1. Was Netanyahu warned in advance?
A report published by the Associated Press (AP) at 12:16 p.m. on July 7, authored by Amy Teibel in Jerusalem, stated, “British police told the Israeli Embassy in London minutes before Thursday’s explosions that they had received warnings of possible terror attacks in the city, a senior Israeli official said... Benjamin Netanyahu had planned to attend an economic conference in a hotel over the subway stop where one of the blasts occurred, and the warning prompted him to stay in his hotel room instead, government officials said."
Unanswered questions in London bombings
2. Were the explosives C4?
LONDON, July 13 (UPI) -- Scotland Yard has asked for European cooperation in finding how last week's London subway and bus bombers obtained military plastic explosives.
Traces of the explosive known as C4 were found at all four blast sites...
ScienceDaily: London explosives have military origin
3. Why did the authorities lie when they said Khan and the other alleged terrorists had not come to their attention before the attacks?
Court documents show that Khan and another of the bombers had been under surveillance by anti-terrorism officers more than a year beforehand and had been in contact with a suspected British terrorism cell.
The security services had links to the four July 7 London 'bombers' a year before July 7th.
4. Why did the police claim that Aswat had made telephone calls to the alleged bombers, and then declare that Aswat was of no interest in the bomb investigation?
Is it true that Aswat was an MI6 agent provocateur?
Former Justice Dept. prosecutor John Loftus claims alleged London bombing mastermind Haroon Rashid Aswat is a "double agent" who "works for the MI6".
London bombs: former UK cabinet minister Meacher says MI6 is trying to cover its tracks.
5. One witness, Bruce Lait, suggested that the bombs had been placed under the trains. He said he saw no bomber or rucksack in the place where the bomb went off. Has this witness been interviewed?
Bruce Lait - I don't remember anybody being where the bomb was, or any bag.
Bombs went off under the trains - eye witnesses
6. Were the 7/7 bombers movements physically possible?
"7/7 Bombers" movements Physically Impossible
7. Did the alleged bombers have doubles? Apparently there was more than one Mohamed Atta and more than one Lee Harvey Oswald.
8. Was the number 30 bus interfered with by elements of the security services?
The CCTV cameras on the bus bombed on 7 July - an e mail from a Stagecoach employee
9. Who is Anthony Larkin?
Anthony Larkin
10. Does the terror drill suggest involvement by elements of the security services?
Terror drill on morning of 7 July
Police chief- Lockerbie evidence was faked
Operation Gladio: Template for the War on Terror
The Gunpowder Plot of 1605
Bristol Evening Post report on David Shayler's claims that 9 11 was the work of elements of the US government and that Blair worked for MI5
Official version of 7/7 London bombings does not make sense
London Bombings Data Page
Was 7/7 designed to convince us that 9/11 was not really the work of people at the Pentagon and their allies in various governments?
The criminal Bliar Regime just announced that it now believes the 7/7 bomber acted alone. If that is the case, then where did THIS originate ... ?
The 7/7 London Bombings: 'al Qaeda's' "Confession"
Hide the following 12 comments
remember the scams
12.05.2006 18:21
But if that was so, then newspaper journo's might have forgotten to even mention that the big news moment for the criticism of the G8 was the 7/7.... after the olympic bid success, all the current affairs teams had then pencilled in for discussion + explanation of the "make poverty history", the opposition to the "rake-offs" + cash-laundering that masquerades as "global", etc.
BUT, , , , the papers HAVENT mentioned that, have they.
. . . . if it is a bunch of old ex-operators, on the take, doing it for dough instead of any "ology", the chances are they've put in some 2nd layer pasties / cut-outs - even if its as absurd rubbish ridiculous whatever borin' as some recycled substandard twist on a teenflick such as "fightclub" - re. advert on side of bus. . . . - but - cynical old ex-operators, or e.w. puppets, - news management using events. . . . yep.
if y'AINT thinkin about that, perhaps you've gotten mesmerised by .... other people having the ( expensive / cheap ) wool pulled over .
remember the scams 3
12.05.2006 19:31
But some of them are just too silly to be taken seriously:
1. The story was retracted rather quickly as I remember. Apar from that, are you seriously suggesting that the police were in on some "false flag" conspiracy? If so, why the hell would they be advertising this. Or that they were in on letting it happen? Again, why would they advertise that? Besides, I thought the conspiraloons are convinced that Mossad did it? Why would they need warning?
Over and above that, even if there was a warning, how can you be sure it was related to the bombings and not some hoax caller?
2. Foresnics report that the explosives were TATP-like. Again, one comment out of many is taken to be credible. How many others have claimed C4?
Why in God's name would a conspiracy be so bloody stupid to use C4? It would be easier just to make a press release saying it wass an inside job.
5. One comment by one witness out of many hardly constitutes a lead. Perhaps if the man were a respected demolitionist, it'd raise an eyebrow or two, but being a dancer doesn't exactly equate.
7. Is this a joke? What the hell is the context?
10. See above, keep taking the pills and stay away from prisonplanet
Spook Plant
remember the scams 3
12.05.2006 20:06
Yawn ...
12.05.2006 23:05
I guess we must be way off.
Note how he didn't answer any of the questions ...
False Flag or Evidence? Which will it be, Tony?
John Reid proves himself a vile lying scumbag
12.05.2006 23:22
Peter Power and his Visor consultants have a lot of explaining to do.
Like who employed them to carry out this exercise
A question like so many others that is never addressed in this crock of shit that is the narrative
We're used to this government lying through its teeth with its dodgy dossiers and yellowcake stories and so on
But this Home Secretary will take some beating in the dissemblance stakes
They even have the temerity to publish that obviously faked "cctv image" from outside Luton station in the PDF, the one with the third person, Siddique Khan, in front of the bars, while one of the bars goes half way across his face, and the lower one goes in front of his arm
The narrative repeats the lie that the "bombers2 caught the 7.40 train which was cancelled according to Thameslink sources, and that they arrived at Kings X at 8.23, in time to be caught on (undisplayed) cctv at 08.26
In fact the only train they could have feasibly caught to get them to Kings X in this time line, was the 07.24 from Luton, leaving Luton realtime some three minutes after the time stamp on the, admittedly fake, cctv. The other later trains would have arrived too late for them to have been caught on the alleged cctv. and too late for at least two of the "bombers" to have feasibly connected with the tube trains they are supposed to have caught
The TATP they were allegedly carrying is highly unstable in large amounts, and needs to be kept cool It is usually used in small and fairly stable quantities as a detonator of other more orthodox materials
There is no chance that these guys were running about the place with rucksacks full of highly unstable 10lbs explosives
TATP does not combust with oxygen in the usual way and therefore produces no flash or heat though bomb flashes were were reported and burn injuries were suffered by 7/7 victims
For more commentary on Reids tissue of lies and distortions, see
greenham hope
12.05.2006 23:42
Early expert reports from German and French military intelligence spoke of military grade explosives being used, but after a while the story became TATP made in a bath in North Leeds. The huge problem here is how to account for the many survivor acounts which spoke of bangs and flashes, since TATP explodes by conversion/expansion of gas which takes place silently and devoid of visual effects.
The best discussion on the Narrative has been taking place here
and I think its mother site: is an extremely disciplined, reliable and well-organised source, and will be even better when the four location reports are finished, soon I hope.
Keith Mothersson
When will you finally realise...
13.05.2006 08:14
Keith Mothersson
As for TATP being silent. Go back to school and read about the physics of sound. For any explosion to be silent it would have to occur in a vacuum.
What you are suggesting regarding the CCTV footage could not happen as the result of a image composit. In other words, the claims of fakery don't even match the process of fakery.
I suppose suicide bombers in Israel are also an impossibility then? Since there is no way possible of shock protecting TATP, they must be plants? Mossad perhaps? Yeah right!
Spook Plant
14.05.2006 21:37
It is an immensely unstable substance in large quatities and in terrorist bombs is usually used in tiny quantities as a reliable detonator substance for some more conventional explosive like PETN
"General warnings
Acetone Peroxides are very unstable chemicals. If handled at all, they should be treated with great care and only synthesized in minute quantities. This refers to triacetone triperoxide (TATP), sometimes refered to as tricycloacetone peroxide (TCAP). The reaction must be done under 50 °F (10 °C) to yield triacetone triperoxide.
TATP is widely considered to be too unstable to synthesize safely in standard laboratory facilities, though small quantities (under 1 gram) are occasionally synthesized for research purposes, and for testing and calibration of detection equipment. " See
Re: Your Disinformation
14.05.2006 22:05
Yes, you like to rant about these sites - some more than others - but you never make a compelling case against them, or actually say anything at all. The Mainstream Media has sacrificed its credibility for political access and favours, so we've had to look elsewhere for information about the madness unfolding around us.
The fact remains that, as was the case with 9/11, many key questions remained unanswered, and the same Government known for LYING to its citizens, in order to create support for illegal Acts of Aggression, has blocked any investigation, which should be second-nature after events such as these.
In the specific cases of 7/7/21, they actually been caught in several bald-faced LIES.
"I suppose suicide bombers in Israel are also ..."
Please remain on topic. Such irrelevancies prove your purpose here, Disinformationalist.
"Mossad perhaps?"
Perhaps, or most likely ...
The People must begin to acknowledge the fact that the threat posed to them by their own illegitimate, criminal, Neo-Fascist Regimes is far greater - and much more real - than that posed by any supposed Bogeyman these LIARS can wave at them, in order to numb their minds to the indefensibility of their agenda.
Overthrow The Criminal Regime
Ah But..
15.05.2006 18:12
Well for a start that is simply not true. Time and time again we see them quoted as fact and them quietly dfemolished in the 911 threads. But hey, if you're a CT buff why bother letting facts getting in the way.
Anyway, anybody who looks at these sites can see what a load of tosh they are straight away.
Yawn ...
16.05.2006 01:52
"that prisonplanet, infowars, wrh, rense etc"
Yes, you like to rant about these sites - some more than others - but you never make a compelling case against them, or actually say anything at all. The Mainstream Media has sacrificed its credibility for political access and favours, so we've had to look elsewhere for information about the madness unfolding around us.
The fact remains that, as was the case with 9/11, many key questions remained unanswered, and the same Government known for LYING to its citizens, in order to create support for illegal Acts of Aggression, has blocked any investigation, which should be second-nature after events such as these.
In the specific cases of 7/7/21, they actually been caught in several bald-faced LIES.
"I suppose suicide bombers in Israel are also ..."
Please remain on topic. Such irrelevancies prove your purpose here, Disinformationalist.
"Mossad perhaps?"
Perhaps, or most likely ...
The People must begin to acknowledge the fact that the threat posed to them by their own illegitimate, criminal, Neo-Fascist Regimes is far greater - and much more real - than that posed by any supposed Bogeyman these LIARS can wave at them, in order to numb their minds to the indefensibility of their agenda.
Overthrow The Criminal Regime - Do Not Accept Less
Anothr day another pack of paranoid nonsense.
16.05.2006 11:37
So discussing TATP and its uses are off-topic??? Have you bothered reading the reports or are you just waiting for Alex Jones to interpret them for you? We've seen the folly of that approach in the total guff you read into 'Iraq Options'.
You have been proven time & time again to be the disinformationist and bare-faced liar.
"The People must begin to acknowledge the fact that the threat posed to them by their own illegitimate, criminal, Neo-Fascist Regimes is far greater - and much more real - than that posed by any supposed Bogeyman these LIARS can wave at them, in order to numb their minds to the indefensibility of their agenda."
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! The piety kils me. You choose to live in a fantasy world of Tom Clancy & Andy McNab novels rather than address the very real crimes and attrocities that are happening right now (the Iraq War), for which there is plenty of hard evidence to indict Bush & Blair.
Who's the deluded one here?
Do something useful. If you can't think of anything useful to do, then do us all a favour and shut up.
Spook Plant