by Redemptive Press Monday, June 1st, 2006 at 11:48 PM
The Saskatoon Saskatchewan de facto court today with a man masquerading as a judge one Albert Lavoie unlawfully presiding again was exposed as a true de facto court by the fact there was no King James Bible in the court room as confirmed by Lavoie when asked by Karen Macdonald a registerd nurse who is friends with Carol Skelton the Revenue Minister.
He further intimidated her by stating she will be assessed for psychiatric instability after she confirmed her Christian faith in practice is no grounds for labeling her in need of a psychiatric assessment.
She never answered any of the mans questions but asked questions of her own in reply. She thereby did not submit to his de facto offers of authority as per his offers of Questions as if she answered it would be deemed as her accepting the authority of a de facto court
A Christian Minister unnamed arose and declared in the name of Jesus Christ as defended by the Queen that no court was lawfully formed in her majesty's name in that room on that day being June 1st. 2006 and that is was not lawful for them to proceed without a King James Bible in that court as authorised by the Queen which is absolute truth. He was then escorted out of the court house and intimidated by a bailiff to not come back lest he be arrested in violation of 176 1`80 and 423 of the criminal code
Treason is proceeding without a Bible in the court room and proceeding as if it was a dejure court in fraud!! It is a private forum and operating in violation to law and in treason to her majesty section 45 of the criminal code. The king James Bible is the rule of law spoken of in the preamble to the Charter as confirmed in the Coronation oath of 1953
Some folk in blind fear do not wish to check out the truth behind that fact as it will destroy their belief system
Albert Lavoie proceeded in fraud and in treason to her majesty by intimidating a Christian minister to violate her faith.
The media seem not to intersted as they have formed opinions and pride prevents them from doing the research to find out they are wrong. Sikhs will get endless reporting over ythe defense of their faith by the Medai but none will rise to defend Christianity!
I am including one of those media folks email in this messagebeing a Brian Recorsier of Globalnews who was short with me in my faiths exercizing and practice.
I hope he will take the time to get over his assumptions and religious discrimination of our facts and points in law by examining the truth rather than engaging in a smear campaign which is so common of those in fear of the unknown.
Karen Macdonald is a friend and holistic practioner of Carol Skelton the Minister of National Revenue

The website with more info is

Here is what is presently happening.
To those of you who know Karen Macdonald the light worker your aid is requested ...
The fax is below number for Windsor Palace home of Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor. Queen anointed....... please send your knowledge in support of Karen Macdonalds plight of faith based exercize being assaulted and forward this number to those who can and wish to also offer support to exemplify Karens ministry as well as their own and her unabated ability to practice it in defending her Children and the words of our creator as defended by the anointed of God Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor Queen of the commonwealth!
'This is a focal case for all of us to be benefitted from in exercizing our faith based ministry and defending our ability to practice our faith unimpeded.
Karen is under arrest in RCMP cells in Saskatoon as of her not submitting or contracting to a apparently renegade Judge who calls himself Albert Lavoie living in Saskatoon Saskatchewan Canada who is well aware of her inability to show respect to his de facto court.

Fax number to Windsor Palace home of Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor private woman anointed of YHWH.
Please let her know you know Karen and her plight ( as per the Agreements provided) and that her faith is sincere. Karen need her faith to be defended and she is Christian. If no one asks for the Queen to defend the faith no action will be taken!!
Please do not let apathy rule this one!! Be heard let your voice ring true for faith and the ability to practice it unimpeded as per sections 45, 176, 180 and 423 of the criminal code in Canada.
Alteration of name for a financial purpose
without permission is fraud!!
No statute exists allowing them to do it!!
Karen is in Jail again till 2 pm tomorrow.
Four witnesses were removed from the court in Saskatoon at 9:30 am this morning being told to leave first or be arrested after I attempted to present an oral writ of amicus curie to the bandit in my opinion an Albert Lavoie who then cleared the court including a classroom of children who were there to see a woman defend her actions of defending her children from an alledged coke dealing sexual abusive father lawyer who is in to guns and came very close to shooting his own son and both children pleaded with Karen to get them away from him.... ! Lavoie did not want witnesses as of his involvment in keeping Karen from her Kids and charging her with abducting her own Children as well as practicing her own faith unobstructed as per 176 of the criminal code as we can offer testimony as to his intimidation and assault upon Karen....that is why he seized himself of the case unlawfully and has imprisoned her again....
Judicial Rabies is extremely contagious and it must be dealt with immediately!!
Please forward this to as many on your lists as possible if you think the right of defense of your faith is an important principle to hang on to!!
No excuse of "This is before the courts can fly if witnesses are providing evidense of unlawful activity and treason on the part of that man acting as a judge. Aiding and abetting the crime and criminal negligence covers that as once made aware of the abuse an investigation must proceed in defiance of the old excuse it is before the courts. The courts are de facto and private pirateer contractors!
We attempted to file a private information in negative averment there but were refused.
Very unusual case and has been forwarded to Windsor palace and need lawful aid immediately beyond anecdotal advise. Went to Carol Skeltons office and was poorly recieved and invited to leave her aid refused to leave.. this in light of all the staff and Carol Skelton (REVSCAM minister) know her privately and quite well! They refused to offer aid!

We filed charges UDI in the Sask police services building them taking it seriously and not altering our names. Staff sergeant Voles was aware they have no law alllowing them to alter names and it is fraud!
Will forward scan of complaint!
They transferred her from the courts to RCMP detachment Sasakatoon because we had beat them to the punch by having the Saskatoon police conducting and investigation on her unlawful arrest detainment and if they took her into custody before investigating the complaint they would be aiding and abetting the crime.
The email on bonds I just sent this morning will provide more on what is happening and aid your own investigation in may areas.
Quite an expose on what the system runs off of.
Will be in court tomorrow to see the circus start again.
Pray for Karen as she had he naturopath Doctor attend her and do some energy work on her and advise the RCMP to get her to a hospital and get her her natural food so she can eat. THey agreed and were quite congregating and having lots of private discussions as to what is going on re: her.
Don't know what else to say except Jackie Harper, Rose John, and Dennis Cherkowski, bearing witness to what happend in their complaints as well as me providing the law that was broken. We also got a private information form and were told the JP would not entertain our complaint and we would have to appear before a judge.
Sounds bogus as I am sure you are to be allowed to see the JP to place a private information! Will ask other for their support.A letter to Elizabeth seems in order and any support in that regard by yourself privately would make a difference as we are talking treason
All who have been plagued with similar circumstances by abusive mates or relatives are to be encouraged to post similar stories to save harmless those children who may be subject to such atrocities.
Private agreement contract covenant of Good faith
To: The private man , John Paul Kwok the private man acting as member of the Saskatchewan Bar being a legal fiction and registered with the Saskatchewan Law Society also a legal fiction of the de facto province of Saskatchewan.
From: Minister of Christ: Karen Ann Macdonald
C/o inspired

Dear John, the private non incorporated man, it is agreed, with no dispute to the fact, that this communication is to the flesh and blood man, of upper and lower case name definer, and that all capital names are indicative of persons in law being defined as legal fictions of a corporate capacity and not of the flesh as created by God.
My purpose in gaining this private agreement/covenant/contract with you is to ensure truth prevails in securing the safety and well being of our Children as guaranteed by the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of the Child proclaimed by general resolution 1386at the Hague, articles 2 specifically supported by all others articles; Principle 2
The child shall enjoy special protection, and shall be given opportunities and facilities, by law and by other means, to enable him to develop physically, mentally, morally, spiritually and socially in a healthy and normal manner and in conditions of freedom and dignity. In the enactment of laws for this purpose, the best interests of the child shall be the paramount consideration

and that the facts herein are not going to be argued and that we agree upon the facts herein and that I am the natural biological mother of our Children being our daughter Alison Marie Macdonald born March 29th 1993, and our son Alexander Fraser Macdonald born on May 13th 1994 and that no permission is forthcoming from me to alter their Christian names or mine in any manner for a financial purpose or otherwise.
1. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the extensive nature and detail of the following private agreement/covenant/contract is necessary, motivated and is dedicated towards the best interests of the mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of the Children so mentioned and not in any way is to be assumed as malicious or acting to execute revenge upon you.
2. Galatians 1:20 (Now concerning the things which I write to you, indeed, before God, I do not lie.) 2 Corinthians 11:31 The God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which is blessed for evermore, knoweth that I lie not. 2 Peter 2:3
3. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that am writing to you as a man in your private capacity as a man and most definitely not as a “person”, created by the court, and or corporations and referred to in all of the court documents in all capital letters, as defined in your own legal profession’s code of professional conduct as being corporate.
i.e.” person" includes a corporation or other legal entity, an association, partnership or other organization, the Crown in right of Canada or a province and the government of a state or any political subdivision thereof.
4. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the canon of construction and a maxim of law 'expressio unius est exclusio alterius' or 'inclusio unius est exclusio alterius' holds that 'to express or include one thing implies the exclusion of another, or of the alternative.'" Rainey, 341 S.C. at 86, 533 S.E.2d at 582 (quoting Black's Law Dictionary 602 (7th ed. 1999)); see Evins v. Richland County Historic Pres. Comm'n, 341 S.C. 15, 19, 532 S.E.2d 876, 878 (2000)
“What is not included is excluded” ” Section 2 of the Criminal Code ensures that corporations can be held criminally liable for an offence since that section defines a 'person' as including corporations:
s. 2 ["every one" "person" "owner"] "every one", "person", "owner", and similar expressions include Her Majesty and public bodies, bodies corporate, societies, companies and inhabitants of counties, parishes, municipalities or other districts in relation to the acts and things that they are capable of doing and owning respectively;
Since a corporation is not a human person, the Criminal Code provides special rules of procedure for a corporation: 2Peter 2:3; Romans 16:17-20; Acts 5:29; Psalms118:8
4. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that all of the de facto court orders are referencing and relating to legal entities to whom I can show no respect to nor communicate with as all corporate legal entities are legally dead in law.
5. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that of my particular Christian religious beliefs, as defended by the reigning Christian monarch Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor of not bowing to nor serving false god’s, that I as a woman and God’s minister cannot be lawfully intimidated nor compelled to obey the orders of a man acting as a legal entity for another legal entity known as a de facto court being a creation of another legal entity known as the de facto province of Saskatchewan .
6. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that I as a woman, a creation of God not being a person in law and most assuredly non corporate, being a minister of God Jehovah am also, in this endeavor, gaining a private agreement/covenant/contract with you as per the Advise of Jesus/ Yahushua the Christ as per Matthew 5:25 and 18:15-20.
7. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that your office as a lawyer is factually de facto, meaning illegitimate, and defined as a legal person, which is a fiction in law and as such because of my faith in Christ I cannot submit my ministry to you in that regard as such corporate office is a legal fiction involved in commercial activity known as a legal person and as of my duty to obey the word of God and in official obedience to my spiritual calling cannot show respect to persons. Deuteronomy 1:17; 10:17; Acts 10:34; Romans 2:11 and James 2:9. Psalms 118:8 Acts 5:29 Romans 16:17-20
8. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the court creates legal fictions which are dead in law for it’s convenience as per the BCSC decision of Staufen v. R. 2001
9. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that I as Christ’s minister and the Mother of my Children am not attempting to confuse you but am being as honest and clear as I can with reference to my particular faith and beliefs in total adherence to my duties to be in maternal contact with my biological Children as per my right and that you recognize as a part of my ecclesiastical calling I am trained as a primary teacher for ages 3-12 as well as a family enrichment counselor and a physical facilities representative and as a teacher for Adult Religious Studies inclusive of family history and genealogical studies.
10. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that I as God Jehovah’s minister have been the subject of religious persecution and obstruction for the performance of functions of my calling and motherhood namely exercising my faith of not submitting to false god’s and government as defined in Exodus 20:3-5, and am in the full and dedicated service of God Jehovah/YHWH for my unincorporated unregistered Church being the Church of Ecumenical Redemption International.
11. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that Mammon in the King James Bible refers to the pursuit of wealth which is the definition of Commerce as provided by Jesus/Yahushua Christ at Matthew 6:24 in her Majesty’s King James Bible that she defends with all of her power and whom you swore an oath to be truly allegiant to in order to get your job and be allowed to practice law!
12. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that Section 176 of the Canadian criminal code, that I make no use of, but bring to your attention for your own benefit as of my duty per Ezekiel 33:6, was enacted on behalf of Queen Victoria in 1867 to protect the Church and it’s ministers from harm and to carry out her own Coronation oath in law.
13. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the contracted police in Saskatchewan who have no statute to enforce their activities in enforcing the law of the de facto Canadian parliament, as per sections 91 and 92 of the defunct British North American Act as per section 2 being repealed in 1893, but rather an memorandum of agreement is unenforceable in dejure law upon private men and women.
14.It It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that The King James Bible has standing in all of her majesty’s courts and the lawyers who have taken an oath to her Majesty to be truly allegiant to her must know that oath is to aid her majesty to uphold the laws of God (Westminster Confession of Faith chapter 22 1646)and are violating their own oaths when they intimidate women like myself engaged in the Christian ministry performing the functions of my calling as protected by section 122, 126, 176, 180, and 423 of the criminal code of Canada that allies to you as an officer of the court.
Ezekiel 33:6 means I am warning you of the hole in your own law you will fall into and I make no use of that dead corporate de facto law.
15. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that I have no recognizable or valid contract with the province of Saskatchewan or with any de facto court or its de facto officers, contracted police agencies in Saskatchewan or any other sovereign province.
16. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that my Christian faith and beliefs are immune from unlawful intimidation nuisance and threats of de facto governments and their officers as my faith in Christ and obeying the commandments of God are defended by the Queen.
17. It is agreed with no dispute to the fact that the de facto Government of Canada combined with the de facto provincial governments have since 1933 been in receivership and operating de facto.
18. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the word de facto, so we are clear with each other, means illegitimate and unlawful in fact and reality.
19. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that I have no intent to argue with or intimidate you by this private agreement/covenant/contract, but rather to make you fully aware that my Christian faith is defended by the dejure Christian Queen you as a private man swore an oath to God to bear true allegiance to, is based upon the King James Bible and that I as God’s minister and mother of our Children am the one being intimidated.
20. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that my professional credentials are certified authentic and recognized, that as a Holistic Nurse and practitioner with over 20 years of experience and that I was formerly a Registered Nurse at the Royal University in Saskatoon specializing in the Neo Natal Intensive Care of Children and am presently a Certified SCIO Bio-Feedback Therapist that has over 9,000 tests and specialized therapy programs in Quantum Physics Medicine with programs in Holistic Nutrition and Vitamin, Mineral, Hormone Assessment, Traditional Chinese and Ayurvedic Medicine, Herbology and Oils, Parasites, Viral, Drug, Emotional and Mental Health- Neuro Linguistic Programming, Muscle testing, Toxicology, Iridology, Reflexology, Cranial Sacral, Spinal, Disease, Addictions, Allergy assessment and desensitization, Electro- Acupuncture, Homeopathy, Perverse Electrical –Magnetic Field and Biological Warfare Testing, Dark Field Blood and Chromosomal Tests, Stress reduction, Relaxation and Pain Relief as well many more, complemented with being an Molecular Essential Oil Medicine practitioner, also trained in Emergency Response by the Canadian Red Cross, in process as a Certified Naturopathic Specialist in Quantum Medicine as well as to towards my doctorate in this highly specialized field of Medicine, recognized as a Reiki Master as well as a Therapeutic and Quantum Touch practitioner, as well as a volunteer as a crisis intervention worker for the Saskatoon Sexual Assault Centre, Honorary Member of the World Health Organization of Naturopathic Doctors and Practitioners standards committees and supporter of The International Coalition for Drug Awareness.
21. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that I am trained in Raindrop Technique, Vita-Flex Reflexology, Releasing Negative Emotional/Genetic Patterns, and Healing Oils of the Bible.
22. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the King James Bible is the rule of law for all commonwealth courts, (Coronation Ceremony of her majesty 1953; Ezra 7:23-26) bearing the coat of arms of her Majesty, and the King James Bible placed with standing at the right of the de facto judge justice or master presiding must be a letters patent version “cum priviligio” to give the court it’s authority.
23. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that because of this ministerial awareness we wish to have this private agreement/covenant/contract with you in your private capacity so no assumption of detrimental nature can be acted upon in error by either of us to the anxiety and damage of our Children or either our properties or freedoms.
24. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that it is in honor and reflection of defense of the children and my official ministerial performance of my function as God’s minister to not partake of the false god de facto system and registry created by men of wealth and predetermined gain that I gain this private agreement with you.
25. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that after you read this and observe the facts you will see the light and honorable position I am seeking and wish you as well will grasp the intent in the honor I am seeking in respecting my faith in God Jehovah’s law. We as God’s minister’s also direct our wish that you will not be encouraged by anyone inclusive of lawyers and the RCMP, who have a long history of distorting the truth, ( we have video taped confessions of RCMP stating that) to intimidate us or extort or coerce our Christian ministry to violate the faith in obeying God’s command.
26. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that if you have any provision of any proof of error or omission in this agreement/covenant/contract you will provide it immediately and that your tacit consent of understanding will be graciously received and accepted should no proof of error in our agreement/covenant/contract be forthcoming from you within 10 days time.
27. It is agreed with no dispute to the fact that should you not rebut the facts agreed upon by that time we will confirm our honor in gaining this ecclesiastical agreement/covenant/contract with you by having witnesses signing this same letter of agreement and covenant of Good Faith and effect service of the confirmed agreement/covenant/contract with you to ensure our agreement/covenant/contract is accepted and un-rebutted. We will allow three days time past the service date of the witnessed agreement and will post circulate and advertise our private agreement for the benefit of all private men and women involved.
28. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that all the private men and women acting as crown counsel and all provincial lawyers, that may wish to advise you in a public capacity, have by law sworn an oath to God to be truly allegiant to the Queen as dejure Christian monarch styled as “Defender of the Faith” and cannot defend or advise private parties using public taxpayer dollars. (From the Saskatchewan Legal profession Act) Section 25. A person, before being admitted as a member, shall take and subscribe the
Prescribed oath or affirmation.
1990-91, c.L-10.1, s.25.
29. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that any man or woman who takes an oath to a Christian monarch who does not know the law regarding the meaning of their oath when asked is incompetent to provide the true allegiance as they simply do not know what it is.
30. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that corruption is evident and existing within all sectors of government be it municipal provincial or federal and that no man woman or Church can lawfully be compelled to participate with or contractually submit to a corrupt admitted de facto government it’s registries or it’s agents.
31. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that any intimidation by any man or woman to violate my faith based in the King James Bible, as defended by the Queen, is treason upon her majesty’s government and is a breach of trust that the oath to God promised to faithfully provide as found in section 122 of the criminal code of Canada that I make no use of.
32. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the first commandment of God Jehovah in the King James Bible, as defended by her majesty the Queen, is specifically to not bow to nor serve false god’s. Exodus 20:3-5
33. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the eleventh commandment of God in the King James Bible is to not add to his law nor take away from it. Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32
34. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that in a financial relationship the creditor has control over the debtor and that the World Bank is the creditor for Canada being the debtor owing in excess of 700 billion fiat dollars.
35. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the World bank, being Canada’s creditor has defined a de facto government, in it’s operational policy manual, as being usurped authority as in a coup détente, being a military revolution or abrogation of the constitution. It is further agreed that all the law dictionaries of the world define de facto as being unlawful usurped illegitimate authority as opposed to dejure government which means lawfully formed and ruled.
36. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the laws in Canada specifically prohibit the act of intimidation to do a thing you have a right to not do and that my faith in Christ cannot be lawfully intimidated.
37. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that I, as a minister of Christ, am officially performing a function of my calling by avoiding the de facto false god registry of the de facto provincial and municipal military style governments as per Exodus 20:3-5 Deuteronomy 4:2;12:32; Matthew 6:24;Acts 5:29; Romans 16:17-20 and Colossians 2:8-22 and by doing so, as Christ directed, practicing my Christian faith unmolested.
38. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that you now are irrevocably aware it is a violation of God’s commands and my faith as defended by the Queen to submit the property of the church or my property to a de facto registry and that I as a woman and God Jehovah’s minister have no lawful binding contracts with any de facto entities.
39. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that Section 423 of the Canadian criminal Code applies to all government employee’s as well as sections 15,19,122 126,176 and 180 of that same code.
40. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that that you are with the knowledge that ministers of the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International cannot, as of our faith to follow God's first command as defended by the Queen, register with de facto government entities.
Here is why in the Ontario Justice department's own words.

“6.5 Special situations of religious organizations
Religious organizations should consider certain issues carefully before incorporating. Governing Law
If a religious organization becomes incorporated, its ecclesiastical, canon or church laws, rules or regulations may be subject to the Corporations Act. This means that if any ecclesiastical, canon or church law, rule or regulations conflicts with the Corporations Act, the organization, once incorporated, must comply with the Corporations Act and will no longer be able to use that law, rule or regulation in administering its affairs. “
41 .It is agreed with no rebuttal to the fact that registration with dead de facto regimes requires and contracts to provide servitude. We cannot of our faith submit to de facto regimes as it is our contention and belief as Christian ministers that de facto government’s are false gods and have no dejure authority!
42. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that Paul, in Romans 13, says they are ministers of God three times and that any minister of God when asked of the meaning of his oath will immediately know it is to uphold all of God’s laws as per Ezra 7:25-26
You may wish to see the governor General’s website where she admits she is de facto. Our governor General is de facto. That means illegitimate.
Rape is a de facto sexual act. Marital coitus is a dejure sexual act.
They are both sexual acts of identical physical function. One is lawful one is not.
43. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that a dejure government rules with the Bible or other religious text such as Torah and is lawful as long as no harm befalls the men and women who are subject to that form of government as a result of adding to or taking away fro God Jehovah’s law. “Love your brother as yourself” is the golden rule
43. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that these facts are not meant to deceive you but to prove you have been deceived!!

All de facto fiat money is based in flesh as per Talmud and Leviticus 25, read the whole chapter that is defended by the Queen.
44. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the debtor corporation of Canada has been a bankrupt country since 1931 and has had no gold to back the paper money since 1933 when receivership for the creditor, being the world bank, kicked in, and has bonded the men and women in Canada for 8 million dollars a piece and classified the Bonded men and women as sureties for the debt and as fiduciaries for the legal fiction persons(strawman) created by provincial and federal statute as per the regulations of the Canadian Ownership Control and Determination act of 1982 formerly the Foreign Investment Act of 1933 created by the debtor corporation of Canada.
45. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that legal fictions are creations of law for the convenience of the court and are done with out gaining permission from the one whose name is being monetized.
Mr. Staufen BCSC 2001
46. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the debtor commercial corporation of Canada assumes a financial interest in such registrant after the applicant has consented to registry and issues a certificate of Birth, drivers license, property registration, etc. as the birth certificate resulting from such commercial registry proves, having been printed on Canadian Banknote paper reserved under law for security documents and valuable securities such as currency..
Jubilee of Leviticus 25: is supported by the Levitical high priest being Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor the Queen of the Commonwealth.
You may not have researched this, but to one of faith in God’s law, we are to not ignore knowledge. Hosea 4:6
The creditor makes the commercial rules. The World Bank is the Creditor. The World Bank, Canada's commercial creditor, says de facto is usurped power like under military rule! It is unlawful!
Remember they are the corporate Canada’s creditor and they are a private for profit venture owned by Bankers all having the same religious affiliation using Talmud, fraud and usury to quite literally enslave the nations.

Notice how a usurped de facto government is defined. Law at the end of a gun!!!

We also wish to know if you can provide us with the proof as to which legislation of man can abrogate God’s law. Exodus 20:3-5 Numbers 15:15, Deuteronomy 4:2; 12:32 Acts 5:29.
47. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the Westminster Confession of faith from 1646 section 22 contains the law regarding Lawful oaths; and that section 126 from the Canadian criminal code. The Acts Bills of Exchange Act and the Oaths of Allegiance Act, Royal Styles and Titles Act Statute of Westminster 1931 Confession of Faith Act 1646 and the Coronation Act of 1689 for starters. This act below is from 1778 and the reign of King George the Third and is still on the books as in force law in Canada. Note how it says no tax whatever shall be imposed except for commerce! Commerce is described as the worldly pursuit of wealth for self gain and enrichment. It is also known ecclesiastically as mammon and Christ for-warned us we cannot serve God and Mammon. Matthew 6:24
48. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that we as men and women of the Christian faith and confession are not commercial entities!
XLIII. ''And whereas by an Act passed in the Eighteenth Year of the Reign (1778) of His late Majesty King George the Third, entitled an Act for removing all Doubts and Apprehensions concerning Taxation by the Parliament of Great Britain in any of the Colonies, Provinces, and Plantations in North America and the West Indies; and for repealing so much of an Act made in the Seventh Year of the Reign of His present Majesty as imposes a Duty on Tea imported from Great Britain into any Colony or Plantation in America, or relating thereto, it was declared, that "the King and Parliament of Great Britain would not impose any Duty, Tax, or Assessment whatever, payable in any of His Majesty's Colonies, Provinces, and Plantations in North America or the West Indies, except only such Duties as it might be expedient to impose for the Regulation of Commerce, the net Produce of such Duties to be always paid and applied to and for the Use of the Colony, Province, or Plantation in which the same shall be respectively levied, in such Manner as other Duties collected by the Authority of the respective General Courts or General Assemblies of such Colonies, Provinces, or Plantations were ordinarily paid and applied:'' And whereas it is necessary, for the General Benefit of the Empire, that such Power of Regulation of Commerce should continue to be exercised by Her Majesty and the Parliament of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, subject nevertheless to the Conditions hereinbefore recited with respect to the Application of any Duties which may be imposed for that Purpose;'' be it therefore enacted, That nothing in this Act contained shall prevent or affect the Execution of any Law which hath been or shall be made in the Parliament of the said United Kingdom for establishing Regulations and Prohibitions, or for the imposing, levying, or collecting Duties for the Regulation of Navigation, or for the Regulation of the Commerce between the Province of Canada and any other Part of Her Majesty's Dominions, or between the said Province of Canada or any Part thereof and any Foreign Country or Stint, or for appointing and directing the Payment of Drawbacks of such Duties so imposed, or to give to Her Majesty any Power or Authority, by and with the Advice and Consent of such Legislative Council and Assembly of the said Province of Canada, to vary or repeal any such Law or Laws, or any Part thereof, or in any Manner to prevent or obstruct the Execution thereof
Note I make no use of mans laws (Ezekiel 33:6)merely provide them for your benefit to show those laws apply to you when at work for the corporate fiction and not to members of our church. See section 32 of the supreme law of Canada

49.It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the Coronation Ceremony of Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor declares that the Bible is the Royal rule for the government of Christian princes and the Westminster Confession of faith from 1646 still in force law in Canada has, as the whole purpose of the Monarchy, in defending the Christian faith from covetous actions of vain men of commercially minded gain.
50. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that all de facto authorities are impostors and have no sanction from the Queen to intimidate any man or woman from practicing their Christian faith.
51. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that if you ignore this good faith ecclesiastical agreement and proceed to intimidate me while in your de facto capacity that you consent to the fact and admit to be actively and irrefutably involved in a conspiracy to violate my faith in the King James Bible!!
52. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that you John Kwok the private man consent to pay me, Karen Ann Macdonald, 1 million Dollars $1,000,000.00 in Gold Maple Leaf coin for the damages to my ability to practice my maternal duties as mother to my children and my faith unimpeded and that you will, once our agreement is witnessed and posted internationally you will provide me the name and address of your liability insurance bond agent to pay for damages due to your intimidation should you choose to break the laws and violate your oath.
53. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the Sikh’s from Quesnel British Columbia sued the RCMP in 1980 and easily recouped $10,000,000.00 for the rejection of one man from RCMP employment as of his faith to wear a turban.
54. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the Queen defense of the King James Bible as of oath and duty is decidedly more powerful as standing and defense than the turban.
55. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that I cannot be forced to violate my faith and register with or submit to a false god de facto government or it’s commercial debtor courts!!
56. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that corporate Governments of a de facto nature cannot interfere with private contracts!
57. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that ignorance of the law provided or lack of understanding of the law and facts provided is no excuse and that I am of sound mind and body and that my adherence to and exercising of my Christian faith along with articulated provision of historical facts cannot be assumed as or suggested as being in any way mentally unstable, as such assumption or accusation is unfounded upon fact and is discriminatory against my ability to practice my motherhood and Christian faith unimpeded.
58. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that our Son Alex, as documented, is suffering from malnutrition, is underweight, is exhibiting signs of introversion as in avoiding eye contact, poor communication skills, tendency to hide, and that he has disclosed to me, as his mother, that he has been physically abused by you his father.
59. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that due to your negligent supervision of Alex’s dietary, emotional needs, and supervision of bedtimes that as a result of that negligence, Alex has poor muscle tone, very little physical strength, at 11 years of age he is unable to cut up his food properly, contributing to difficulty walking and climbing stairs for any extensive periods, sometimes resulting in physical collapse, that Alex is tired most of the time as well as suffering from problems breathing properly and that Doctor Persaud MD. of Saskatoon, tested and noted allergies to tobacco smoke that you in awareness continue to negligently provide within restrictive and enclosed environments.
60. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact our son Alex has been found hiding in lockers and a storage room in school and the school teacher recommended he be seen by a professional therapist.
61.It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the children often forced to go into their pajamas after school and are in their individual rooms until after midnight or later and that are often times not fed supper till late, after even midnight, usually taking their plates to their rooms where they are restricted and that there are no tables to eat at in their rooms , nor any in the Living Room as your Law Office is there.
62. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the our children are missing daily exposure of routine access to most vegetables and a variety of fruits to stabilize their diets, and have been instructed by you not to cook, other than to heat up TV dinners.
63. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that often they are secluded into their own rooms separately and left to be on the computer or TV with no real scheduled extra curricular activities, sports or friends.
64. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that, they are not participating and having friend’s over/sleepovers/family events and are isolated as they live far away from the school they attend and often do not wake up till 8:30am.
65. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that until they were 12 years and 11 years respectively both children did not know how to properly take a bath, or how to wipe themselves properly after having a bowel movement/urination and that the children have often been going to school without any properly cooked breakfasts for 6 years.
66. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that your negligence has resulted in well documented complaints by our children and the teachers for the past 6 years at St. George Catholic School, Saskatoon as of our children being physically and emotionally deprived, wearing unclean clothes, smelling malodorous, wearing same clothes for weeks, tired, Alison exhibiting de-gendered actions of wearing clothes from the boys department and looking and often being mistaken for a boy, exhibiting signs of being exhausted, speech disorder and unable to focus.
67. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that our Daughter at the tender age of 4 years old relayed verbal information to me as her mother and did physically relay verbally to other men and women, also being inclusive of my ex-husband Tim Ponto that she was being sexually abused.
68. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that A PH.D psychologist, Doctor Gerry Farthing, a private clinician of Saskatoon, did in 1998, perform an examination of our daughter and who not only documented this complaint in his reports regarding our daughter, inclusive of notations of her complaints of her vaginal area, but also as well as first hand verbal submissions by our daughter and heard a taped speech of my daughter, Alison, relaying this information.
69. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that on November the 12th 1988, our daughter, Alison, again complaining of a sore vagina was taken to Doctor B. Anderson, M.D. who heard her brother Alex relate that dad had hit Alison on the head and Dr. Anderson upon her exam confirmed that our daughter’s vulva and labia was red unclean and odorous.
69. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that Saskatoon Physician, Dr. Joel Yelland, on November 29th 1998 who was told by our daughter that you as her father did physically assault her causing bruises on the chin as well as sexually abuse her by touching her vaginal area and that the doctor did confirm vaginal burning and irritation at that time.
70. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that my father Glen Macdonald, of Saskatoon at the same time was also privy to hearing our daughter verbally complain and relate the sexual abuse of your uninvited touching of her vagina.
71. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that our Daughter continued to make reports to me and Tim Ponto of the uninvited sexual abuse.
72.It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact clinical social service workers, psychologists and Department of Justice contractors assigned by the de facto Saskatchewan Department of Justice under the Family law Division FLD case number 217 of 1997, did hear a complaint and were reported to regarding the allegations of sexual abuse upon our daughter by you, as well as these incidents being reported to the Saskatoon Police that she was sexually assaulted by you and that those workers and police members did unlawfully ignore those pleas by a young and traumatized girl being the biological daughter of you as a private man.
73.It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that your collection of armaments, was at all times during the children’s upbringing, stored unsafely and that you indeed were on May of 1997 charged by Saskatoon Police Services with unsafe storage of those firearms including possession of a prohibited weapon and that our son Alex did relate to me verbally that you narrowly missed shooting him in the house with a loaded gun and potentially killing him which resulted their trauma, difficulty sleeping, and crying at night and wanting to be with me as their Mother, when you were in an intoxicated state exhibiting careless handling of such weapon, in October/November of 2005 .
74. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the best interests of the child are lawfully of a paramount consideration and the doubt in any situation regarding the child and mother must always be decided in keeping the best interests of the Child as the paramount consideration.
75. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that you the private man have used your influence as a member of the Saskatchewan Bar Association and officer of the de facto court for your own vested interests in that regard to have the best interests of the Child downplayed to instead have your own best interests and reputation receiving the consideration and benefit of the court.
76. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that the duty of all council is based upon their competency to act in a fully qualified capacity as a lawyer presenting before the courts and that no one who is in lack of competency or without a subsisting certificate to practice law may make presentations before a court formed in her majesty’s name.
False pretences
32(1) No person, other than a member who holds a subsisting certificate or a
person who is authorized to practice in accordance with rules made pursuant to
clause 10(i), shall:
(a) pretend or hold himself or herself out to be a lawyer or a barrister and
solicitor; or
(b) take, assume or use any name, title, addition or description other than
one that the person actually possesses and is legally entitled to or that implies
or is calculated to lead people to infer that the person is a lawyer or member or
is recognized by law as a lawyer qualified and entitled to practice law or do
business as a lawyer in Saskatchewan, or in any way publish or advertise
himself or herself as such.
(2) No person who is not a member in good standing shall use the designations
barrister, solicitor, barrister and solicitor, lawyer or attorney.
1990-91, c.L-10.1, s.32.
77. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that on all occasions you made presentations to the court regarding the case at hand of the alleged abduction of our children that you at no time held or were in possession of a subsisting certificate to practice law or an understood oath of allegiance and that if you were you are willing to support that with evidence you were.
78. It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that you consent to relinquish full custody of the children to my care and control to travel with and to care for with no permission needed from you for such stated travel and that you agree/consent and contract to provide, by not proving the facts herein so stated above as untrue, and that you will pay me 1,000,000.00 dollars in Canadian Gold Maple Leaf Coin subject to your private liability insurance policy and that you will submit and offer me the name of that liability insurance agent upon my request .
It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that
small spelling errors or lack of comma’s or other punctuation that may have been in error overlooked are insignificant and the wellbeing of our Children and my right of custody and care of our children is the main priority.
Default notice #1
It is willingly agreed to and consented to by you with no dispute to the fact that if you the private man do not exercise the opportunity to refute and disprove the agreed upon points in the above agreement/covenant/contract of good faith that within ten days time from the receipt of this notice it will be assumed and concluded you are in tacit consent to all of the above facts by the failure to say anything that would offer evidence the facts are in error. Nihil Dicit being the maxim of law I am referring to.
Default Notice #2
It is agreed with no rebuttal to the fact that the anointed of God Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor, will act as witness to our agreement along with three other witnesses to confirm our good faith covenant in 10 days time from your receipt of this contractual agreement/covenant/contract that will then after a further 3 days be advertised posted and circulated to as many as can benefit from it’s honorable position!
Blessings and thank you for honoring our agreement/covenant/contract and the Defense of the Christian Faith
Minister of Christ Karen Ann Macdonald
Minister of Christ for the Church of the Ecumenical Redemption International, Saskatoon Ecclesia l
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