Perikato-publication handles despotism practiced by Insurance Corporations and Legal Bureau, and their arbitrary especially towards statutory insurances. From time to time this subject is also discussed in public media and Parliament. Even some MPs (i.e. Member of Parliament) have brought this issue in front to an open discussion, is the criticism being berried by Ministers in Power (like minister Sinikka Mönkäre from Social Democrat Party) and via the means of majority in Parliament (SDP). Social ills are not solved out, but instead a seeming-less (and wandering) answer is given, which content has been much the same from year to year.
The State Debt from Insurance Corporations may be the motive to be silent about the issue /1/. It also may be the motive and reason to support and maintain despotic culture practiced by Finnish Insurance Corporations /1/. It is possible, that the behaviour of some MPs in decision making is controlled by Insurance Corporations' indirect Election Campaign Financing, which can be achieved through a practice, were MP's Financial Sources are solved out only to the MP's Support Association, leaving it unclear were the Support Association got their financing.
'When measuring Finnish Corruption one has forgotten to include our traditional Hospitality Culture' stated A-piste TV-document on January 1st in 2006. Opera journeys to the Head of Social Insurance Institution (KELA) and so on… a privilege to bribe in a Finnish way. A-piste document makers would had wanted to interview State Prosecutor of the given matter, but he refused by saying that he is not giving any statement for his reason. This is the way how things are done in Finland there days…
Roots of silence and sensor-ship may be a tradition in our unstable and sad dark history. During Adolf Hitler's (II World War) time Finland sent Jewish people to Nazi-Germany. In our Civil War, were 570 people in all executed based on more or less random judgement /2/. Officially this has been denied, but mass-grave of Lappeenranta is an evidence of the revenge taken place in spring 1918 /2/. People lost due to this despotism are not here to follow those keeping and maintaining the power during their celebration at independence-day. Even Soviet Union (CCCP) has collapsed, we still have quests participating to independence-day celebration taken place at Presidential Palace, who's course of action, even in these days, contain the roots of 'being a Finn'.
Finland has got as many 'official truths' as State needs and it takes. Illusion of Finland being a Western Welfare State, or even a Legal State shakes, if one blindly counts on our higher decision makers' opinion of the way how Finland's National Appeal Body functions. Reality and ice-baths is being served to Finland through judgments done in European Human Rights Courts. These judgments we have (lately) received a remarkable amount when compared to our population size. Thus Finland seems to a leading nation somewhere else too, besides in suicide statistics and cellular phone manufacturing. Which makes me ponder the fact of most disability pensions being granted on mental grounds, but this is something I leave to the readers of Perikato-publication to think inside their own mind.
Falsified and groundless statements, lost evidences and false oaths are routine in modern Finland. These primitive methods are used today as a torpedo against patient privileges. Finnish Supervision of Legality takes pride of not finding any mistakes in the area, even Minister of Justice admits previously mentioned social ills. At the same time Chancellor of Justice gives reasons for his existence by appealing to the tradition since tsar. - A tradition that patients will find very real in modern Finland after facing the form of activity at time of ancient tsar.
To believe in illusion desperately maintained by Supervision of Legality, in which the acts of authority, state-owned companies and business enterprises are blameless and responsible? Or to believe in citizens' real life experience and documents. Finland's course of action helps the uncovered illusion, in which people are diminished, and the problem cases are swept under the carpet away from people's eyes and awareness. This kind of course of action has been built into the culture of windmills, were the one requesting his rights and freedoms has long and rocky road in front of him /3/. Usually this road is longer then the longest one has come across /3/. While seeking responsibility one is being offered the most unbelievable explanations from authority and insurance corporations lacking all moral and ethical values.
We welcome our readers to have a look one point of view, which is based on original documents served to you by Perikato-publication. Our conclusions that are based on experience are consistent with the statements given by consultant doctors in care, professors, current Minister of Justice and statements given by MPs.
/1/ Translators' notice: Complex sentence divided into two separate sentences.
/2/ Translators' ethical remark: Random judgements took place on both sides; workers (red) and landowners (white).
/3/ Translators' notice: Complex sentence divided into two separate sentences.

Author: Hannu Kukkonen and Kalevi Hautakangas
Draft Translator: Åke Tyvi
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