The short introduction offers opportunities for various analyses; however, the restrictions of a short paper oblige me to focus on the most relevant common denominator as topic, the social/political ‘space’ in which we jostle [or glide].
The war on the noun ‘terror’ that America wages (on itself) has offered the world a titillation; a ‘victory’ that actually amounts to nothing, except perhaps to distract from another area of focus (American atrocities and militaristic oppression). No change whatsoever has been detected in the war on the noun, its continuation has been emphasised by all, especially by the leaders of the coalition of willing criminals – why do they ‘protest’ so much? Simply to reinforce the reality that nothing has changed in their “perpetual war” strategy, but much has changed in the focal field of the population.
The reality of an illegal invasion, the plunder of oil resources and a people resisting the invader also remain unchanged. The war is essentially a clash of ‘realities’, ideologies and cultural values, each vying for mental supremacy and physical domination – the final outcome will determine whether the coalition of willing criminals ends up in the dock at the Hague or whether militarism becomes the new world (dis)order. [The stakes are extremely high and the choice should be clear, one option chaperones future global slavery for the majority, be advised!]
The compliant puppet Iraqi government installed by the invader has all the integrity of wet tissue. The oil continues to be extracted as fast as possible with a total absence of mass media attention on the process, the focus of the population in the west should never be directed at oil appropriation (theft). The Hollywood character in the black bandanna, Zarqawi, has performed admirably as an object of dread, loathing and fascination. However, his usefulness – balanced against the need to distract from horrendous US atrocities and plummeting approval ratings – has come to an end.
The black bandanna is dead, the character Zarqawi existed as a media event; the person could in no way compete with the image, as the world knows only images. Zarqawi (as person) was ‘dead’ before he lived (in the minds of image consumers). The real character, as an essential element of western discourse, dies only when its host (Bush regime) dies! Discursive necessity prevents the demise of the ‘character’, the next instalment of fear-focus harnessing the attention of the population while criminal activities are pursued, demands another (regenerative) appearance of an object of loathing – the ‘son’ of Al-Zarqawi, [Zorro!]
Today, however, very few believe the propaganda that the waring groups are disseminating. The western mass media has all the integrity and credibility of the old USSR state media. Put simply, very few believe the offal that issues from the mouths of Bush, Blair and Howard. The result of this incredulousness is that a widespread suspension of belief is occurring. The forces that wish to strength their position as powerful State institutions are the same forces that undermine the cohesion of their respective societies, as has been aptly demonstrated by the Bush regime attacking the Constitution and subverting democratic rights and civil liberties.
No one really ‘believes’ anymore; the increasing popularity of religion (including political ideologies) as a set of prescriptions, patterns and behavioural codes, is symptomatic of the loss of coherence and meaning in the world in which we live. Failure to engage the Dynamic that is LIFE obviously leads to death, and no prizes for guessing the two principal social groups pursuing death, at speed. Disenfranchisement with life must necessarily lead to infatuation (perhaps love) of death. Examples in the world today are not difficult to identify.
Societies that enter this final phase of inversion must necessarily implode and self-destruct. Perhaps the best living social laboratory for the professional analyst at present is the USA. Only the USA can claim almost a complete reversal of all the principles for which it once stood. The inversion of values is almost complete. The extremely rapid social decline is the result of not only an inept administration but also the displacing of American values with those which it once despised – a contradiction the nation cannot survive!
When social and cultural integrity are compromised to the degree manifest in the USA, collapse is imminent. Symptomatic of final death spasms is the tendency to lash out (war) in the hope that externalisation relieves the implosive pressure of contradiction.
However, the final outcome is assured. The war that America wages on itself must necessarily be won. That victory would result in the destruction of the State that initiated the forces of its (own) demise, suicide on a state level is not new to history, witness it in process!
Other nations are accelerating the inevitable by disengaging the currency, the effects of which apply even greater implosive pressure.
The United States has already lost the war it wages with the rest of the world, it just hasn’t realised it; I omitted to mention that DENIAL is a component part of a mentality that continues to pursue failed methods of social control. Let’s try it one more time:
It was worth a try anyway.
Sayonara, Uncle!