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2nd Renaissance -31

Lothar | 12.05.2006 09:36 | Analysis | Culture | London | World

The dissemination of information about the end of the 20th century scientific Dark Age and the advent of wondrous new spike technologies is something we can all do. It is not yet illegal to write or talk about such matters. In order to help raise general awareness of already existing opportunities to end economic scarcity it is necessary to first discover and absorb information that is never presented by the OWO controlled media. Then it is time to spread those alternate perspectives of science and technology at the interpersonal level.

Alternate perspectives of science
Alternate perspectives of science

Quantum Dots and Programmable Atoms [236]
Wil McCarthy is an engineer and also a science columnist and author, dealing with both science fiction and science fact. While he was Chief Technology Officer for Galileo Shipyards, an aerospace research company, McCarthy wrote a book titled Hacking Matter - Levitating Chairs, Quantum Miracles, and the Infinite Wierdness of Programmable Atoms. It is very relevant to the development of spike technologies, particularly those that seek to create new forms of matter.

Wil McCarthy explains that quantum dots are cheaply produced silicon 'traps' that confine electrons in all three dimensions, so that they cease behaving as particles and, instead, behave as standing waves. In this form, trapped within a nanoscale silicon dot on a base substrate, the electrons behave much as they do within atoms. The following excerpts from Wil McCarthy's book should help the reader to understand the nature of a quantum dot.

* "Unable to flow, unable to move as particles of even hold a well defined position, the trapped electrons must instead behave as de Broglie standing waves, or probability density functions, or strangely shaped clouds of diffuse electric charge. 'Strangely shaped' because, even as waves, the negatively charged electrons will repel each other and attempt to get as far apart as their energies and geometries permit.

If this sounds familiar, it's because there's another, more ordinary place where electrons behave this way: in atoms. Electrons, which are part of an atom, will arrange themselves into 'orbitals,' which constrain and define their positions around the positively charged nucleus. These orbitals, and the electrons that partially or completely fill them, are what determine the physical and chemical properties of an atom - that is, how it is affected by electric and magnetic fields, and also what other sorts of atom it can react with, and how strongly.

This point bears repeating; the electrons trapped in a quantum dot will arrange themselves as though they were part of an atom, even though there's no atomic nucleus for them to surround. Which atom they resemble depends on the number of excess electrons trapped inside the dot. Amazing, right? ..."

* "... quantum dots needn't be formed by etching blocks out of a quantum well. Instead, the electrons can be confined electrostatically, by electrodes whose voltage can be varied on demand, like a miniature electric fence or corral. In fact, this is the preferred method, since it permits the dots' characteristics to be adjusted without any physical modification to the underlying material. We can pump electrons in and out simply by varying the voltage on the fence."

* "... Since an atom's chemical properties are determined by its electrons, these are all you need to create, in chemical terms, an artificial atom. One electron gets you hydrogen, two gets you helium, and so on. Each dot has its own unique periodic table, though; the size and shape and composition of the device have a huge effect on how its electrons interact. We can easily call up an artificial, six-electron 'carbon atom' on the chip, but its structure may not resemble that of a natural carbon atom.
For example, most quantum dots today are very nearly two-dimensional - the electrostatic 'corral being much larger than the thickness of the quantum well beneath it. This leads to 'pancake elements,' with a two-dimensional orbital structure that is much simpler than the three-dimensional one of natural atoms. This in turn leads to a more simplistic periodic table, with elements whimsically named for team members at Delft University and Nippon Telephone and Telegraph."

* "Pump in seventy nine electrons and what you get is not gold but some related and decidedly improbable material: pseudogold-silicate or pseudogold-cadmium-selenide. And if you force three more electrons into the trap, you can swap atoms of pseudolead for atoms of pseudogold. Alchemist Roger Bacon, in his monkish, thirteenth-century dreams, could scarcely have asked for more."

* "This is not a science-fictional device but a routine piece of experimental hardware, in daily use in laboratories throughout the world. It was first patented in 1999, by Toshiro Futatsugi of Japan's Fujitsu Corporation, although the technology itself had been under investigation for nearly a decade prior to that. ..."

* "Because it can be adjusted to resemble any atom on the periodic table, this type of nanostructure is called an 'artificial atom' - a term coined by Kastner [of MIT] in 1993 and subsequently taken up widely throughout the semiconductor industry. Other terminology reflects the preconceptions of different branches of research: microelectronics folks may refer to a 'single-electron transistor' or 'controlled potential barrier', whereas quantum physicists may speak of a 'Coulomb island' or 'zero-dimensional electron gas' and chemists may speak of a 'colloidal nanoparticle' or 'semiconductor nanocrystal'. All of these terms are, at various times, used interchangeably with 'quantum dot', and they refer more or less to the same thing: a trap that confines electrons in all three dimensions.

... I will use 'artificial atom' to refer to the pattern of confined electrons (or other charged particles, as we'll see later on) and 'quantum dot' to refer to the physical structure or device that generates this pattern. The distinction is subtle, but clarifying - analogous to the difference between a movie theatre and the movie it's currently showing."

Do you see the similarity between this last explanation and the earlier analogy by Leonard G. Cramp, where he likens an atom to the pattern of ripples formed by a stick in a stream of flowing water? The background device, or quantum dot, is similar to the stream and the stick, while the artificial atom is akin to the pattern of ripples. By changing the voltages that confine electrons in an electrostatic corral more or less of these particles/waves can be admitted or ejected from the artificial atom. The voltages in the wire operate much as the stick does when it is moved. and the pattern of ripples - the artificial atom - is changed.

The adjacent diagram shows that an artificial atom is presently much larger than normal atoms. In the illustration the small spheres are true atoms while the large sphere represents a single quantum dot that can be set to behave as an artificial atom.

At first, artificial atoms seem to have serious limitations because they are always attached to a substrate, and are unable to float free like natural atoms. The characteristics of whole surfaces, such as walls and windows, might be changed if they were coated with artificial atoms or molecules. But once a surface was, say, switched from the properties of lead to those of gold, it would not be possible to peel off the latter metal, melt it down and cast it into ingots.

The atoms would be artificial, not real. A wall, a window, or some other object, could be made to look and behave as if it had a coating of gold, but it would be an effect produced with quantum dots, rather than a real coating of atoms of gold. Nevertheless, surfaces coated with artificial atoms would have many uses in a Level 4 Civilization.

Fabricating Matter Using Artificial Atoms [237]
Quantum dots are likely to be very useful as individual units. They are, for example, already used in medical research and microbiology to study living systems. Quantum Dot Corporation has specialised in this type of nanotechnology since 1998 and now supplies nanocrystals (Qdot branded) to its many customers worldwide. In 2003 the prestigious scientific research journal, Science Magazine, named quantum dot bio-imaging technology one of the top ten scientific breakthroughs of the year. The article in Science Magazine referenced work done at Cornell University in which scientists used Qdot nanocrystals to view the blood flow of mice glowing beneath their skin. The resolution of the blood vessels was so high that the researches could see the walls of the arteries ripple with each heart beat - 640 times in each minute.

Wil McCarthy and others believe that, in due course, it will be possible to overcome the limitations of the near two-dimensional nature of artificial atoms and the need to always have a substrate of normal molecules to hold the quantum dots. Here is a little of what McCarthy writes about a solution.

* "... You can't command a diamond coating to appear on the chip, or even a quartz one, because these substances rely on three-dimensional structure for their properties. Fortunately, this limitation also has a rather simple solution: we roll the chip around a long, thin fibre. With P and N and P layers of the quantum well, and the conducting traces on top of them, and memory and insulation layers beneath, this fibre would have a thickness of around 60-80 nanometres (300-400 atoms), meaning we could fit artificial atoms around its circumference and a potentially infinite number along its length.

The artificial atoms are a surface feature of the chip, but by placing them instead on a fibre, we create a material that is mostly surface, equally controllable. And once we have these fibres, we can embed them in bulk materials to serve as programmable dopants. Perhaps more important, we can string them up in a three-dimensional lattice, not unlike the skeleton of a building, or else weave them together like basket wicker. This is a tough nanoassembly job either way, but once it's complete we have artificial atoms bumping right up against one another, able to bond with neighbours on the same fibre or adjacent fibres. Now we can create not only a thin film of goldlike pseudomatter, but a three-dimensional solid with pseudogold dopant atoms on the inside as well. Thus, we can generate a bulk material with the mass of wickered silicone but the physical, chemical and electrical properties of an otherwise-impossible gold/silicon alloy."

* "Chemistry provides another possible avenue. Aided by the ability of some structures and materials to self-assemble at the nanoscale, chemists have proven increasingly adept at producing and manipulating complex designer molecules. Chemists growing 'striped nanowire' structures of metal and semiconductors have already produced working diodes, LEDs, transistors, and crude circuits as small as 1.5 nanometres across. Others have used designer viruses to assemble three-dimensional structures of colloidal quantum dots. Most amazingly, in mid-2002 a team at Harvard and Cornell managed to use the electromagnetism of atoms to create transistors out of single atoms. The wires running into the device are much larger, of course, but Cornell's Paul L. McEuen notes that these atomscale transistors represent the ultimate limit for quantum dot technology: electrically shrinking or growing the swarm of electrons surrounding a single real atom. So while practical nanocircuitry is beyond the reach of today's chemists, their bag of tricks is growing rapidly.

I have confidence in the ingenuity of human beings, especially when there are fortunes to be made, If these nanostructures are as useful as expected, I think it's safe to assume that some means will be found not only to produce them but to mass-produce them for the consumer market. Perhaps we'll see hundreds of nanoassembler arms and electron beam generators packed onto a chip, which can build up layers of wellstone [McCarthy's term for quantum dot fibre] as though they were pizzas and stack them endlessly, one upon the other, to extrude a fibre of arbitrary length. These nano-silkworms might even have the power to crawl along pre-programmed pathways, in a nanoscale spinning and weaving operation that turns the fibres directly into something like wellstone cloth, or large blocks of bulk material. "

The tools for fabricating assemblages of artificial atoms are still being developed but there are no sound reasons to believe that such efforts will not succeed, or that it might take decades to reach the point of practical mass-production of technologies based on quantum dots. The fledgling pseudomatter industry is presently at an equivalent point in its development as the aviation industry was in 1905 - technology has been demonstrated and much is being done to push it to commercial reality, but it will take a little time to reach the same levels of social, commercial and military impacts that aviation has today. While the early pioneers of aviation technology were constantly scaling up from the fragile Wright Flyer of 1903, the pseudomatter inventors of 2004 are constantly scaling down; to achieve practical results in an invisible realm that holds one of the vital keys to manufacturing abundance in the 21st century.

Hints Of What Is Just Ahead [238]
The following few sections are speculative, but based on the informed opinions of scientists and technologists in the field of quantum dot research and development.

In the course of researching his book, Hacking Matter, Wil McCarthy met and interviewed many people who are actively engaged in this fast-growing technology. At one point he notes a comment by Charlie Marcus of Harvard University's Centre for Imaging and Mesoscale structures (CIMS): "Scientists don't necessarily make better futurists than the people down at the donut shop. So much depends on serendipity - the laser came out of microwave research, not a desire by Schawlow and Townes to improve surgery or record players." McCarthy's experience is that many scientists deliberately avoid speculating about where their research might lead. When he talked further with Charlie Marcus he gleaned snippets of information about what research was being done, such as quantum 'spin pumps' and 'spin filters', but no futurist visions of where the technology can go.

Other scientists and technologists are very excited about the potential of what they are working on, but limited by commercial constraints and the competitive nature of development in a taker society. Wil McCarthy describes a conversation with a developer of technology who fits this profile.

* "About the materials-science applications for quantum dots, Quantum dot Corporation's forty-four-year-old Joel Martin - a Ph.D. chemist as well as an MBA venture capitalist - waxes enthusiastic. "I'm actually working on one right now. This nanoscale technology just gives us another degree of control over the properties of matter, of surfaces, that we don't have by other means. That's incredibly useful."

Alas, too much money can shut people up as surely as too little; Martin is a Valley insider who has participated in nine startups, two of them his own. His board of directors is crowded with other venture capitalists, who eat nondisclosure agreements for breakfast and expect a return on their $40 million investment. I don't bother asking what he's working on - if it pans out, we'll know soon enough. But when I ask his opinion on the prospects for programmable matter in the abstract, he has a one word answer: "Absolutely." "

So, McCarthy had to use his own 'headlights' to see the possibilities inherent in the piecemeal informational offerings of scientists and technologists: about where quantum dot technologies are going and what world-changing products they might soon produce. The raw insights and revelations he uses were drawn from direct interviews with researchers working at the leading edge of quantum dots and pseudomatter development. His views of the possibilities are not science fiction, they are based on logical extrapolation of existing science facts.

The Magic of Pseudomatter [239]
Apart from the application of individual quantum dots in biological research and similar fields, there are two categories in which assemblies of these dots will find uses. Quantum dots can be arranged on two-dimensional surfaces or as three-dimensional materials. In the latter case the artificial objects are woven from quantum dot fibres and Wil McCarthy refers to the resultant programmable matter as Wellstone. In the majority of instances quantum dot surfaces and materials exhibit properties which have no direct equivalent in the world of natural matter. Pseudomatter really is different.

McCarthy puts it thus:

* "The real power of quantum dots is not that they can be shiny or transparent or insulative, or whatever else we happen to need at any particular moment. The real power is all the other things they can be asked to do and be on a microsecond's notice:

Transparent or Opaque
Reflective or Absorptive
Electrically Conductive or Electrically Insulative
Thermally Conductive or Thermally Insulative
Magnetic or Nonmagnetic
Flexible or Rigid
Luminous or Nonluminous.

* In theory, a block of truly programmable matter should be able to select any point on any of these axes at any time. Throw in your choice of colour and the result is, to my mind, very interesting indeed. and of course there may be other effects such as magnetoresistivity, photo/thermo/piezo-electricity, superconductivity, and the ability to perform classical and quantum computations."

The point here is that not only can pseudomatter be, say, transparent and flexible; it can be immediately reprogrammed to be something else entirely. We are about to experience highly adaptable and versatile surfaces and objects in our daily lives. They will help us to build a Level 4 Civilization - sooner than most people think.

Some of the applications envisaged for programmable matter presently include:

* Thermochromic surfaces and three-dimensional objects that change colour according to the temperature they are exposed to. There are already plastics and paints that can do this, but none are capable of being quickly reprogrammed to resemble some other form of matter, with quite different properties.

* Perfectly reflective mirrors and genuinely one-way glass, rather than the half-silvered mirrors presently used. Here again, the pseudomatter surfaces involved will be reprogrammable. They might act as mirrors or 'privacy' glass at one instant and as something else the next moment.

* Digital display screens that do not require backlighting, as present LCD types do, nor a vacuum tube and 'gun', as used by the CRT displays of the past. Quantum dot (QD) technology might enable many surfaces to be used as display screens, when the appropriate signals are transmitted from mobile computing devices. The walls of offices and the sides of buildings could become on-demand display surfaces.

There are still technical issues to be solved, such as how to 'wire' QD 'pixels' that could be smaller than the wavelength of visible light. But these challenges should be solved with new tools and growing expertise in scaling technology down to the nano level. Depend on it, video walls are coming to your workplace and streetscapes.

* Programmable magnetoresistive QD materials. Wil McCarthy notes that, due to early research by IBM, sandwiched layers of magnetic and nonmagnetic materials that are less than a millimetre thick, and a million times more sensitive to magnetic fields than ferric-oxide, already exist. This quantum well based technology is in commercial use in the read heads of disk drives, and in dead-reckoning navigation systems that use magnetoresistive compasses. The latter devices have recently begun to replace or supplement GPS receivers in some applications. The advent of programmable (QD) materials in magnetoresistive devices will further revolutionise the electronics industry and find many new applications in robotics and other fields.

One researcher that McCarthy interviewed expects his lab to produce a switchable ferromagnetic material by 2006.

* True moving image holograms. Today's holograms only seem to move because multiple static images are fed into the picture at different angles. QD surfaces, on the other hand, should be capable of sequentially changing the colour and intensity of very fine 'pixels' - on demand and in real time. Wil McCarthy speculates that a wellstone TV might them look less like the moving picture screens of the 20th century, and more like a real window in the wall of your living room, that plays life-like three-dimensional images. Since pseudomatter surfaces will be programmable it will be easy to reposition these 'windows' anywhere on the surface of the wall.

* Materials that are capable of stable levitation. This prospect, at first examination, seems way too imaginative. But McCarthy points out that, provided that superconductivity can be achieved in QD matter at room temperatures, the idea is quite realistic. He conjectures that the Meissner effect, whereby magnetic fields are expelled from substances allowing them to 'float' on thin air, might be induced in QD materials. As McCarthy writes, there is a popular demonstration that comes close to being magical;
"... this effect can be used to levitate a wafer of yttrium-barium-copper oxide: just place it on a permanent magnet and pour some liquid nitrogen over it, and the wafer will float up into the air, supported by the pressure of the magnetic field it is reflecting."

There is nothing far-fetched about levitating matter, people already ride in 'maglev' trains in a number of countries, the Meissner effect has already been put to practical use.

In fact, the existence of diamagnetism, also termed 'molecular magnetism' or 'antimagnetism' allows levitation of living creatures without requiring superconductors. Diamagnetism is millions of times weaker than ferromagnetism, and weaker again than the forces of magnetoresistivity, but it has been shown to levitate organisms. Wil McCarthy recounts that in the 1990s scientists in Holland demonstrated levitation of a frog in a 10-tesla field. That field strength is roughly equivalent to the fields of the MRI scanners now used in medicine.

Since the nature of diamagnetism is not yet fully understood it is possible that, in time, technologists might emulate the effect using programmable pseudomatter. If this occurs it could open up a wide range of material levitation possibilities. This is pure speculation, but so were jet aircraft engines until a little over sixty years ago.

* Invisible materials. Electronic camouflage is already a reality but it does not involve true invisibility. Camouflage simply causes an object, such as a tank or a soldier, to blend into the landscape. Camouflaged objects are not invisible, they are just difficult to pick out from their background. To be invisible to our eyes an object must be completely transparent. Contrary to the initial expectation of many people there are plentiful examples of near-invisible objects. It's just that we don't often encounter them because they occur mainly in the upper levels of the open oceans where light filters through the water. There, rather than blending into the background of their environment by using camouflage markings, many living organisms are almost completely transparent due to their cellular properties. They neither absorb nor scatter light.

Many organisms in the ocean, such as some forms of shrimp, are completely transparent except for their eyes, which must absorb light in order to function, and the contents of their gut, which are not part of them and not transparent. True transparency is rarer on land because there are greater problems with reflections. A vacuum has a refractive index of 1, and it cannot be seen, there is nothing to absorb or scatter light. The velocity of light in a vacuum is the standard for the measure of the refractive index of a material., The speed of light in a vacuum is compared with the speed of light in another medium. Air has a low refractive index of 1.0003. The refractive index of light travelling from air into water is around 1.33, glass is about 1.5 and diamond is 2.4. Because the refractive index of transparent organisms in the ocean is close to or identical with the water they are immersed in there is no scattering of the light passing through them, and even their outlines are not visible.

Wil McCarthy notes that in 2002 a team at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Massachusetts succeeded in slowing the speed of light within a praesodymium-doped crystal of yttrium silicate to zero, which represents a refractive index of infinity. then there is nothing to be seen at all, just blackness, which itself could be an effective form of camouflage on a dark night.

McCarthy considers that there will be many applications for programmably transparent and invisible materials in art, and related fields such as ornamentation and jewellery. He comments that since most pseudomatter has a lower refractive index than its parent semiconductor it should be possible, by nudging these values even lower, to achieve optical characteristics similar to air or a vacuum. Yet again, the greatest advantage of artificially invisible solids and surfaces generated by QD technology could be their programmability. An object might be invisible (totally transparent) at one instant and resemble a column of gold or silver the next. Natural materials cannot match the switchable properties of pseudomatter, so there should be many uses for the programmable wellstone that McCarthy envisages.

Manipulation of Natural Atoms [240]
The prospect of a true nanoconstructor that can assemble materials and products atom by atom, from the inside out and with perfect precision and quality, is dependent on technologists scaling down their tools and working out how to manipulate natural atoms, as distinct from artificial ones. People like K. Eric Drexler and Damien Broderick consider that, as the curve of scientific knowledge and technological capabilities rises at an ever-increasing rate, it will be possible to feed molecules into a nanoconstructor and rearrange them into any desired combination of atoms and molecules. This is a much more ambitious and sophisticated goal than that of the existing 3D copiers already mentioned, but it is not beyond reason.

Peter Plichta's discoveries have already provided the correct framework for understanding and manipulating natural atoms. But before such understanding can be applied it must be recognised and accepted. This shift in attitudes is taking time to happen. It is clear from Wil McCarthy's book that he and the scientists and technologists he interviewed are still using the atomic matter theories that originated a century ago, and which have held back discovery and invention, and kept the world locked into a 'drop them on your foot' view of atoms, for far too long.

Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein appear to have known that "there is no matter", only fundamental vibrations and their harmonics that give rise to what is manifest as matter in the three-dimensional space that we are aware of. Peter Plichta also knows the truth, and he has documented the natural laws that govern the structure of the elements.

In his book, Hacking Matter, which was published in 2003, McCarthy still writes about "the 92 natural structures" although Plichta's work has been published in English since 1997, and in German well prior to that year. Peter Plichta actually finalised his forty-year study of the laws of the elements and atomic structures in 1986. Yet, the information has still to filter through to those scientists who are working at the new frontiers of nanotechnology and artificial matter. Once it does, progress should then be rapid and more and more spike technologies should emerge.

Much of the development work on spike technologies is likely to be done by talent collectives living in free cities, rather than researchers in federalist-capitalist states and institutions.

Nanofacturing Centres [241]
During the 1st Industrial Revolution manufacturing centres grew up near to sources of raw materials, energy, and transportation routes. Thus textile mills were established within easy distances from the coal reserves that powered their steam boilers, and ports and railways that brought raw cotton in and took finished goods out.

New criteria might determine the optimum location of various nanofacturing centres. Energy won't come from coal or oil reserves, but from the Energy Grid discovered anew by Bruce Cathie and also known to earlier civilizations on this planet. The raw materials will either come from atomic feedstock that might be as basic as grass clippings or garbage, or it might prove possible to 'generate' the necessary atoms directly from vibrational patterns. Given the looming prospects for teleportation systems, at least for inanimate objects, distance to new 'needs markets' in presently underprivileged and underdeveloped regions and countries should not be a major factor in siting nanofacturing plants. They won't really have to be close to their target distribution points. Most important will be the presence of forward-looking communities and associated collectives of savvy technologists and innovative leaver givers. Human attitudes and cultural factors will probably be more important in locational decisions than physical and geographic considerations.

If Bruce Cathie's theories regarding the need to synchronise the manipulation of atomic structures with the Sun's position and particular dates and times are correct, the location of nanofacturing plants might be critically governed by these factors. Presumably, although nobody outside the 'black' projects of various nation states seems to know for certain, it is also preferable to perform manipulation of atomic structures on lines or nodes of the Energy Grid. It might also be the case that stronger effects can be achieved at or near major grid nodes, and lesser effects on minor nodes and grid lines. If this proves to be so, it is likely that the optimum sites for nanofacturing will be located in relation to energy grid lines and nodes rather than coal mines, ports or sources of cheap labour.

While it might be possible to obtain electrons, neutrons and protons by a process of 'atom smashing' this seems to be a rather crude approach that could be fraught with difficulty when it comes to trapping and reassembling these components into new atoms and molecules. A better, and more elegant, approach could be to slip the structures apart, just as Cathie suggests in his wire puzzles analogy.

Rather than round the clock shifts that typify 20th century manufacturing plants, the new nanocentres might operate according to optimal positions of the Sun. If there are many nanofacturing plants around the world a proportion of these locations should always have favourable conditions for the disassembly and reassembly of atoms.

An indication that the notion of manipulating atoms most readily at points on the Energy Grid is not as fanciful as it might at first sound is given by an account of magnetic research by the Canadian National Research Council and the US Navy. In 1950 these two agencies conducted the only officially recorded investigation into the Earth Grid system. Project Magnet investigated an area at the eastern end of Lake Ontario that is known as the Marysburgh Vortex. Aircraft and ships had completely vanished there and numerous strange sightings, including UFOs, had been reported.

The investigation was headed by a communications engineer named Wilbert Smith. The following accounts of some of his findings are taken from an article by Richard Lefors Clark, a well known researcher of anti-gravity and the Energy Grid.

* "Smith's speculations are most intriguing. He noted large and sometimes mobile gravity anomalies all over the Lake Ontario area. He noted areas of 'reduced binding' in the atmosphere above the Lake; the areas were described as 'pillar-like columns' a thousand feet across and extending for several thousand feet up into the atmosphere. Moreover, they were invisible and only detectable with sensitive equipment. Peculiarities in gravity and magnetism were noted inside these columns, possibly relating to a reduction (or weakening) in the nuclear binding forces holding matter together; the nuclear binding forces seemed stronger in the north and weaker in the south. Some of these mysterious columns appeared to be mobile, changing location over time.

Smith theorised that when the weakened nuclear binding forces encountered matter under stress (such as airplanes in flight) the forces holding matter together ceased to exist, exactly along the lines of maximum stress, and the material disintegrated resulting in aircraft disasters. Later theorists suggested that ionisation of the air within these columns could generate luminous anomalies, and that increasing energies could make rocks and other dielectrics in the immediate area appear to rise from the ground into the air."

The various explanation of the anomalies found are conjectural but the actual findings are not, they are established fact. They indicate that conditions at the Marysburgh Vortex were definitely not normal in 1950, when the official study was done of magnetic anomalies there. The fact that the study was terminated following Smith's preliminary report also suggests that neither the federal authorities of Canada and the USA wanted any further public disclosure relating to magnetic and gravitational anomalies and the Earth Grid. It was not that Smith was not finding any anomalies, he clearly was succeeding in measuring and mapping them. The problem was that an official study was uncovering sensitive information that the OWO did not want publicly documented and legitimised. As baroness Thatcher once remarked, "There are some things you can't tell the people."

Even if all the facts and theories about the Earth Grid and free energy should somehow prove to be false, there is still a looming curve of new knowledge and technologies just ahead of us. The great majority of scientists and technologists presently working in spike technology fields such as genetics, nanotechnology, robotics, pseudomatter, and the like, are not drawing on discoveries and knowledge relating to free energy or the grid. They are driving the curve upwards at an ever-increasing rate, notwithstanding the handicaps due to a lack of awareness and acceptance of ancient understandings and insights that 20th century science chose to discard, or exclude from public knowledge.

Know The Spike Is Coming - Spread This Information [242]
The near-magical technologies of the Spike are not decades away, they are already starting to appear. What is presently an encouraging trickle of scarcity-banishing inventions will soon become a torrent. All of us who now eschew takerism and the failed 'civilization' of industrial capitalism, must work to raise understanding of this looming potential for abundance and freedom from want.

The dissemination of information about the end of the 20th century scientific Dark Age and the advent of wondrous new spike technologies is something we can all do. It is not yet illegal to write or talk about such matters. In order to help raise general awareness of already existing opportunities to end economic scarcity it is necessary to first discover and absorb information that is never presented by the OWO controlled media. Then it is time to spread those alternate perspectives of science and technology at the interpersonal level.

It is not necessary to write articles that are widely distributed, or to make documentary films or address large gatherings. Word of mouth communication accompanied by brief fact sheets, that include appropriate references to books and sites on the Internet, is well within the resources and capabilities of most people. Provided that enough of us take the time to spread the information we will all see a result. Community understanding of the very real opportunities to build a Level 4 Civilization will grow exponentially, along with the new spike technologies and scarcity-banishing inventions that will support a complete transformation of our world - from one of want to one of wonder.


2nd Renaissance -30

"Near-Spike technologies will ensure that everyone could have access to this cornucopia, and while different cultures and moieties within those cultures will respond idiosyncratically to the great change, we might expect a general drift back toward the ancient codes implanted by evolutionary pressures. Humans have evolved in a million years and more of moderate ease, each tribe's small numbers drawing modestly upon the self-replenishing bounty of the earth. We will slip easily back into that blissful state, spared its occasional murderous bouts of uncontrollable fire, flood, drought, plague and infestation.

2nd Renaissance -29

There is a simple answer, however, and that is to set up the bomb, and arm it to go off when the Sun passes through the required geometric point. The newspapers warn us that the tests will be carried out over a series of months, so we sit back with a set of astro tables and paper on which to calculate Sun positions, and wait for the results. When the first start coming in, we must confess to a certain excitement. What began as a theory is proving in actuality to be perfectly correct. We have cracked a code that the atom bomb countries have long tried to hide. "

2nd Renaissance -28

Far Out Ideas For a Far Out Century [226] This freesite is not concerned with the existence or otherwise of aliens or UFOs, nor is it concerned with what such beings might be doing in our skies. There are thousands of web sites and publications that deal with UFOs and aliens. This freesite is concerned with far more serious threats to the freedom and well-being of humanity than extraterrestrial visitors. These threats have already been identified as takerism, nationalism, capitalism, and militarism. The iron grip of the OWO on the world's resources has far more serious consequences than the alleged activities of aliens and UFOs.

2nd Renaissance -27

At first impression this might seem a good thing, but the real price of such a concealment has been more than seven decades of denying the means and capability to bring abundant energy to the whole world. Not only could the release of such knowledge have ended all militarism and the related suffering caused by wars, it could have enabled presently 'developing' countries to feed, house and clothe their populations to levels that would have freed them from poverty, disease, and the burden of debt they currently 'owe' to the capitalist West.

2nd Renaissance -25

This diagram is not reproduced here to suggest that the absolute amount of energy that can be obtained from matter is known, Cramp points out that it is theoretical. The purpose of the diagram is to drive home the realisation that energy is by no means scarce. All that is required to tap it is the right knowledge. Tesla and many others have already shown that such knowledge exists and that it is practical to draw energy from beyond matter - from the ether itself.

2nd Renaissance -24

The defection of large numbers of people from federal citizenship, and the establishment of free cities that will run on free energy, can and will break the hold of old ideas and false scientific notions that held us back during the entire 20th century. That 2nd Dark Age is now behind us and the way to a better, Level 4 Civilization, is open. How soon the transformation is accomplished is now in the hands of ordinary folk, it has very little to do with our federal 'representatives', the industrial councils of big business, the parrot press, or the dogma specialists of orthodox science.

2nd Renaissance -23

While it is far less radical than Tesla's idea of 'broadcasting' power to everyone on earth, the Christie/Brits generator could revolutionise domestic power supply, if it were ever allowed to do so. Once a household had one of these devices it could not only meet all its own power requirements, it could also feed around 10 kW of energy into the local power grid each day. When a family moved home, it would be practical to take the generator with them to their new residence. Given the long service life of the device, many generations of the family would inherit it, and it would continue to pump out 24 kW of clean power every day.

2nd Renaissance -22

Tesla was arguably one of the most outstanding geniuses of the late 19th century. But he was never astute in business, being far too naive and trusting. Tesla thought that everyone would readily support a discovery that would make energy available to all, and do much to end poverty and scarcity in the world. The capitalist/militarist establishments of the US thought quite differently.

2nd Renaissance -21

Who Is Running The Universe? [205] There is a common piece of street wisdom that describes how to determine who is really running any strange town that you come to on a journey. The advice is to listen to who is mentioned in conversations about the affairs and administration of the town. It is never the people who are talked about in connection with town matters or politics who are actually running things. The rule says that it is always the people who are never mentioned who are in real control. If you want to know who has the power, find out who is never mentioned as having any. When you begin to learn about and debate science with other non-scientists like yourself, remember this piece of street wisdom. Nothing is what it seems to be. The mayor or the police chief might seem to wield the power but, in reality, the power lies elsewhere, and that truth is seldom mentioned.

2nd Renaissance -20

Who are the most imaginative and lateral thinking people in our present society? Are they the scientists, or possibly the high IQ individuals employed to find new products and markets? Are they the entrepreneurs of the world, or are they advisors and consultants to industry and government? The answer to this question is known, and it is surprising to most people.

2nd Renaissance -19

A key principle in such situations will be to limit the time that any individual can serve in political office. One or two terms should be the limit, there should be no opportunity for people to make a career out of politics. Nor should it be possible for generation after generation of any family to be employed in politics or as politicians. One only has to look at the distortions and inequalities that some of these political dynasties have introduced to the course of legislation in Australia and the US to know that long-term careers and generation to generation successions are not a good idea.

2nd Renaissance -18

It is worth learning geometry as the ancients taught it because music is geometric. It is worth studying music in a geometric sense because this uncovers truths about vibrations and patterns of vibrations, Vibrations are important because all matter is formed from them. The 2nd Renaissance involves an explosion of knowledge and discovery that is taking humanity beyond the old 'drop in on your foot' materialistic and mechanistic view of the world and the universe beyond. The 21st century talent collectives that will build new technologies to defeat scarcity and create abundance will do most of their work in the realms of invisible vibration patterns. All young people, both boys and girls, now need to learn within these fields of knowledge, because humanity's future will be built there.

2nd Renaissance -17

Education systems in free cities and regions must be very different to those of nation states. It is not just the methods of encouraging learning that will distinguish education in free cities from that of nation states, but the truth that the knowledge is rooted in. There is no point in swotting to pass examinations in subject knowledge that is wrong. Yet, that is exactly what young people in state education systems are doing. Neither they, or their parents, or their teachers realise this fact, but it remains the case.

2nd Renaissance -16

Supporting secessions and the formation of free cities and regions is going to be crucial. Only in these new beachheads of tomorrow’s society will such innovations as home-schooling, and a lack of state censorship and media spin, enable young people to discover the truths they will need to know to build a Level 4 Civilization.

2nd Renaissance -15

Historically, there have been periods when legal distinctions between animals and humans have been blurred. For instance, in medieval Europe, in the 14th and 15th centuries, numerous trials and executions of animals occurred. One source identifies 34 recorded instances of pigs having been tried and cruelly put to death. Besides pigs; rats, chickens, goats, and bees were similarly tried. Some of the pigs were fully dressed in human clothes at the time they were, inevitably, found guilty. In one case a vicar excommunicated a flock of sparrows that infested his church. All this happened despite the theological stance that animals had no soul, and no morals or conscience. They could not really be guilty of transgressing the Rule of Law.

2nd Renaissance -14

Withdrawing Support For Militarism [179] The problem with revenge is that it lowers the humanity of those who exercise it down to the same level, of even below, those who committed the original crime. Although we can't yet know who was responsible for 911 or 1012, we do now know that forces of the Coalition of the Willing (CoW) have, on occasions, been just as barbaric as the people who killed on those dates. This has been amply demonstrated in Afghanistan and again in Iraq. If you doubt this, seek out more facts about the CoW's use of DU and NDU weaponry and cluster bombs. These horror weapons continue, to this day, to put young children and adult civilians at risk of injury or death from unexploded munitions, radiation, and toxic substances in the ground water and the food chain.


It is up to ordinary people to raise the level of debate about the undemocratic surveillance practices of the many faceless and unaccountable agents who make daily intrusions on individual privacy, and about the apologists and propagandists for the War nn Terror who applaud every new attack on human rights and freedoms as "prudent" or "necessary". If there is no discussion of reverse surveillance in the national media, create it on the streets on a citizen to citizen basis. If nobody is talking about the outrageous assaults on privacy and human rights embodied in the new antiterrorist acts forced through US, UK and Australian legislatures, start talking about it to your neighbours and friends.

2nd Renaissance -13

Such a development is part of the phenomenon of reverse surveillance that will come to characterise the 2nd Renaissance and a rapid transition to a Level 4 Civilization and a truly free society. You can learn more about reverse surveillance at the 'Surveillance' freesite. Reverse surveillance principles extend well beyond the use of ubiquitous digital imaging technologies, and include audits of all aspects of federal government operations, by randomly selected teams of citizens. The Feds and the parrot people will be quick to pronounce that such monitoting is "not in the national interest," but it will definitely be in our interests, and those of future generations of humanity.

2nd Renaissance -12

There are reports that in one Balinese kampong that provided labour to the clubs in Kuta Beach, seven empty coffins were buried, because there were no identifiable remains of the missing workers. It was as if they had been vaporised. Scores of people, mainly locals, are thought to have disappeared without trace.

2nd Renaissance -11

Fortunately, the power and control of government and military elites is illusory in the 21st century. The world no longer works the way it did, and there is nothing to compel people to support failed, outdated systems any longer. This is an understanding that must be widely and quickly shared. The future of our children and the planet depends upon our changing our thinking about governments, and our support for them.

2nd Renaissance -10

In the Afghanistan turkey shoot the CoW forces used vast numbers of hard target weapons and other munitions containing depleted uranium (DU). This substance is almost twice as dense as lead. When it punches through concrete bunkers, armour, or mud huts, DU disintegrates into a chemically toxic and radioactive dust. In contrast to the earlier DU weapons used in Gulf War I, the newer ordinance produced deaths and deformities within weeks of the start of military action by the CoW. Between 1990-91 and 2001 the US arms manufacturers are thought to have "improved" the DU technology by introducing milled uranium ore to their warheads. This non-depleted uranium (NDU) is - wait for it - cheaper to produce and far more potent than DU. It poses massive health risks to civilian populations exposed to it, and constitutes, in every sense of the word, a weapon of mass destruction, or WMD. "Hey they're hunting them in Iraq, aren't they?"

2nd Renaissance -9

The Old World Order will not do anything to smooth the path to a Level 4 Civilization, and a better world. On the contrary, they will do whatever they can to make it difficult. The police, the military, the media, the financial system, the rule of law, and all the mechanisms of civil control and surveillance will be mobilised in defence of the status quo. But, once they understand their options, the people of the world will not engage in a battle with the forces of the OWO. They will simply abandon the old way of living under national rule, for a better, freer, life in new tribal societies. Kinship mechanisms will help people cope with the pressures of official opposition to radical changes that will finally enable them to escape the invisible prison that the OWO had fashioned around them.

2nd Renaissance -8

Ultimately the old order will lose the battle to preserve their privileged way of life, based on all prevailing scarcity, pseudo-democracy, and the rule of law. But in the interim, hundreds of millions of innocent people might lose their lives in bloody resistance to the changes being made by the Old World Order (OWO).. If such a terrible thing happens, it will all have been for nothing, because:

Tales of Adam
Daniel Quinn*

2nd Renaissance -7

When coupled with the introduction of artificial scarcity and taker concepts of property ownership and legal tender, Western death-fearing religions played a significant role in subduing, otherwise independent, tribal peoples.

2nd Renaissance -6

The second route involves the setting up of entirely new living spaces on tribal lands that were previously seized by colonising governments that espoused and followed Taker philosophies. This route has greater credibility, in the sense of secession rights, where clear historical ownership of the land can be shown.

2nd Renaissance -5

Quinn contends that while governments can imagine a revolution they can't imagine abandonment. As he puts it, "..even if it could imagine abandonment , it couldn't defend against it, because abandonment isn't an attack, it's just a discontinuance of support."

2nd Renaissance -4

In due course, there is one achievement of overriding significance that Caral might well provide. One great contribution or lesson that can be applied to the 2nd Renaissance. How to live in peace, with spiritual meaning, and without warfare, for a thousand years.

The New Renaissance
Daniel Quinn*

2nd Renaissance -3

Plichta writes of this model as follows. "There was a time I used to make fun of the Apocalypse of St John and believed it to be a totally unreliable historical source. Today I am filled with deep humility, perhaps because I am now able to give a concrete description of the foundation of the world as seen by St John with my mathematical discoveries, and thus possibly open a new way to all of humanity which has now reached a dead end."

2nd Renaissance -2

Georg Cantor (1845-1918), by his origination of modern set theory and his studies of the nature of infinity, left science a valuable legacy. Cantor was regularly admitted to a psychiatric clinic within the University of Halle, in Germany, where he lectured and worked as a Professor of Mathematics. On each occasion that he became ill he had been thinking about infinity and the continuum hypothesis. Such intense thought, at the boundaries of his comprehension, caused Cantor to suffer repeated mental breakdowns. Infinity drove him mad.

2nd Renaissance

This story was published in September 2004 and it was a big secret. I received it on disk but I think it should be public by now anyway. It is interesting to look back at it and in terms of today's world some two years on. I will link each chapter as I go along over the coming weeks.- The Old World Order - Happy reading!

Fight Iemma - Debnam

All they can say is 'lock em up'

It seems we are in the thick of it again - the stupid, heartless "Law & Order" auction.

Premier Morris Iemma and Opposition leader Peter Debnam are trying to outdo each other with idiotic "tough on crime" policies.

Original Article



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