NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST ‘Charity’ Shops are all part of one of the largest and most lucrative of ‘Charitable Trusts’ in this country.
If NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST is a Charitable TRUST, then why does it commit UNLAWFUL ACTS in relation to flagrantly breaching trading standards and clear, unambiguous, strict laws of this country, amongst others, breaches of the Misrepresentation Act 1967, the Supply of Goods (Implied Terms) Act 1979, the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, the Trade Descriptions Act 1968, the Trade Descriptions Act 1972, and the Sale of Goods Act 1979?
The Sale of Goods Act 1979 asserts, amongst other things, that: i) In a contract for the sale of goods by description, there is an implied condition that Goods must correspond to their description [Section 13(1)]; ii) Where the seller sells goods in the course of a business, there is an implied condition that Goods must be of merchantable quality [Section 14(2)]; iii) Where the seller sells goods in the course of a business for a particular purpose, there is an implied condition that Goods supplied are reasonably fit for their purpose. [Section 14(3)]
It is also a CRIMINAL OFFENCE to exclude liability for IMPLIED TERMS in a Contract.
ALL these laws are some of the many laws that SUPPORT the vulnerable tenants:
i) Human Rights Act (HRA) 1998
ii) Protection from Harassment Act (PHA) 1997
iii) Protection from Eviction Act (PEA) 1977
iv) Criminal Law Act (CLA) 1977
v) Housing Act (HA) 1988
vi) Housing Act (HA) 2004
vii) Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998
Civil Procedure Rules (CPR) – the overriding objective is to enable the Court to deal with cases justly.
1. COVENANT (agreement) BY LANDLORD NOT TO DEROGATE (deprive) FROM THE GRANT (of the Tenancy)!
There is a STRICT obligation on the landlord not to DEROGATE [or deprive a Tenant] from the GRANT of an Assured Tenancy – the landlord must NOT do anything on the retained property by the Assured Tenant, so as to make the land that has been let to the Assured Tenant less fit for the particular purpose for which the letting was made. Yet, NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST has broken the tenancy contracts of too many tenants in CIVIL law and in CRIMINAL law. [BREACH OF CONTRACT – DAMAGES ARE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT!]
It is UNLAWFUL for the Landlord or his agent or any other person associated with the landlord to unlawfully intimidate or harass the tenant. [If not, immediately go to COURT!]
The property let by the Landlord must be free from DAMP, INFESTATION of any kind, STRUCTURALLY SOUND, not a danger by its SECURITY or SAFETY and the COMMON PARTS MUST BE SAFE, WELL LIT, and any and ALL LIFTS IN GOOD WORKING ORDER, with a working phone in them, in case of break down. Fire appliances and fire safety equipment must be available throughout the property. No asbestos. No live wires (whether this is next to water leaks or not). It would be UNLAWFUL for the landlords to provide heaters that spew out CARBON MONOXIDE poison if th(is)ese fact/s ha(s)ve been notified to the landlords.
If the landlords promise to put the structure or fitted carpets or any essential part of the property in good order and fail to do so, this constitutes an ANICIPATORY BREACH OF CONTRACT! [DAMAGES are then OBTAINABLE!]
Proof of a breach makes the Landlord STRICTLY LIABLE – STRICT LIABILITY.
If a Tenant suffers from CLAUSTROPHOBIA and/or the fear/stress compounded by or brought on by restricted spaces and/or this medical condition has been expressly asserted to the Landlord, the landlord MUST immediately take the necessary action or suffer the consequences accordingly. It is UNLAWFUL to provide a property that is NOT suitable for the particular tenant.
If a tenant is ‘dumped’ in a damp flat in massive disrepair and as a result, the tenant sustains severe pains and spasms due to the adverse, hostile, deliberate and vindictive acts of his landlords, the tenant accrues a LEGAL RIGHT of action against the landlord.
It becomes UNLAWFUL for the landlord NOT to take the necessary lawful action.
If a tenant suffers as a result of the landlord NOT taking the degree of care that a LAWFUL landlord would take, the landlord will be held STRICTLY LIABLE – STRICT LIABILITY.
NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST has UNLAWFULLY committed the following acts:
i) The management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST has UNLAWFULLY bricked up the windows of a tenant’s property,
ii) The management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST has UNLAWFULLY bricked up a tenant’s easement to his garden,
iii) The management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST has UNLAWFULLY broken into a tenant’s flat not once - but twice - stealing the tenant’s files and deliberately and UNLAWFULLY causing criminal damage to the tenant’s personal locks and UNLAWFULLY committing break-ins and UNLAWFUL entry into the tenant’s flat. The second time the tenant photographed some of the management of the landlords committing CRIMINAL acts [COMMITTING CRIMES] by two cameras, whereby the management were identified as tooled up with offensive weapons and after following the management back to the staff entrance of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST where other management were waiting to receive the CRIMINAL MANAGEMENT [to try to subvert the evidence?] the tenant thereafter was immediately granted a High Court Injunction and the High Court Judge saw evidence of the RACHMAN methods perpetrated by the EVIL landlord. Next time it was stated IT WILL BE immediate PRISON - even For The CHIEF EXECUTIVE!
The two latest UNLAWFUL matters, the tenants obtained an Injunction against the management and against the Chief Executive [KATE DAVIES] of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST who acted in a CRIMINAL way, after she was notified of the first UNLAWFUL Break-In by RECORDED DELIVERY and by FAX. The Injunction asserts that the CHIEF EXECUTIVE [(THE EVIL) KATE DAVIES] can be: i) IMPRISONED, ii) FINED and/or iii) HAVE HER ASSETS SEIZED, if she commits and/or incites through her management, once again: a) the tampering of the Assured Tenant’s electricity [so that the Tenant is obliged ‘to crawl on his hands and knees’ [this appeared in the local newspaper (dated Friday April 28, 2006 – the very week before the LOCAL ELECTIONS on Thursday, 4 May 2006)] in order to get in or get out of his flat], b) the tampering of the tenant’s water supply, and/or c) the theft of the tenant’s own personal or official mail.
How could anyone be so EVIL and so WICKED to vulnerable tenants?
The documentary evidence speaks volumes.
[Did the Chief Executive do the same at SERVITE HOUSES – as Chief Executive?]
[Ex turpi causa non oritur actio - No cause of action may be founded upon an IMMORAL or ILLEGAL act.]
All these matters NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST have been known to have breached.
All of these breaches are UNLAWFUL.
As the photograph above indicates, the entrances to some of the NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST ‘Charity’ shops are DANGEROUS and can cause injuries. This is also UNLAWFUL.
It is also a CRIMINAL OFFENCE to exclude liability for DEATH and/or PERSONAL INJURY. [Unfair Contract Terms Act (UCTA) 1977, Section 2(1)]
Would you really want to sustain a serious injury in order to part with your hard earned money in order to consider ‘throwing away’ your hard earned money to a highly questionable ‘Charitable’ cause?
Do the NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST ‘Charity’ shops still exist or have they been re-branded? Is this WRONGFUL TRADING? Is this FRAUDULENT TRADING?
It is known of at least 2 (TWO) good, pleasant, sociable, respectable and extremely honourable tenants of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST who complained in writing to the senior management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST about the very DANGEROUS defects in their homes which were the legal responsibility of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST which not only allowed but INCITED breaches of the strict LEGAL DUTY OF CARE to be UNLAWFULLY caused by the management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST and this breach of the lawful duty of care CAUSED the DEATHS of at least 2 (TWO) good, respectable Tenants.
As a result of the NEGLIGENT/RECKLESS action of the senior management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST, the good respectable tenants were to die [yes, DIE] UNLAWFULLY.
Were they killed?
They certainly DIED.
Both DIED cursing [yes, CURSING. I know, as I have the evidence] NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST and its senior management are EVIL beyond measure.
The senior management, acting with gay abandon [as under the authority of GERARD LEMOS (yes, him of 7 BISHAM GARDENS, HIGHGATE) – ex Chairman of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST – the Government Race Adviser – Commissioner of the Audit Commission – Commissioner of the Civil Service – Deputy Chairman of the British Council – all nominated by LABOUR PARTY LORD, TOM SAWYER (yes, him of 22 INCHMERY ROAD, CATFORD), ex Chairman of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST and before that ex Chairman of the LABOUR PARTY and before that, head of the NATIONAL UNION OF PUBLIC EMPLOYEES (NUPE) being in a position of responsibility for Central Government and Local Government employees – now known as UNISON UNION, and then his nominations were automatically appointed by LABOUR PARTY MEMBER, TONY BLAIR – yes, TOM SAWYER, as the representative of the workers has to be ‘on board’], wafts on with no communication to tenants who are also Beneficiaries of a Charitable Trust, where the management act with confrontation, a lack of consultation, hostility, intimidation and harassment, oblivious to the grave concerns and legal consequences that mount on a daily basis.
NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST has a LEGAL DUTY to adhere strictly to Trust law. If it does not, any Beneficiary of the Charitable Trust can immediately apply to the Court to initiate an action in Breach of Trust.
What are the objectives of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST ‘Charity’ shops?
The landlord, NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST owns 19,000+ properties [worth over 4 BILLION (£4,000,000,000) + pounds in the prime locations across London - which are legally owned by the Beneficiaries of the Charitable Trust.
YES, but who are all those Beneficiaries of the Charitable Trust to whom we refer?
They are the 50,000 [fifty thousand] tenants of ‘the flagship’ Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) referred to by the management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST as only mere ‘CUSTOMERS’ – no more. It sounds as if the management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST are referring to some kind of 50,000 [fifty thousand] illiterate, inarticulate ‘VEGETABLES’ who are wholly unaware of their immediate surroundings and who do not have any kind of brain, as if they are those who will never ever take effective action against the management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST regarding the severe UNLAWFUL disrepair of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST properties and/or the confrontational, hostile, aggressive attitude of intimidation and harassment that is demonstrated regularly by the management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST to the good tenants that raise legitimate complaints to the senior management.
The only solution is the LEGAL solution - the COURTS.
NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST treat the tenants as: i) ‘VEGETABLES’, and to anyone who complains in writing, ii) Place a ‘PLANT’ next to the ‘VEGETABLE’. [The Psychological War carried out by Proxy/Others!]
If a good reasonable tenant raises legitimate complaints in writing, immediately, 2 (two) courses of action are initiated by the management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST:
i) Place the good tenant DELIBERATELY in PURPORTED RENT ARREARS [thank you local authority for your co-operation, do the local authority not deliberately INHIBIT or STOP the Housing Benefit for NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST good respectable tenants?
As we all know, NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST are on first name terms with the Housing Department of the Local Authority and are they also not members of the same political party who support each other?
NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST supply the properties from their vastly expanding housing stock from unaccountable taxpayers money from the ODPM which washes through the unaccountable HOUSING CORPORATION; whilst the housing authority of the local authority has the legal duty to house the various housing priority ‘cases’ and the local authority rely on NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST to provide the properties.
Does not the local authority feel obligated to comply with the requests of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST to deliberately inhibit or stop a tenant’s Housing Benefit?
Yes – NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST manage people or ‘customers’ not houses!]; ii) place a ‘TENANT FROM HELL’ [a ‘PLANT’ placed next door to a good tenant.] [Is this not where ‘the CYRENIANS’ comes in particularly useful? – there is a contract that was entered into between ‘the CYRENIANS’ and NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST for a considerable sum of money whereby the Charity called ‘THE CYRENIANS’ needs to house people with severe psychological problems, often with severe drug and anti–social tendencies, to place prospective tenants which are placed at the discretion of the management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST – ideally, as far as the management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST are concerned, to place unlawfully such tenants next door to the tenant who has raised legitimate complaints in writing? and iii) place the tenant in administrative isolation – then besiege the good tenant with local government and central government imperatives.
Do this – or else!
This is where the astronomically expensive specifically designed NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST computer comes in useful!
This is where the Patrol Officers come in useful.
This is where the Tenant Officers come in useful.
All EVIL tactics done deliberately to intimidate and harass good tenants.
It never fails to amaze the wicked tactics NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST can employ!
In the meantime, the management deliberately and UNLAWFULLY switch off the lights in the common parts of so many NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST properties of vulnerable tenants!
These are the actions of CRIMINALS.
Take the right LEGAL steps.
Who are ‘THE GHOSTS’?
One NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST tenant living in what was, until 4th May 2006, the ‘flagship’ Borough, the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham (since 1968 – 38 years) was very recently unlawfully denied his vote. He was informed by specific individuals in authority that he did not live in a particular building. This was a deliberate lie. This was a deliberate deceit.
Yet specific individuals who are employees of the local authority of the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham knowingly and unlawfully placed 4 (four) ‘GHOSTS’ in an empty flat which they knew was empty and the flat has only ever housed one adult, and under the postal vote, allowed four votes to be registered and recorded for that particular tiny flat. The London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham when informed of the reality and of the full facts, acted with surprising intransigence, inertia, complacency and hostility in not being prepared to remove ‘THE GHOSTS’. [Is it true that there is an identification number on the polling card so is it not possible for those in a position of authority to check how an individual voted? Is it still the case that Labour Party membership is an implied term of the employment contract for those employees employed within the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham – and the only way for ensuring promotion for the senior officers of ‘the flagship’ Borough?]
If the tenant does not begin as a ‘VEGETABLE’, after careful initial screening by NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST – the Tenant Questionnaire – then NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST place ‘PLANTS’ with psychological problems next to the carefully targeted tenant. Yes, NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST house ‘VEGETABLES’ and ‘PLANTS’ in their properties – where all private landlords house REAL people with REAL feelings and REAL emotions. Indeed, if a good respectable tenant does not start as INCAPACITATED and VULNERABLE – the research department of social policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) together with the Office of Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) and NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST know how to incapacitate a good respectable tenant to the level of a passive ‘VEGETABLE’. Then they house ‘PLANTS’ and thereafter they seem intent to be determined to house ‘GHOSTS’.
[LSE is the college of London University from where Cherie Booth/Cherie Blair undertook her LLB law degree (before she undertook her Bar exams at Lincoln’s Inn as did TONY BLAIR). She met DERRY IRVINE (the part-time law lecturer) at LSE – who later put her and TONY BLAIR together [as pupils in his law chambers]. In 1994 on the Leader of the LABOUR PARTY, the Barrister, John Smith’s death, DERRY IRVINE arranged, through PETER MANDELSON, for TONY BLAIR to be the leader of the ELECTIVE DICTATORSHIP, whom DERRY IRVINE [as Shadow Lord Chancellor, the latter day Cardinal Wolsey to the autocrat dictator, Henry VIII] believed he could control. Now MICHAEL LEVY (11/7/44) of Chase House, Nan Clarks Lane, at Mill Hill, London NW7 4HH believes the same.
Did he not inveigle himself into the very heart of ‘THE LABOUR PROJECT’?
Did he not inveigle himself into the very heart of ‘TONY BLAIR’?
Did he not inveigle himself into the very heart of ‘CHERIE BOOTH/BLAIR’?
Did he not inveigle himself into the very heart of ‘CHEQUERS – AND ITS TENNIS COURT’?
Did he not inveigle himself into the very heart of the ‘LABOUR PARTY TREASURY - DONATIONS or is it quasi ‘LOANS’ (with no intermediaries – TONY blackmailed?)?
So very easy for a good political party to be TOTALLY CORRUPTED?
TONY BLAIR nominated MICHAEL LEVY as Envoy in the Middle East (appointed on 14/5/2004).
Yet, is there not a slight question of a Conflict of Interest for him to be nominated as a British Envoy in the Middle East?
Does he have NO training in diplomacy?
Would he be accepted by both parties in the Middle East to broker a dispute, to be seen as Impartial?
Is there not also a question concerning ACCOUNTABILITY?
…and a question of TRANSPARENCY?
Who, after all, is the Official Treasurer of the LABOUR PARTY?
JACK DROMEY (21/9/1948) sits on the NATIONAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (NEC) of the LABOUR PARTY as (Official Labour Party) TREASURER – the husband of HARRIET HARMAN MP (20/7/1950) of 1 Winterbrook Road, London SE24 9HZ who is a LABOUR PARTY Minister in the Department of Constitutional Affairs (DCA) responsible for Elections and ‘Crown’ (the Illusion/Perception/not the Reality) matters (“How ironic ‘Harry’, seeing as you worked in Brent Law Centre as a solicitor and knowing so well your staunchly Republican views? We even spoke about them, in private…”) ‘under’ CHARLES LESLIE FALCONER (19/11/1951) of 34 Alwyne Road, London N1 2HW from Fountain Court Chambers (TONY BLAIR’s ex flat mate) OR is the REAL Treasurer the UNOFFICIAL TREASURER (the qualified accountant – M&G Records etc.) MICHAEL ABRAHAM LEVY (who has direct access to the PRIME MINISTER with no intermediaries) – Mr LABOUR PARTY LORD ‘CASH-POINT’?]
WHY target VULNERABLE tenants?
To target vulnerable tenants is the most deliberate and evil scheme that any person or entity could activate in order to socially engineer an incapacitated vulnerable class which suffers daily STRESS, ANXIETY and ADVERSE HEALTH.
The LABOUR (PARTY) Government SOCIAL EXCLUSION DEPARTMENT maintains very close contact with NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST, the LSE and the ODPM Research Department.
SOCIAL EXCLUSION – this is no Freudian slip – this is DELIBERATE.
This is WICKED!
This is VILE!
This is EVIL!
This was no mistake.
This coming week more vulnerable NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST tenants will be deliberately targeted by the EVIL EMPIRE.
The management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST waft off in a drunken or is it a smoked insensibility laughing to their exclusive wine bars in Hammersmith!
The more the Evil from NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST – the more ‘THE (GOOD) HIDDEN HAND’ will knock out the Evil of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST.
If the EVIL is increased, this WILL result in the END of the Evil Empire.
Is this WISE?
BUT we will react – to the EVIL that attacks us.
We know who YOU ARE.
We know where YOU LIVE.
We know you are CORRUPT.
We know you DECEIVE.
We know you are out to SUBVERT DEMOCRACY.
We know you are out to SUBVERT the LAW!
So, the legal Beneficiaries of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST are known by the management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST simply as mere ‘Customers’.
These so-called ‘Customers’ are not receiving ‘a service’ but are the unconditional and lawful inheritors of the Wills of the many testators and the Beneficiaries of substantial government largesse.
The pretext as an aim of the NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST Charity is for “Key Workers”.
Why would “Key Workers” be the recipients or the cause of a Charitable Trust? Surely that does not fall within the scope of the 4 (four) classic heads of what does constitute a Charity. [The four heads of Charity being: i) Relief of Poverty, ii) Advancement of Education, iii) Advancement of Religion, iv) Other Purposes Beneficial to the Community, not falling under the other heads.]
The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM) has paid some 24 BILLION [£24,000,000,000] of unaccountable taxpayers money through the unaccountable HOUSING CORPORATION which falls under the responsibility of the Right (Dis)Honourable JOHN PRESCOTT, and such taxpayers money is then paid into REGISTERED SOCIAL LANDLORDS (RSLs) otherwise known as HOUSING ASSOCIATIONS (HAs).
are given their quality rating by the unaccountable and non-transparent entity called the AUDIT COMMISSION which also falls under the responsibility of the Office of Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM). The responsibility of the Right (Dis)Honourable John Prescott.
The Department (ODPM) is described in independent authoritative reports as ‘dysfunctional’ and in a way that its management is ‘incompetent, and inefficient’ and acting like a ‘pantomime horse’, with a total ‘lack of accountability and waste.’
In order to facilitate the provision of housing for non indigenous citizens who in their gratitude [MAY] vote for the LABOUR PARTY.
But what of the Indigenous citizens?
BLAIR, PRESCOTT, KELLY, SAWYER, SOLEY, RAYNSFORD, LEVY, POWELL (Jonathan, brother of Charles – and Dame Sally Ann (Vickers) Powell (2/10/1955) – ex Cabinet member of Regeneration on the Council of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham of 30 Coverdale Road, W12 8JL one of only 2 LABOUR PARTY Councillors on the National Executive Committee (NEC), wife of Iain Coleman the ex LABOUR PARTY MP for Hammersmith and Fulham), SLAUGHTER, LEMOS, DAVIES, appear to care not a Jot!
The Dysfunctional Dictator appears to care not one Iota.
Has George Orwell’s (‘Eric Blair’) ‘1984’ arrived – the imagined date of the elective (evil) dictator (B.LIAR)?
‘The flagship’ Registered Social Landlord/Housing Association is NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST.
The records of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST [‘the flagship’ Registered Social Landlord (RSL) in this country] [a bastion and citadel that favours LABOUR PARTY policy] speak volumes, as do the records of ‘the flagship’ Borough in this country. The London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham that has doggedly supported the LABOUR PARTY [whatever the politics of central government and its OFFICERS continue today to doggedly pursue LABOUR PARTY policy]
Thursday, 4 May 2006 was a turning point across the country – LOCAL ELECTION TIME!
Did they not all support the LABOUR PARTY?
The LABOUR PARTY showed, by their actions, that they hated ALL indigenous tenants.
The evidence indicates clearly that the LABOUR PARTY despise indigenous tenants.
The LABOUR PARTY despise patriotism. They try to call it “RACISM”.
The LABOUR PARTY wanted to destroy good respectable tenants who are British.
The work of the discredited GERARD LEMOS – ex Chairman of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST – revolved around social engineering - using NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST tenants.
Similarly, the senior OFFICERS of the London Borough of HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM did they not also all support the LABOUR PARTY? The Implied Term of the Employment Contract?
Can the London Borough of HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM not unlawfully INHIBIT or stop the Housing Benefit of tenants of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST when they want to, to the assent of their LABOUR PARTY friends at NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST, just as a tap of water is turned on so it can be turned off? The only difference is that ‘the water’ is not water but ‘Housing Benefit’, to pay rent for NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST flats. Both the London Borough of HAMMERSMITH AND FULHAM and NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST are inter-connected.
NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST can decide the Rent levels - £40 per week or £400 per week for the same studio/bedsit flat?
‘RENT RE-STRUCTURING’ has been imposed on NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST [if it wants to implement it - in its discretion] by the LABOUR PARTY which is a scam to massively increase rents to market rents to hit Council tenants and Registered Social Landlord (RSL)/Housing Association (HA) tenants.
Is he not TONY BLAIR’s ex flat mate who lives in his own private home and his ex flat mate was TONY BLAIR who nominated him as LABOUR PARTY LORD CHANCELLOR – to place him in charge of all laws, all courts, all judges (their appointment, promotion and dismissal), all magistrates (their appointment and dismissal), all law officers (their appointment, promotion and dismissal) and all law staff (their appointment, promotion and dismissal) in the UK?
Oh, and he is in charge of the House of Lords as a Parliamentary Chamber (Legislature), the House of Lords as the highest Court of Appeal in the UK (Judiciary) and perhaps the most senior (and sane?) person in the Cabinet (Executive). With control over ALL three arms of Government! [And not forgetting, in charge of CROWN and CONSTITUTIONAL issues and has responsibility to oversee the three (3) British so-called places of lower taxation or ‘tax havens’ where Cherie (and Leo) have been known to enjoy the beach and the hospitality for good measure – all at taxpayers expense (staying ‘in private’ at Government House)? Is it not also a good place to organise some off-shore Banking, Cherie? Particularly in one of the Channel Islands (where no attempts have been made nor will ever be made to socially engineer any of the people – vulnerable or otherwise)? Why not educate TONY about REAL ‘HUMAN RIGHTS’ (before it is too late?)!]
So much for TOTAL control of the Elective Dictatorship.
Similarly, Central Government is closely inter-related with Local Government. Is that not the reason why Jonathan Buchanan was nominated to the Board of Directors/Trustees of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST – the man from the LABOUR Government Intelligence Service [whose duty it is to spy on others – as tenants of the Trust - at the will of the LABOUR Government] was he not ‘planted’ on to the Board of Directors/Trustees as a Director/Trustee?
Is that not why each and every Director/Trustee appointed to the Board of Directors/Trustees of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST has a specific contribution to make in order to oversee the direction of the Evil LABOUR PARTY policies, in order to target good, respectable tenants of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST who have raised legitimate complaints to the management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST.
It is clear why there is no response.
It is clear why various agencies support NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST with enthusiasm!
This is all LABOUR PARTY B.LIARISM at its high water mark!
This is ELECTIVE DICTATORSHIP at its high water mark!
Is this not the way of DYSFUNCTIONAL cowards and bullies in Cabinet and in the NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST Board of Directors/Trustees at its high water mark?
We believe in the rule of LAW.
We believe in DEMOCRACY.
We believe in TRANSPARENCY.
We believe that those who govern as ‘the AGENTS’ of us THE PEOPLE or ‘the PRINCIPALS’ – those ‘AGENTS’ can be removed at OUR WILL – and it SHALL be so!
Recently, on 27 April 2006 the Company Secretary of NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP, acting on the advice of the Board of Directors/Trustees [are they not ‘the Puppets’ of the LABOUR political party?] attempted to seek the removal of legitimate truthful comments of good respectable tenants of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST posted across the Internet [in many world wide jurisdictions beamed in to the UK] in order to suppress the truth in an effort to try to compromise “freedom of speech” in a democratic and accountable society governed by the rule of law.
Ms IBIJOKE OLOLADE ESO (15/3/1970) of 160 Norfolk Crescent, Sidcup, Kent DA15 8HY is the Chartered Secretary to the Board of Directors/Trustees of NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP. She has been the Company Secretary since March 2004.
[The law might be different in Ms IBIJOKE ESO’s country of birth. An elective dictator may rule in her country of birth? She may not know about OUR rule of law? She may not know that “freedom of speech” is uppermost in a democratic and accountable society with transparent government, governed by the rule of law. The administrators in this country are our ‘Servants’ of ‘the People’. Our elected representatives and their cohorts are also our ‘Servants’ of ‘the People’!]
[Our Prime Minister has a LEGAL DUTY to be our ‘Servant’ of ‘the People’!]
Only one other company has Ms IBI(JOKE – a JOKE?) ESO and her husband directed. But that company was obliged to be dissolved after just 3 (three) years.
The husband of Ms IBI(JOKE – a JOKE?) OLOLADE ESO (15/3/1970) is Mr OLADAPO OLADIPO ESO (1/3/1966).
But why would NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP appoint to the Board of Directors/Trustees a Company Secretary that is vastly inexperienced to run an entity with some 19,000 (nineteen thousand)+ properties worth over £4 BILLION [£4,000,000,000+] receiving unlimited unaccountable taxpayers money from the ODPM and its unaccountable entities?
Is it not easier to commit a CIVIL wrong [known as a TORT] or worse, a CRIMINAL WRONG [a CRIME] and the entity that commits or the entities that commit such a wrong is deemed to be a CRIMINAL [or CRIMINALS], by employing an inexperienced Company Secretary whose only claim to fame is to direct their own [husband and wife] company that has ended up in dissolution?
Is it reasonable for the major ‘flagship’ Registered Social Landlord (RSL) in the UK to employ a massively INEXPERIENCED senior officer as COMPANY SECRETARY to run and to delegate the affairs of such a major entity to others?
What about the issues of Corporate Accountability?
What about the issues of Trust Accountability?
What about the issues of Transparency?
What about the issues of Consultation?
What about the issues of Good Communication?
What about the issues of Good Governance?
The evidence indicates NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST is a vehicle for:
i) Fraud,
ii) Deceit,
iii) Criminal activities,
iv) Unaccountability,
v) Non-Transparency,
vi) Third Class Management,
vii) The Perpetrator of Intimation and Harassment, and
viii) The Perpetrator of Major Breaches of Trust?
Is that why NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST is hurriedly trying to re-brand the unaccountable entity?
Why no consultation?
NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP can not avoid legal liability for its many breaches of Trust.
The Company Secretary appears to come not from Europe but from foreign parts – in line with LABOUR PARTY dogma – to try to divide the British people and for an ELECTIVE DICTATORSHIP to take control and to DICTATE?
Was this a wise course of action [for purely political individuals to impose political dogma in breach of Trust]?
Yet, there appear to be very good reasons for such a perverse policy which has nothing to do with good, accountable, transparent, governance, involving the pursuance of upholding LEGAL DUTIES of the vulnerable Beneficiaries. i.e. the 50,000 (fifty thousand) good, respectable tenants.
All the evidence - documentary, oral and real - suggests other reasons:
Is it the case that NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP is nothing but a political sham – to gerrymander political constituencies for the next general election? All the evidence suggests that is the reality, as the perception is given by the so-called “Charity Shopper” who appears to be none other than a member of management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP? Otherwise, why would a person [“Charity Shopper”] incite the breaking of the law on the spurious ground of: “some picky reason that doesn’t really matter that much”?
This makes sense why so many NOTTING HILL HOUSING GROUP tenants are living in unlawful conditions and why they have to obtain Injunctions with a power of arrest, against NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST management, and even a power to arrest the Chief Executive of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST, Ms KATE DAVIES.
No, “Charity Shopper”, upholding the law really does matter! As does, amongst other things, upholding trading standards, as does not trading with broken steps to trip up potential customers, as does breaking Tort law, as does breaking Contract law, as does breaking Consumer Protection and Fair Trading law, as does breaking Housing law, as does breaking Criminal law, as does breaking Charity law, as does breaking the very strict law of Trusts.
Try saying that to any NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST tenant that upholding the law does not really matter, as NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST [‘the flagship’ Registered Social Landlord (RSL) in this country - with over £400 MILLION (£400,000,000+) of assets in cash lying dormant in reserve – why? - and the majority of the properties of the Trust are in a disgusting and UNLAWFUL condition not fit for human habitation, many properties are damp to the core and infested with vermin and UNLAWFULLY not fit to live in, with lights DELIBERATELY extinguished in the common parts of many of the NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST properties.
This fact is supported with overwhelming documentary evidence and witness statements from furious complaining tenants who are Beneficiaries of a Charitable Trust that have been languishing in limbo. Too many tenants have made legitimate complaints to the senior management of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST and those incompetent and third rate senior management who act unlawfully to good respectable tenants do not even respond with an acknowledgement letter, whilst the poor tenants suffer and fester in slum properties of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST that are unlawfully, yes, UNLAWFULLY in disrepair – the evidence is out there to be seen]. Stress, anxiety, and bad health of the good tenants deteriorate whilst the Personal Injury claim of the good respectable tenant increases in severity.
The next time a tenant - of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST - is KILLED by a defective NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST heater after numerous complaints to the senior management - the response – nothing – remember, such deaths have happened before. This indicates a complicit senior management who act UNLAWFULLY. Therefore, think very carefully “Charity Shopper” or you too will be supporting and even inciting the growth of the new [Peter] RACHMAN or slum landlord [from NOTTING HILL] – who eventually ended up in front of the civil courts and the criminal courts [and he was sent down with a long custodial sentence - his name has become a byword for slums, lies and deception – not unlike the usual methods of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST]!
Take note, LABOUR PARTY DICTATORS THAT ARE THE ELECTIVE DICTATORSHIP in the UK. The LABOUR PARTY DICTATIRS have been working on social engineering, as GERARD LEMOS [the ex Chairman of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST] who was assisted by the research undertaken by the LSE, which appears to go hand in hand with that conducted by the ex LABOUR PARTY Councillor of HAMMERSMITH & FULHAM COUNCIL and later LABOUR PARTY Housing Minister NIC RAYNSFORD who has undertaken research on these issues, as has the ODPM. They know that the evidence is a MAJOR SCANDAL – it would discredit a banana (ELECTIVE) DICTATORSHIP (even the fourth richest country in the world)!
NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST has become a byword for living in a slum supported by confrontational landlords who do not care to consult nor communicate as reasonable landlords.
The attempt to enslave us all under the elective dictatorship of the deeply flawed COMMUNIST inspired ideology of LABOUR LORD, TOM SAWYER, PETER REDMAN, GERARD LEMOS, KATE DAVIES, NIC RAYNSFORD and their cohorts, as epitomised and underpinned by the blood RED flag and blood RED livery that abounds in, on and around ‘the flagship’ London Borough of HAMMERSMITH & FULHAM which these past 38 [thirty eight] years [from 1968] has trampled over all our hard won freedoms, liberties and rights, destroyed by every hard left thinking LABOUR government, which was enthusiastically endorsed by ‘the flagship’ London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham.
NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST was always carrying out Central Government diktat or more correctly the diktat regulated from GROVE HOUSE, 27 HAMMERSMITH GROVE, LONDON W6 OLJ, the REAL ‘SECRET’ Government entity, tucked discreetly away in the very heart of leafy Hammersmith [how DEVIOUSLY CLEVER]!
It appears that NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST is totally immune from prosecution?
Why was there no prosecution by the DPP when the 45+ exclusive properties of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST that were held in Trust as part of the housing stock that were earmarked for vulnerable tenants were misappropriated and no prosecution was ever launched by the DPP for FRAUD?
Who is the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) – head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) – the person responsible for determining which individual or entity to prosecute in this country [by the two basic tests:
i) the Evidential Test, and
ii) the Public Interest Test]?
Was KEN MACDONALD not the senior tenant of Matrix Chambers in Gray’s Inn, a very good friend of Cherie Booth/Cherie Blair?
Did not CHERIE BOOTH a.k.a. CHERIE BLAIR, recommend KEN MACDONALD to TONY B.LIAR as DPP? [Does not pillow talk work wonders?]
Just look at the composition of the Board of Directors/Trustees of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST.
There lies the clear evidence.
Ask again, what exactly is a Ms IBI(JOKE – a JOKE?) ISO (15/3/1970) of 160 Norfolk Crescent, Sidcup, Kent DA15 8HY doing advising the Board of Directors/Trustees of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST as Company Secretary?
On Thursday 4 May 2006, the blood RED flag and all it stands for FELL over the Town Halls of: i) Hammersmith, and ii) Fulham, in the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham – ‘the flagship’ Borough in the UK.
Is it not an implied term of the contract of employment of all employees of the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham that all prospective employees of the London Borough are members of one extremely (symbolically RED) leaning political party?
Yet, make no mistake, we the tenants of NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST are not stupid.
We do not want a hard LEFT wing government.
We do not want a hard RIGHT wing government.
We the vulnerable tenants want a BALANCE!
We want the door OPEN!
We want complete CONSULTATION.
Otherwise LABOUR – without the SUPPORT of vulnerable tenants - is consigned to the WILDERNESS!!!
As from Thursday 4 May 2006, ‘the flagship’ London Borough of the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham is comprised of 33 CONSERVATIVE Councillors and 13 LABOUR Councillors.
The Labour Party has been rocked to its core. The ‘flagship’ Borough has FALLEN!
Worse, far worse than LABOUR PARTY LORD, TOM SAWYER predicted!
Worse, far worse than LABOUR PARTY LORD, NEIL KINNOCK predicted!
Worse, far worse than LABOUR PARTY LORD, CLIVE SOLEY predicted!
Worse, far worse than LABOUR PARTY LORD, MICHAEL LEVY predicted!
Worse, far worse than LABOUR PARTY MEMBER, NIC RAYNSFORD predicted!
Worse, far worse than LABOUR PARTY MEMBER, TONY BLAIR predicted!
[There is ONE missing… the ‘4’ + the ‘3’!]
Worse, far worse than LABOUR PARTY MEMBERS ALL thought.
Yet – all of them – were warned by ‘THE HIDDEN HAND’.
Just as ‘THE HIDDEN HAND’ prophesied that TOM SAWYER would be discredited.
Just as ‘THE HIDDEN HAND’ prophesied that GERARD LEMOS would be discredited – so he was! He ran off to the People’s Republic of China with his ‘Little Red (COMMUNIST) Book’.
Just as ‘THE HIDDEN HAND’ prophesied that the flawed DYSFUNCTIONAL ex COMMUNIST CHARLES CLARKE and PATRICIA HEWITT would have to go – ‘BLACK WEDNESDAY’ proved ‘THE HIDDEN HAND’ right!
‘THE HIDDEN HAND’ prophesied ‘the FLAGSHIP’ London Borough would FALL – it DID!
BUT the stupid fools at NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST would not LISTEN or ACT to SUPPORT vulnerable tenants or ‘THE HIDDEN HAND’.
DISRESPECT vulnerable tenants and ‘THE HIDDEN HAND’ at your PERIL.
Vulnerable tenants and ‘THE HIDDEN HAND’ can SUPPORT any POLITICAL PARTY.
Vulnerable tenants and ‘THE HIDDEN HAND’ SUPPORTS VULNERABLE tenants.
IT LEADS…! Do you remember those words - KD? They will come back to haunt you for EVER!
If NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST unreasonably PLAYS with the lives of VULNERABLE tenants and treats VULNERABLE lives as mere ‘VEGETABLES’ – to try to DESTROY – ‘THE HIDDEN HAND’ will employ its powerful two-edged sword…
‘THE HIDDEN HAND’ never threatens.