They successfully broke in and spent quite a while sitting on a building until they were discovered, causing great embarrassment to the high tech security base. Last week they returned to Alice Springs for their court case, and are facing up to 7 years in prison under the never-before-used Commonwealth (Special Undertakings) Act of 1952.
On Sunday 23 March, Alice Springs showed its solidarity with the Christians when we converged on Pine Gap to demand that it end its involvement in US terrorism. CAAT members who could not go within 2km of the gate passed the baton to the rest of us who marched/cycled forward for a colourful confrontation at the front gate.
Pine Gap security gave us the full tour and let us press lots of flashy buttons that caused bombs to drop on unsuspecting non-white countries. (Well, not quite.)
Anyway, we'll be back!
More info - contact Alice Action
(Alice Springs social justice environment activist group)
aliceactioninfo (at)