A new bulletin is out, but only in german at the moment - english translation coming soon:

May 2006
This is first issue of open information bulletin, goals of which is to erase information gap that currently exists on state of preparations of protest against G8 14-17th of July 2006 in St. Petersburg of Russia. This bulletin is prepared by some members of Moscow group of Network Against G8 (SPB8) and does not necessarily reflect opinions of all members of the network. We will publish new issues as soon as there is something to tell.
Please distribute widely!
1. Libertarian forum in Moscow 8-12 of July
2. Call to G8 Global Action day!
3. Next Russian coordination meeting
4. Russian Social Forum
5. Legal group
6. Publications against G8
7. Events abroad
8. Websites and contacts
9. Principles of Network Against G8
1) Libertarian forum in Moscow 8-12 of July
There will be a libertarian forum in Moscow 8-12 of July as a build up event for protests in St. Petersburg. Main theme of the forum will be energy issues, and plans of G8 for nuclear power renaissance. For G8, "energy security" means guaranteeing access of the leading industrial countries to natural resources, and diversification of exploitation of limited resources - thus nuclear energy is now an important topic for them. Problems such as lack of any long-term solutions with nuclear waste are ignored.
Libertarian forum will consist of discussion, trainings and seminars. We invite anybody to propose themes for discussions, until 25th of May (for sure content of the forum may be amended later on, perhaps even on the spot, but we want to have some preliminary program). We would be especially happy for speakers on topic of energy. Actions, press-conference, concert and movie screenings are also planned. Food Not Bombs has promised to provide food to forum.
Current topics for discussions and workshops are
1. Oil, energy resources and power: Capitalism and State.
2. Nuclear energy in Eastern Europe. About the plans to build new nuclear reactors, and about media complicity in changing attitudes about nuclear safety. (i.e., recent press stories claiming that Chernobyl was not too bad!)
3. Russian-Polish Energy Politics
4. Anarchists and the energy - various examples of anarchist approaches towards problem of the control over the energy resources and it distribution
5. Energy problem from point of view of Greenpeace Russia
6. Lessons from protest camps of Rainbow Keepers
7. Perspectives of ecological movement in Russia
8. Precarization, globalization and rights of workers
9. Globalization and reform of education in Russia
10. How to get the best out of Indymedia?
11. How to work with mainstream media?
12. Social forums as the sunset of the anti-globalist movement, and alternatives to them
13. Work against homophobia in Eastern Europe
14. Solidarity with anarchist prisoners
15. Reproduction of authoritarian power-relations in "anti-authoritarian" groups
16. Self-defense
17. FrontAIDS and movement for access to medicine in Russia
18. Animal rights movement in Russia
19. Information technologies and activism
20. History of anarchist movement in Russia
21. Formation of coordinatonary councils on wave of struggle against monetization of social benefits in Russia - lessons and conclusions.
22. What to do if you got arrested in Russia?
Write to moscow_protiv_g8 ATT riseup.net if you want to propose a workshop, and for any questions on libertarian forum.
2) Call to G8 Global Action day!
14 July, the day before the beginning of the G8 Summit in St. Petersburg
This years meeting of the leaders of the worlds 8 richest countries will be 15-17 July, 2006, in Russia. The 3 main themes of the Summit are Energy Security, Education, and Aids/Health Care. We want to get on the streets in support of free Health Care for everyone, Education for All, an end to the Atomic Age and end to war. This year the Russian "Network Against the G8" also wants to show that wherever they meet, the G8 will face protests against them. For those that can't make it to Russia, activists there appreciate your support by calling for an international Global Action day in the 14th of July in as many cities as possible.
The power of the elites crosses many lines, but our solidarity goes beyond any borders!
3) Next Russian coordination meeting
Will take place 28th of May in St. Petersburg. Contact us if you would be interested to participate.
4) Russian Social Forum
Will take place from 13th to 15th of July in St. Petersburg (demonstration 15th of July). Currently organizers attempt to have green light from the city administration. Currently there is a discussion going on in SPB8 on topic what would be the relation with Social Forum. Basically principles of SPB8 ban cooperation with authoritarians, and whereas no parties were present in forum of 2005 in Moscow, number of them and even some outright nationalists are expected to be present in Forum of St. Petersburg. However it has been proposed that SPB8 could set up an info point to Social Forum of St. Petersburg to inform participators about alternative events.
5) Legal group
Legal group has prepared two texts for Russian and foreigners, which are also available in English - "Legal advice for people coming to G8 protest actions in Russia" and "Practical advice for participants of protest actions in Russia". Both of these texts also include some important information on visas and registration, and they will be available in website of the mobilization. Next articles will deal with practical issues such as transport in major Russian cities. We have found a lawyer who is willing to help people who are arrested and who may face a deportation. A number of human rights activists have also promised support in case of trouble.
6) Publications against G8
Libertarian communist journal Avtonom will publish a special issue on G8. Book "We are everywhere" is also almost translated to Russian, whole translation will be published online until 15th of June. Two posters are currently being designed, but additional ideas are much welcome. Few thousand posters will be printed, to be distributed in St. Petersburg and other Russian cities. Recently also a brochure "They are eight - we are 6 billions" was published by a group in Moscow, it includes a number of basic texts on capitalism and economic globalization by Crimethinc and others. As for English, in Abolishing the Borders from Below #24 there was a block of articles on 2006 G8 mobilization.
7) Events abroad
Several seminars on G8 mobilization were organized around European Social Forum in Greece. In May there will be more seminars in Berlin.
8) Websites and contacts
Currently site of Network Against G8 is at spb8.hardcore.lt, but due to technical problems we are looking for another hosting. Domain spb8.net will hopefully work soon.
Contact of legal group: piter.legal ATT yahoo.com (English, German, Russian)
Libertarian forum and other events in Moscow: moscow_protiv_g8 ATT riseup.net (English, Russian)
Events in St. Petersburg nag8spb ATT mail.ru (English, French, German, Russian)
9) Principles of Network Against G8
1. The initiative is aimed against the states, current dominating economic system and all forms of oppression.
2. For the participants of SPB8 any discrimination on basis of race, nationality, gender, sexual orientation and age is intolerable.
3. We make decisions by consensus. In case of lack of consensus on some questions groups of SPB8 participants may make their own statements and actions not contradicting these basic principles.
4. During the preparation of protest actions we are not interested in cooperating with organizations aiming at taking power.
5. We approve of any methods of resistance, if they are aimed against the rulers but not against the people of G8 countries. Any member of the network is free to choose his / her own tactics.