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The Australian nuclear debate, we had to have [again]
Prime Minister Howard made a secret nuclear pact with US president George W. Bush - bit by bit we, the public discover the dark plans for a nuclear radiating future. Kieron and Miriam take you through a report by Kim Steward published on indymedia.
music: Lori Anderson, Ben Folds, Promiscuos
length: 49 mins. 32 kb/s mono 11.45 MB

Review of Uranium Mining, Processing and Nuclear Energy
by justin b. Wednesday June 14, 2006 at 11:34 PM
justin (at) 08-8945-6810
Perhaps a good starting point for understanding the objectives of this review is to address the composition of the taskforce.
Amid a growing P.R. push from the nuclear industry, on the June 6th the Prime Minister appointed a taskforce to conduct a Review of Uranium Mining, Processing and Nuclear Energy in Australia.

by Pete Thursday June 15, 2006 at 08:25 PM
When the Lib's stack the deck then you know it's bad. When they limit the terms of reference then you know how bad and when they only refer to what is corporate interest you know they already decided but this farce will make it look good?
I could also refer to any inquiry in the last ten years no one is guilty and everything lands smack into corporate hands. These types of gismo's are just to appease the population to make it appear like they looked at a pre-formed decision and we got that when Howard went to visit Bush last!
Anyone who thinks after reading this that they haven't made up their mind with support from Lab right well paid losers to lease and dump nuke waste or make more money by upgrading yellow cake is kidding themselves!
But they won't tell you until after the show because the show is our alleged democracy!
Oh! About Money $$$$$$$$$$
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 2006/06/16 - 7:50am.
In Lib/Lab speak that buys more military hardware for the neo-cons! And they figure why not make their own DU Nukiller ammo at the same time!
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