common symptoms are rash, diarrhea, flushing, sweating, headache, and vomiting. Burning or swelling of the mouth, abdominal pain, or a metallic taste may also occur. The majority of patients have mild symptoms that resolve within a few hours. Treatment is generally unnecessary, but antihistamines or epinephrine may be needed in certain instances. Symptoms may be more severe in patients taking certain medications that slow the breakdown of histamine by their liver, such as isoniazide and doxycycline.
Ciguatera poisoning or ciguatera is caused by eating contaminated tropical reef fish. Ciguatoxins that cause ciguatera poisoning are actually produced by microscopic sea plants called dinoflagellates. These toxins become progressively concentrated as they move up the food chain from small fish to large fish that eat them, and reach particularly high concentrations in large predatory tropical reef fish. Barracuda are commonly associated with ciguatoxin poisoning, but eating grouper, sea bass, snapper, mullet, and a number of other fish that live in oceans between latitude has caused the disease. These fish are typically caught by sport fishermen on reefs in Hawaii, Guam and other South Pacific islands, the Virgin Islands, and Puerto Rico. Ciguatoxin usually causes symptoms within a few minutes to 30 hours after eating contaminated fish, and occasionally it may take up to 6 hours. Common nonspecific symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cramps, excessive sweating, headache, and muscle aches. The sensation of burning or "pins-and-needles," weakness, itching, and dizziness can occur. Patients may experience reversal of temperature sensation in their mouth (hot surfaces feeling cold and cold, hot), unusual taste sensations, nightmares, or hallucinations. Ciguatera poisoning is rarely fatal. Symptoms usually clear in 1 to 4 weeks.
Paralytic shellfish poisoning is caused by a different dinoflagellate with a different toxin, than that causing ciguatera poisoning. These dinoflagellates have a red-brown color, and can grow to such numbers that they cause red streaks to appear in the ocean called "red tides." This toxin is known to concentrate within certain shellfish that typically live in the colder coastal waters of the Pacific states and New England, though the syndrome has been reported in Central America. Shellfish that have caused this disease include mussels, cockles, clams, scallops, oysters, crabs, and lobsters. Symptoms begin anywhere from 15 minutes to 10 hours after eating the contaminated shellfish, although usually within 2 hours. Symptoms are generally mild, and begin with numbness or tingling of the face, arms, and legs. This is followed by headache, dizziness, nausea, and muscular incoordination. Patients sometimes describe a floating sensation. In cases of severe poisoning, muscle paralysis and respiratory failure occur, and in these cases death may occur in 2 to 25 hours.
Neurotoxic shellfish poisoning is caused by a third type of dinoflagellate with another toxin that occasionally accumulates in oysters, clams, and mussels from the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic coast of the southern states. Symptoms begin 1 to 3 hours after eating the contaminated shellfish and include numbness, tingling in the mouth, arms and legs, incoordination, and gastrointestinal upset. As in ciguatera poisoning, some patients report temperature reversal. Death is rare. Recovery normally occurs in 2 to 3 days.
Amnesic shellfish poisoning is a rare syndrome caused by a toxin made by a microscopic, red-brown, salt-water plant, or diatom called Nitzchia pungens. The toxin produced by these diatoms is concentrated in shellfish such as mussels and causes disease when the contaminated shellfish are eaten. Patients first experience gastrointestinal distress within 24 hours after eating the contaminated shellfish. Other reported symptoms have included dizziness, headache, disorientation, and permanent short-term memory loss. In severe poisoning, seizures, focal weakness or paralysis, and death may occur.
How can these diseases be diagnosed?
Diagnosis of marine toxin poisoning is generally based on symptoms and a history of recently eating a particular kind of seafood. Laboratory testing for the specific toxin in patient samples is generally not necessary because this requires special techniques and equipment available in only specialized laboratories. If suspect, leftover fish or shellfish are available, they can be tested for the presence of the toxin more easily. Identification of the specific toxin is not usually necessary for treating patients because there is no specific treatment.
Are there long-term consequences to these diseases?
Ciguatera poisoning has resulted in some neurologic problems persisting for weeks, and in rare cases, even years. Symptoms have sometimes returned after eating contaminated fish a second time. Amnesic shellfish poisoning has resulted in long-term problems with short-term memory. Long-term consequences have not been associated with paralytic shellfish poisoning, neurotoxic shellfish poisoning, and scombrotoxic fish poisoning.
(The British Pisces groups which works to end fishing
was listed as a recommended link, and is not responsible
for any of the writing herein.)