Jun 2006
a litany of suffering involving several species
Cat, Cow, Dog, Horse, Pig, Rabbit, Fish, Chicken Haiku
At UC Berkeley
'scientists' have put electrodes
in cat brains.

At Ohio State Vet. School
'scientists' have given
cats aids.

At Emory, cats are
crucified in stereotaxic
At a Boston college
vivisection center
Senator Bill Frist
brought cats he had
gotten from animal
shelters under false pretenses.
Dwight Eisenhower ordered
cats on the White House
grounds shot.
George Crile, founder
of the Cleveland Clinic,
boasted that irritated by
his neighbor's cat's cries,
he had stolen the creature
and put her under the knife
the following morning.
In Vietnam and China
cats are eaten, their
entrails cooked as a delicacy.
At the Univ of Cincinnati
Zoo, cats are bred for
research labs.
Cats contract Mad Fish,
Mad Cow and become
diseased with Mad Cat
Disease from Purina
and other roadkill etc.
In Akron, Ohio cats
are trapped by neighbors
and taken to the pound
from which under the table
they go out to area laboratories.
The mayor and city council
passed the ordinance.
In communities which allow
steel jaw traps, cats lose
their legs.
Whenever bunker buster or cluster or hyperbaric
or other bombs are dropped from F16's or
shot from Cruise missiles etc., besides the many
deaths of children, adults, elders, are deaths of
birds, fishes, insects, plants.
Cats contract feline leukemia, blocked
urethras, kidney dysfunction, feline spongiform
encephalopathy, food poisoning and thousands
of other diseases from eating fish containing
mercury, arsenic, chromium, pcb's, pvc's,
pbb's, etc. in concentrated poison form.
A dog abandoned stays at
a telephone poll
on Howe Road for
48 hours running
after every car
which looks
like his
120 dogs run to
death or frozen
or broken legged
dying in Iditarod..
Dogs at San Diego
State, Ohio State
etc. in forced swimming
or sleeplessness or
other experiments
social animals kept alone
Dogs eaten
after being skinned
alive in Korea
eaten without being skinned
in Taiwan and China
Mangy Dogs leaving pawprints
of blood starving
to death from telescoped
Junkyard dogs
.. neglected
dying of thirst
Back yard dogs
with chains embedded
in their necks
from long neglect
Dogs are carved up
at Summa Hospital
Dogs used as minesniffers
blown apart
in Afghanistan and Iraq
Dogs researched upon
at Wright Patterson kept in cages.. with sores where wire meets flesh
Greyhounds with living
rabbits as race motivators
.. breaking their legs
in dog racing
Dogs dying in the hold
of airplanes
smashed by big boxes
Dogs abandoned on
the dock
"Hunting dogs" like
beagles.. kept
in cages all year
Police dogs trembling
in the cold
captive to
earthlaw enforcers
50,000 dogs at the
Univ of Texas
trapped in cages
drowning in a flood
Dogs dying of
at the
graves of their masters
Dogs losing legs in
steel jaw traps
God have mercy
on all beings
today and forever
(this poem is dedicated to M Glickman, Nami Wilson,
and to everyone who has ever loved a dog

Horses die
a barn fire
.. captive to
human greed
In Alaska horses overworked
leap over mountain cliffs
committing suicide to avoid
the thirst, the hunger,
the heat, the cruelty of
forced labor
In the Civil War, millions?
of horses were gored, shot,
killed for food
At a Kentucky racetrack, a horse
breaks her leg..
it hangs by a tendon
from her knee.. she is
one of tens of thousands
so injured
Clint Eastwood
works to end the trip
wiring of horses
in Hollywood and
around the world
In France, horses
hang upside down
at a slaugterhouse
In Lancaster Pennsylvania
the New Holland Sales
and Stables sells
39% of its horses
for slaughter
Richard Burton
misses an oscar
after a record 7th
souls of horses
nixed him after
a horse was blinded
in the film Equus
In Central Park,
taxis and cars and trucks
regularly slam into
carriage horses.
Throughout history
horses have been kicked,
fallen down hillsides,
broken their legs in
fox hunting races by
'the unspeakable in
full pursuit of the inedible',
died of thirst, died of
loneliness shipped from
home to home.
Erica Jong's grandfather
painted a massive oil
portrait of horses
galloping ashore out
of the sea
( a painting of his
own granddaughter and others reborn
in 1942..the year of the horse..from the
sea of suffering of
WW 2.)
Racing horses die in
fires. They are seen as
cash registers. Competitors
or insurance seeking owners
have often arranged
arson or arsenic.
In Chino California
6500 cows
suffocated as they
sank into the mud
In North Dakota untold
numbers froze and
suffocated in
20 foot high snow drifts.
In southern Ohio
a cow slipped on mud.. her back legs
went both ways.. she was split up
the middle and left there over
several days to die
In Maryland cows
are electroshocked away
from their babies.. stolen
to be butchered as veal
In Vermont cows have
infection encrusted udders
as they bleed from
milking machines
In Kentucky, a downed
cow was kicked repeatedly
and pulled off the truck
with ropes
In West Virginia, a truck
filled with cows was in
an accident. 75 cows
spilled down the mountainside.
In Colorado, the
winter wind rips through
the slats at 81 mph
as the
slaughterhouse bound animals
huddle iin trucks speeding
through mountain passes.
In Texas, trains full
of cowssuffocating from
heat.. have downers
.. 4 d animals..
dead dying diseased
At New York's "stock"
exchange they
hide the truth
of Mad Cow
to try to protect
the Mad Cow Dow
In Kansas untold
millions of cows have
frozen in blizzards
In Wisconsin, after
a lifetime of giving
a lifetime of slavery
exhausted old "milk" cows
are sent to slaughter
for fast food chain hamburgs.
In Minnesota, 'dairy' cows
are given food (not feed..
a chauvinist term) with
animal products in it..
causing Mad Milk.
In Oklahoma cows'
ears are stapled with numbers
In Wyoming, bulls
are castrated
In Iowa the smoke
from the branding irons
of cows rises to God
and asks for mercy
In the land around
Yakima Washington
.. lived a 4 year old
little girl.. what
was the name of this
little "mad cow"?
What have been the names
of the billions of cows
who have gone to their deaths
terrified in Illinois?
In Pennsylvania pharmaceutical
labs calves were slashed..
and smallpox sprayed
on their gashes
in a few weeks the gashers
come back
and plane off the scab.. and grind it into powder..
powder which contained BLV or bovine leukemia virus
.. the same disease as HTLV except in a different species
In Calgary, little calves
are slammed to the ground
their necks and legs breaking
in a rodeo called the Calgary
In every state in the union
cows are electroshocked,
are bleeding, are kicked,
are pulled off trucks
are pulled from their babies
30,000 baby chicks
are sent through a San Diego
factory farm chipper
by workers too tired to continue
individual strangling.
The chipper became a chicker
In Connecticut, Michael Ross
who strangled 8 women sits in jail
.. his history includes as a little
boy being required to strangle baby
chicks on his father's poultry farm*
Agrigeneral in Croton,
one half million chickens are bulldozed
alive into graves after a tornado
destroys their metal shed.
In Arkansas, a million chickens
die as the electricity goes out
and the metal sheds become
140 degree ovens
In Newport News, a little woman
chicken's head is severed and
comes out whole as a McNugget
Senator Russ Feingold seeks to
remove minimal animal protection
for chickens, so that baby chicks
may be sent classified as mail.
Senators Charles Grassley and Tom Harkin
Feingold.. baby chicks are smashed
and suffocated in transit
In Salisbury Maryland
at the Perdue slaughterhouse
cranes drop boxes full
of chickens into the street..
some die immediately
.. some run in traffic.
Cars are lined up behind
a chicken truck.. chickens
crammed into crates
their broken necks and wings
flapping in the wind.
Factory farms
buy older laying
Every egg represents
32 hours the mother
was held captive in a cage.
Chickens are fed back
the boiled feathers of
their slaughtered sisters.
There is video of MOARK,
a Missouri Arkansas chicken
slaughterhouse operation..
dumping living chickens into dumpsters.
Chickens are fed
as elsewhere.. the
waste of animals
mixed in with grain.
It is called wastelage.
An EPA worker sinks neck
deep into quicksand like chicken
waste. Her life is saved
as she grabs onto pipes overhead.
After 9 days without food
or water half of the chickens
at Buckeye (invited to Ohio
by Voinovich)
are still alive.
The debeaking of chickens
so that they will not peck
each other to death from
the overcrowding.. sometimes
catches the chicken's tongue
in the debeaker.
At some factory farms
an eviscerator is used.
It is a bin of swirling knives
into which baby boy chicks,
redundant, are sent.
In Petaluma
Chickens live their entire
lives without spreading
their wings.. or taking
a stretch.
Every egg requires 120 gallons
of production water.
Every egg served in a hospital
is 275 mg to 300 mg of
Fixing eggs for her family
a housewife sees a skillet
full of beaks, claws,
and blood.. from fertilized
Eggs amount for
a large percentage of food
poisoning cases.
Chickens are given cattle
parts.. which generates
Mad Chicken
Chickens pass on cancer
.. leukemia.. it is called
leukosis by human chauvinists
when a chicken has it
An old man lies in pain
with arthritis, as uric
acid or trioxypurine from
a chicken's flesh has
crystallized around his joints
in needle formation
Flies are sent by God
to process the biblical
plague of chicken waste
in factory farms.
Forced molting causes
many chickens to die
of exposure to the cold.
The use of female hormones
in the food and the
constant stress from living
in 24 hour a day light
and crowding.. create cancer.
Easter chicks for protection
are taken to
the zoo.. and are fed
behind the scenes to snakes
Seinfeld actor Jason Alexander
ends his KFC commercials..
after viewing PETA films
of chicken slaughterhouses
He ate the chicken's wings
.. her body will no longer fly
but her soul
has risen to God.
Ronald Reagan passes legislation
to double the speed of slaughterhouse
lines.. dead chickens whiz past
OHIO Generating Mad Chicken,
Buckeye gives chickens food containing
parts of other animals.
GEORGIA The CDC approves
huge multinational pharmaceutical
vaccine contracts for Aventis Pasteur
Glaxo Smith Kline and others.. vaccines
cultured in eggs
The USDA records a fraction of
food poisonings, 97% of which
are caused by animal products
Fish in Kentucky rivers and lakes
show sexual deformities
as factory farm urine containing
female hormones pervades waters.
and 3 other states shut down chicken
slaughterhouses in latter 2003
because of declining command.
As a young girl begins to bite
into a chicken sandwich her mother
is forcing her to eat, a rooster
crows. She puts down the sandwich
and never eats a chicken again.
If roosters crow
do crows rooster?
Power outages cause
chickens in winter
to freeze to death
in their metal death boxes.
A woman neighbor to a factory
farm said the chickens she
raised used to sing when
they were given fresh straw.
The chickens she lives near
she says.. never sing.
A man is barred from
farming because workers
in his chicken factory farm
nearly died from his illegal
use of nicotine insecticide.
CHINA Chinese government
seeks to double egg production
which siphons off grain
from 18 countries.
TOXIC VACCINES which kill people are developed on eggs.
EGGS account for some of the 97% of food poisoning fatalities
which are related to animal products.
SENATOR BYRD: speaking out publicly against chicken abuse

parts to chickens

. mad chickens
. cattle parts
. leukosis
. ecoli
. uric acid
. salmonella through shell hell
. industrial accidents
. kinds of food poisoning
There are 14 million slave chickens in 4 Ohio counties:
Licking Hardin Wyandotte Marion..
14 million chickens.. being fed Mad Cow generating
cattle parts.. at Buckeye Egg Farm
Because the state AG will not act, the EPA must
Has Buckeye killed 500 million chickens? More?
God shut down Buckeye and all Auschwitzs today

. mad chickens
. cattle parts
. leukosis
. ecoli
. uric acid
. salmonella through shell hell
There are 14 million slave chickens in 4 Ohio counties:
Licking Hardin Wyandotte Marion..
14 million chickens.. being fed Mad Cow generating
cattle parts.. at Buckeye Egg Farm
Because the state AG will not act, the EPA must
Has Buckeye killed 500 million chickens? More?
God shut down Buckeye and all Auschwitzs today
In our opinion
the best candidate to ban factory farming
is Dennis Kucinich

2 Kucinich invited by Greens to attend
their rally with Nader.. as Greens decide
to support the strongest peace candidate in years

the little drum with swirling knives into which some factories drop
baby chicks is called an eviscerator.. and what is the name
for those tiny mouse sized guillotines Purina as owner of the
magazine Lab Animal advertised for decapitation
of captive expendable lab animals?

*Michael Ross has become a Christian and writes articles about his prayers for forgiveness.
Ebola from eating gorillas and chimps
AIDS also from eating monkey meat
live chicken markets.. they hang upside alive
and on the tables.. blood drips onto chickens with their legs tied
factory farms too
cause avian flu
no room to spread theirwings
buckeye description
epa worker nearly drowned
6 to a cage
debeaked so they wont' peck each other to death
living in constant artificial light
freezing in metal sheds
roasting in metal sheds
Trillions of mice rats and guinea
pigs have been sacrificed on the
altars of greed and ambition
by pawns of pharmaceutical
and government agencies.
50,000 animals drowned at
the Univ. of Texas. No researchers
A similar situation occurred during
At Ohio State, supported by
a unanimous vote of the illegal
Supreme Court of Ohio (fraudulently
installed by Diebold, ESS etc.)
students are told to break
mice spines.
Methods of Mouse Killing in American Labs
Some suffocate them in plastic bags.
Other use little Purina mouse sized
guillotines, advertised in the
magazine Lab Animal.
Still others break their necks.
The sadistic feed them to snakes.
Those in denial delegate the task.
Some mice are needled to death.
Some are given poison.
Some die with their tiny fingers
caught in mouse traps.
Some die in agony after having
cancer or caustic chemicals
introduced into their bodies
.. or in forced sleeplessness
or forced swimming experiments
.. or having had their limbs
cut off.
The entire Ohio Supreme Court
ruled in 2006 that President
Holbrook of OSU could continue
a course in which students
break mice spines.
Now in Schuylkill
they don't in schools kill.
All the little ones.. go straight to GOD
At the University of Maryland,
Perdue gave millions to veer
the university into rabbit meat
production and chicken assembly
line production.
A course in which each student
was to raise, kill and skin
his own animal was cancelled
when animal rights activists
stole the rabbits on the eve
of slaughter day.
Pig flesh is forbidden to Muslims,
Jews, Christians aware of Jesus'
diet, Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, etc.
Yet factory farms churn out
billions of butchered pigs,
whose lives are hell and
whose waste fills the waters
of the world with pfiesteria
or red tide.
Pigs often die of thirst,
truck crashes, smashing
as they are shipped
to be murdered.
Pigs have been skinned
alive in conveyor belt
or assembly line
operations. The Republicans
doubled the speed of
the slaughterhouse line.
Anglers are stranglers.
Fish die of suffocation
or are smashed.
(Many more species are waiting to be
added... seals of Canada, sheep and kangaroos from
Australia, bulls in Spain, turtles in China,
dolphins and whales in Japan, Norway,
Iceland, and the US, frogs of France, elephants of
S Africa, etc)
© Animal Rights Coalition 9
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