For Garotinho, Lula works for national and international financial capital and wants a new mandate for, among others things, to privatize the country.
Garotinho initiated, sunday (04/30), a strike of hunger in protest against the persecutions he has been victim, a liar campaign that tries to destroy his image as administrator, public personality and to make ridiculous his Christian and ethical position.
All the joints in this direction are sponsored by the financial system, the banks, led by the Globe and for the Magazine "Veja", with the incentive of Lula's government. "they do not have doubts: if Lula gets a new mandate he will privatize Bank of Brazil, Federal government saving bank, Petrobras and to finish with the labor laws ", said the former-governor, by the side of his wife, governor Rosinha Garotinho and of their children, between which Clarissa Garotinho, president of the Foundation Ulysses Guimarães of Rio de Janeiro.
"Or we love Brazil and we want a sovereign native land, exempt, fair and brotherly, we take the streets from now or Lula will get to impose to the people the complementation of the neoliberal project", said Garotinho.
According to him, the neoliberal project started with Fernando Enrique and Lula gave continuity to it.
The former-governor has received some manifestations from solidarity of Dom Mauro Morelli, bishop that combats the hunger, of the former-minister of Fernando Enrique, Jose Gregori and of senator Heloísa Helena, who talked with governor Rosinha Garotinho.
Supports also received from coreligionists, mayors and politicians of different parties, religious, artists, as the singer Elimar Santos Saints, and PMDB's militants, talked by telephone with the national president of the PMDB, member of the house of representatives Michel Temer, for which it confirmed its participation in the convention of the legend, Saturday, may the 13th.
He got, last week, the approval, by the National Executive of the party, of a motion of support.
The denunciations of Garotinho had been delivered to the OAS by a group of Brazilian parliamentarians.
The strike of hunger of Garotinho was announced to the press, in an uprising made in the headquarters of the regional directory of the PMDB, in the Center of Rio. He was by the side of governor Rosinha Garotinho and militant of the party.
Soon after the uprising, Garotinho started the strike, in the proper headquarters of the PMDB and is being folloied for a medical team.
The former-governor conditioned the suspension of the protest under two conditions: 1) until an international supervision in the Brazilian politician-electoral process is instituted, assuring the equality of treatment to all the candidates, with accompaniment of national institutions that traditionally defend the democracy; 2) that the communication vehicles that make calumnies yield space the same so that the population can know the truth of the facts.