Sarah Baxter, Washington Hala Jaber and Ali Rifat, Baghdad
One portrays an Iraqi mother and young child, kneeling on the floor, as if in prayer. They have been shot dead at close range.
Analysis: Marine scandal could roil Iraq
Today's Newswire
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No, the Iraq survivors and witnesses at the scene REVEALED the massacre
28.05.2006 19:25
Photographs and witness statements from the 'brown folk' there at the immediate aftermath, combined with the early presence of journalists who recorded such evidence, PROVED that Blair, and those working for him, had just added another bunch of children to the list of kids tortured, raped, and butchered by Blair for the crime of being muslim.
The SICK LIE that the US military has any interest in exposing its CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY needs to stop, and STOP NOW.
All that has happened in this case, exactly like My Lai, is that the US finds itself painted into a corner, but doesn't fret one Iota, because it knows that idiots will run with the 'US military is willing to expose its own' psyop, allowing them to actually propagandise themselves as FAIR and REASONABLE will ensuring that those responsible for the MASS MURDER OF THE CHILDREN serve no more than a few years in MILITARY (important this, for there will be NO civil trial) prison before being pardoned.
Why is it that some of those that declare themselves anti-war, constantly work to promote US military SPIN. The most useful truth from this story is that the version of events that flow from Iraq resistance and civilians is 99.99% likely to be the true version, when it clashes with version that Blair has the BBC, ITN, Reuters, etc, etc push.
EVERY US and UK military action in Iraq has followed the same pattern as events in Haditha. Attempted witnesses to Blair's CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY are informed that they should play close attention to the dozens of Iraqis discovered each day dead from the most dreadful torture. Blair has created a state of terror in Iraq unseen even during the darkest days of nazi occupations. The smirking so-called Iraqis that you see on Channel 4 news etc are either agents of Iran, or actually Iranians, with bank-accounts stuffed to over-flowing by Blair.
Want to know how confident Blair feels? An Iraqi woman doctor complained about Blair's people stealing her possessions when they raided her house. The next day, Blair had her shipped off to a RAPE CAMP for daring to open her mouth. This case was unusual, since it was reported by the major news-wires.
So, who is it that pushes the meme 'ignore the brown folk that live there and ONLY listen to official white reporters/investigators' ? Who is it that tells you a story is only worth listening to if it gets reported on Channel 4 News?
Please remember that the early reports of massacres that leak out of Iraq and Afghanistan are 99.99% accurate against time, and if anything understate the total of people effected. If you are getting your knowledge of Blair's crimes solely from the Mass Media, or Indymedia UK, you should be thoroughly ashamed of yourself. Blair can place 'gatekeepers' to choke the reporting and comment that flows in the usual places, but cannot do this across the whole of the Internet. However, wherever you travel on the Net, look for the meme 'you can't believe it until a white person confirms it' which is a dead giveaway that a site may not be all that it seems.
ONCE AGAIN- BLAIR HAS MURDERED MORE CHILDREN THAN EVERY CIVIL-COURT CONVICTED CHILD-KILLER ACROSS THE WHOLE OF HUMAN HISTORY. Now it is true, the same can be said about a large number of other war time butchers. But think on this fact. You all claim the laws of Man are important. You all claim that child killers are scum. But when YOUR leader has killed more kids than the total of everyone ever tried and convicted for this offense in this country, and all others, what does that say?
Does Blair EVER have to face a blood-thirsty mob baying for his blood, as do people accused of only killing one kid? Blair can smirkingly walk into our schools, for god's sake, without even the parents objecting.
And better. AND BETTER. Blair is on the very verge of activating a GENOCIDAL ATTACK AGAINST IRAN that will be one thousand times worse than anything yet seen in Iraq. Of course, to get away with this, he needs to inform you all of all the GOOD soldiers and all the GOOD policemen who dissapprove of the 'nasty' things some of their 'naughty' colleagues have been doing.
The point about My Lai was that this form of behaviour was universal across Vietnam (and, just as with Haditha, the majority of the victims of sexual torture, mutilation, and execution by US soldiers were unarmed women and children). However, the story of My Lai was used to state that the ONLY reason My Lai was reported was because the massacre was unique, and when such a bad thing happens, there are always 'good' US soldiers who will 'tell'.
The methods and mechanisms of 'military intelligence' may not be common knowledge, but like any other field of Human understanding, they can be researched and understood. Haditha is getting the My Lai treatment, and that treatment is to the massive benefit of the US army machine, and of ZERO benefit to the victims, or future victims of US army WAR CRIMES.
One last point. The US government insisted that Libya paid tens of millions for each victim of Lockerbie. A value has thus been set for the loss of a Human life. Tell me, what excuse do any of you here give to Blair and the US, when nations VASTLY richer than Libya offer tens of thousands in compensation. When was the last time that any supposed anti-racists here, apart from myself, pointed out this fundamental and undeniable racist principle at the heart of Blair's machine?
Posts from BNP supporters are erased from Indymedia UK immediately. The BNP of course, racist loonies that they are, have officially murdered no-one. Indymedia UK PROUDLY allows AND encourages posts from Blair supporters. Whereas the BNP is mostly racist in theory, Blair's Labour Party is racist in FACT, and thus contravenes every rule that the gatekeepers of Indymedia UK claim to follow.
Indeed, any political party that does not demand that Iraq victims of Blair's war crimes are compensated at the SAME level as the 'victims' of Lockerbie should face the SAME treatment as that given to BNP posts.
In the US, 'lynch law' ruled for near 100 years. This was NOT because it was legal for a mob to hang (if they were lucky, it was often torture,and being burnt to death) a 'black' man (or women or child). No, 'lynch law' ruled until the consequence and penalty for murdering a 'black' person was adjusted to somewhat match the same as for a 'white' person.