Did you wonder who was behind this publication?
STOP THE BNP is the slogan reproduced on the front page of SEARCHLIGHT.
Is this what you pay your union dues for ?
It is also the slogan on a promotional vehicle financed by the Trade Unions and has been pictured with Labour Party representatives including Cllr Caddy and Kitty Ussher MP
Jason Hunter is a full time Trade Union activist in Burnley and he is also a regular contributor of articles to the SEARCHLIGHT website. His anti BNP writings can also be found on the letters page of the Burnley Express.
Jason Hunter is one of the people who pushed your copy of Searchlight through your letter box.
Mike Nelson, The election agent for The Labour Party in Burnley at the last local election count handed out Searchlight/ANL Leaflets and waved them only in front of woman members of the BNP. Mike Nelson was also photographed delivering Searchlight.
In the past the street thugs of the ANL were used to distribute this paper.
Peter Thorne is the UNISON representative for the staff of Burnley Town Hall, he also is active in distributing copies of SEARCHLIGHT. He has also used the Town Hall phone number for Searchlights Personal gain.
On Election Day our votes will be counted by members of the Town Hall staff.
Many of these members of staff will also be members of UNISON.
With postal voting and the Ballot Boxes being retained overnight in the Town Hall before counting begins on the following day can we all be confident that democracy will prevail?
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is this a troll?
13.05.2006 12:56