May 1st in Paris was a day of celebration. The entire movement in Europe launched the day to celebrate the victory against the CPE and to relaunch the struggle against precariousness.
The French government of Villepin thought well however to spoil the festivities. With a fascist-style police operation at the end of the match a group of Italians were stopped, scarched and handcuffed and brought into the prefecture under arrest.
In the course of their detainment, two protesters, one from Modena and the other from Bologna were separated from the group, forced to put on hoodies and other items of clothing they had with them and strike poses while being mocked, in order to establish an arbitrary identification based on an alleged film recording in possession of the police.
Since the 1st of May they have been detained in Parisian prisons, accused of assaulting a public official and destruction of private property.
These serious charges smack of a political frame-up.
Two police officers claim to have seen a video in which these two are seen, committing the crimes they're accused of. There do not appear to be eyewitnesses, and the video itself hasn’t been deposited in the dossier and during the detainment there hasn’t been any identification by the two police officers which accuse them. There is also the aggravant of resisting arrest, an arrest that occurred with the maximum of tranquillity.
After having been brought and detained for two days in the tenth arrondissement, without being allowed to either choose legal counsel or receive information from the outside, they underwent a first hearing on the fourth of May 2006.
In the course of this hearing an infervorated court and a DA determined to not conceed them any facilitation, that would be necessary considering their not knowing french and their distance from friends and family, issued a verdict establishing May 29th as the date for the trial, refusing the request for release on bail, despite all the guarantees that they were not flight risks (their work contracts, availability of a place to stay in Paris while waiting for the trail, their domiciles and residences in Italy) given.
Disturbing signals show the will to proceed with a stigmatization of these two protesters, starting from a post-it attached to the dossier presented to the judge by the prosecution marked “dangerous individuals”; continuing with the video used to recognize them that has not been presented in the dossier and never showed to their defense; the use of two black and white pictures, both decidedly blurry; the requested use of phrases to the effects of “and the winner is” pronounced in the moment of their arrest by some agents of the gendarmerie; the complete militarization of the palace de justice in the moment of the judgement being pronounced, with twenty officers present in the courtroom and the public surrounded by police and escorted until their exit from the building.
To us this all smacks of a vindictive action in response to the victories which social struggles have obtained in recent months in France.
We find ourselves therefore appealing to all those who in Europe fight for the obtainment of new rights agains the precarization of daily existence, to sustain the necessity of the immediate liberation of Federico and Nicola, by adhering to this appeal and creating networks of support for the imprisoned, and renewing the request for the immediate release of the arrested during the mobilizations that in these last months have crossed France and Europe as a whole.
For their immediate liberation
For a national mobilitation in every city on May 10th
Freedom now for Federico and Nicola and for the end of the judicial persecution
Students and precarious of the faculties and schools in revolt
For agreement to the appeal send an e-mail to

The first already arrived are :
Crash ex mensa occupata (Bologna)
Collettivo Universitario Autonomo - Bologna
Movimento Autorganizzato Occupanti (Bologna)
CAM - Collettivo Autogestito Modenese (Modena)
C.S.A. Murazzi (Torino)
C.S.O.A. Askatasuna (Torino)
Collettivo Universitario Autonomo - Torino
Esc - Atelier occupato (Roma)
Collettivo scienze politiche (Roma)
Acrobax (Roma)
Tpo (Bologna)
CSOA ExKarcere (Palermo)
Collettivo Universitario Autonomo - Palermo
Network Antagonista Siciliano
CSA Godzilla (Livorno)
Rete Universitaria (Bologna)
CUB Emilia Romagna
Universita' Antagonista (Pisa)
Collettivo SPA scienze politiche (Bologna)
C38 - collettivo lettere e filosofia (Bologna)
Collettivo di Area Scientifica Selvaggi Urbanizzati (Bologna)
CSO Rivolta (Mestre)
Laboratorio occupato Morion (Venezia)
LAT autogestito (Venezia)
Collettivo Interfacoltà (Venezia)
CSO Pedro (Padova)
Copyriot Café (Padova)
Global Students (Padova)
Coordinamento Studentesco (Vicenza)
Nuovo capannone sociale (Vicenza)
Coordinamento libera zone (Schio)
Tana libera tutti (Trento)
Rete Studenti Trento
Coordinamento Universitario Trento
O.p. la Scintilla (Roma)
Area Antagonista Campana
K.A.S.A. milano
Centro Popolare Occupato Experia (Catania)
CSOA Zapata (Genova)
Antifa Bergamo
Laboratorio sociale Diana (Salerno)
RDB/CUB - Barletta
Progetto Comunista - Rifondare l'opposizione di lavoratori
Spazio Antagonista Newroz (Pisa)
Collettivo Peppina Bausch (Pisa)
C.S.A. Ex Mattatoio (Perugia)
C.S.A. Pacì Paciana (Bergamo)
CSA Depistaggio (Benevento)
Dis@ttiva Crew
Collettivo Autonomo Ragusa
VAG61 (Bologna)
Radiocittàfujiko (Bologna)
Astra 19 s.p.a
Punto San Precario (Tufello)
Cantiere (Milano)
Comitato di lotta x la casa "12 Luglio" (Palermo)
Casa delle Culture di Ponziana (Trieste)
Sportello Degli Invisibili (Trieste)
Ask 191 Occupato (Palermo)
Aula Carlo Giuliani (Palermo)
Collettivo Malefimmine (Palermo)
C.S.A. Mezza Canaja (Senigallia)
Laboratorio Occupato P.A.Z. (Rimini)
Progetto "Rotta Indipendente" liceo Democrito (Roma)
Collettivo Mondodisotto (Bra)
Lista Reno (Bologna)
Collettivo Studentesco Sfumature (Reggio Emilia)
Laboratorio Occupato Insurgencia (Napoli)
Orientale Agitata - Univ. L'Orientale (Napoli)
Federazione Campana Rdb/Cub
Radioarchimede (Siracusa)
Centro Sociale 28 maggio di Rovato (BS)
Coordinamento Franciacorta di Rifondazione Comunista (BS)
Spazio Sociale Libertario Anarchico Libera (Modena)
Collettivo Studentesco RicreAzione (Modena)
Centro Sociale Vittoria (Milano)
Studenti Autorganizzati (Milano)
Assemblea Studenti Statale Occupata (Milano)
Comitati di Appoggio alla Resistenza per il Comunismo - Direzione Nazionale
Comitati di Appoggio alla Resistenza per il Comunismo - sezione Modena
ORSO - Officina della Resistenza SOciale (Milano)
CSA Mattone Rosso (Vercelli)
Coordinamento dei CollettiviUniversitari (Roma)
Giovani Comunisti (Roma)
Interfacoltà - Coordinamento dei Collettivi Universitari Napoletani
Habit_azione - collettivo occupanti Bolognina (Bologna)
Spazio Pubblico XM24 (Bologna)
L'A2O ( Aula 2 Occupata) di Lettere de "la Sapienza" (Roma)
Collettivo SciPol (Padova)
Sportello PopLab (Bologna)
CNT-Jura (France)
Sportello Precario Cobas (Genova)
Collettivo Studenti Migranti (Bologna)
Collettivo Studenti Autonomi Z (Bergamo)
Radiofficine – Redazione
Collettivo "Lavori in Corso" - Università di Tor Vergata (Roma)
Francesco Caruso - Deputato alla camera PRC
Jérôme Gleizes - Conseiller d'arrondissement vert Paris 10eme
Manlio Vicini - Consigliere comunale a Brescia
Gigi Malabarba – Senatore PRC
Salvatore Cannavò – Scrittore e Giornalista
Michel Ducrot – Journaliste
Philippe Fusellier - Réalisateur
Françoise Bourdarias - Socio-Anthropologue, Université de Tours (France)
Christine Leroy - Maître de conférences, Université Paris 3
Michel Laban - Professeur Paris 3
Elodie Hercouet - L3 de socio a la Sorbonne
Federico Giusti - Confederazione Cobas Pisa
Claude Guillon - Ecrivain (Paris)
Enrico Mandirola - Cinéaste (Paris - Association KinoPoesia)
Jean-Louis Comolli - Cinéaste (Paris)
Gilles Matheron - Acteur
Robert Valbon - Auteur, Metteur en scène
Eric de Sarria – Acteur
Marc Soriano – Acteur, Auteur et Metteur en scène
Josep Rafanell i Orra - Psychologue
Claude Carron - Erémiste et Millitant associatif (Rouen)
Philippe Carles - Journaliste
Barbara Trojani - Musiciéen
Christine Nissim - Comédienne
Lino Tonelotto - Vidéaste
Cyril Gallois – Informaticien
Denis Gheerbrant - Cinéaste
Mamodaly Ronack - Etudiant
Laetitia Vignaud – Etudiante
Fanny Guiard – Réalisatrice
Alexandra Cochard - 2nde Assistante Realisateur
Christine Lecca
Valentina Mandirola
Astre Laurette d'Antibes
Julia Legasa
Jakobowski Joan
Michelpierre Autissier
Emmanuelle Zelez
Daniele Beziat
Franca Galasso – Funzionario (Reims)
Aude Fenoy - Choeur des Musiciens du Louvre
Silvana Fracasso (Bologna)
Catherine Bizern - Responsable de festival
Cathy Le Meur
Alexandra Zaglewski
Compagnie Jolie Môme (Saint-Denis 93 – France)
Christophe Moille
Luc d’Arras - Directeur de projet
Daniele Barbieri (Imola)
Christine Aubrée (Paris)
Florent Tatin
Michel Brehm – Comédien
Alain Aubin
Stéphanie Schwartzbrod
Simon Cady - Syndicat CNT-Santé-social de la région parisienne
Marisela Roussel
Yves Pagès - Ecrivain & Editeur
Rannou Guillaume – Etudiant
Darchy Julien - Etudiant PAris 3
Philippe Ogilvie - Etudiant à Censier Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle
Isabel Lopes Cardoso (Lisbonne, Paris)
Yann Germain – Étudiant membre de PCF et de l'UNEF
Cecilia Lucero - Comedienne (Päris)
Jean-Baptiste Leclercq - Doctorant Sociologie, Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche. Université Paris VII-XII
Bénédicte Brunet (Paris)
Alexandra Morge - Etudiante
Josette Alexandre
Mathias Richard - Editions Caméras Animales
Aurianne Cothenet - Doctorante Paris 10
Marco Migliorisi - Studente (Ragusa)
Khouya Mhamed – Syndicaliste
Xavier Grimault - Etudiant (Rennes)
Guillaume Brault - Chef-opérateur prises de vues