Freud stated the mental health of the individual would always be compromised by social regulatory and ‘moral’ codes (which are fundamentally pathological, remember!) Today, the evidence of social pathology is plain to see. The distinction between religion and politics has become blurred; the result of this destructive combination (‘unholy alliance’) is being felt around the globe. If the causative factors are ignored the world could enter a highly unstable and dangerous phase resulting in a complete breakdown of environmental and social conditions. The marriage of religion and politics has produced the incestuous twin offspring of millennialism and war – Freud’s sick society has entered the terminal stage.
Tenability or a tolerable quality of life on planet earth may be lost forever; the pathological millennialists are eager to destroy ALL life as a gesture of assisting their pathological ‘Gods’. It is imperative that people act within their respective societies to reverse destructive trends, otherwise the spread of the disease will accelerate. Inaction would result in sick elements of society obtaining more influence and power. The world already presents a picture of rabid social decay propelled by religion, tribalism/nationalism and fearful contractionism.
Society is known by its leaders, Bush, Blair and Howard for example, epitomise the values of their respective societies while Imams, Monks and Chinese totalitarianism hold sway in the East. Linguistic differences aside the methods of rule are strikingly similar. Oppression/repression remain foolproof methods of social control regardless of flag design or textual script. However, employing negative methods produces negative results; a short list of symptoms that result from this type of social ‘management’ follows: alienation, parochialism, racism, greed/selfishness, fanaticism, patriotism/nationalism, religiosity, fear – but above all, a lack of emotional and sexual fulfilment. Hate and violence predominate in societies where biological and emotional needs are heavily regulated by ‘book’ wielding religionists, or doctrinaire ideologues. [Would that be obvious to you, Sigmund?]
The malaise is undisguised and rampant but is fortunately susceptible to (only) moderate doses of courage, which if taken daily acts as a preventative for future infections. However, if the malaise is in epidemic proportions the surgical removal of all divisionist influences/elements in the society must be effected. The unity that results from spontaneous interaction and natural expression strengthens and enables the ‘body’ to resist new dis-eases and other intrusions that would jeopardise the health and well being of the group. Fearlessness becomes the immune response to all further attempts to infect the body. Dis-ease becomes immediately identifiable as the destructive antithesis of ALL of life’s natural harmonies.
If you wish to be divorced from reality read a book about reality, if you wish to learn about life seek the Living not the dead. The symphony of life is a matchless splendour; life validates itself and cannot be captured in a dead book. Extremely simple concepts to understand for anyone capable of answering this simple sum, 2+2. But the effects of fear born of child abuse, terror and coercion may surprise you. The simplest logic of 2+2 (=4) becomes 9 or some other irrational dissociative response.
Religionists are taught to fear the living and hence they have a horrid time dealing with the natural forces in their living bodies and minds, they become the most deplorable hypocrites, sadists and self-destructive personalities as a result. Anything that perpetuates life and harmony becomes the enemy, which religionists must destroy. It is death they seek as a final release from their agonies. Do not marvel at those who unknowingly seek the abyss; they have failed to embrace the (natural) Love that flows like a mountain spring in all humans. Spontaneous Love is the defining characteristic of humanity which the religionists perpetually battle, attempting instead to replace spontaneous Love with ‘organised/prescribed’ (book) ‘love!’ [All attempts to ‘manage’ natural Love lead to intolerance and hate, as is clearly evident in the world today.]
A simplistic equation lies behind all the trappings and false teachings of the Modern versions of Islam and Christianity. That equation is expressed as, ‘I MUST DIE IN ORDER TO LIVE!’ This literal convolution is overtly chanted in Islam but is borne in the sub-text of Christianity. Both these religions pursue literal millennialist philosophies and both these religions are SICK! Look no further than Bush’s Evangelicals and Islam’s Wahhabists for verification. I offer their own teachings as proof and would have little trouble debating the issue with the best they have to offer. Death is no match for Life; the infinite Living universe is ample proof the debate is already won. Victory is life’s prize, death rewards nothing!
It would seem that the hope of the world lies in East Asia where avarice and selfishness present as the principal social ills; neither of which are terminal conditions. However, the societies that chase death AT SPEED are the real danger and should be neutralised if not eradicated if the world is to survive. Previous inaction has now created the need for drastic surgery. A tolerable life on this planet is being forfeited by the sick who have been allowed to steal the reigns of power.
[My apologies, Sigmund.] I failed to specifically detail how religionists and doctrinaire ideologues transform love into hate and life into death, but I did cite the problem and offer the remedy. The people are fully capable my (penis fascinated) friend. Next time we can discuss how all Gods of regeneration and resurrection originated from Solar/Phallic fertility cult Deities.
They were the days ay, Ziggy, they worshiped and celebrated Life; the Gods/Goddesses were (secondary) personifications of natural forces and cycles – and known as such.
Next time we’ll place equal emphasis on the vagina and phallus, after all, each finds completion in the other; dumping your patriarchal Jewish background would be prerequisite to obtaining a balanced view, Ziggy. In the meantime you have your cocaine to compensate for your personal failings.
Next time Ziggy, next time.