HBOS PLC AGM One Man For One Family Delivers A Message
HBOS Plc Please Have Your AGM Voting Cards Ready Logo at Picket 2006
HBOS Plc Logo AGM Houseboat Eviction PLEASE HELP
MICC Host Venue to HBOS PLC AGM 2006
HBOS Plc Enquiries Manchester AGM 2006
HBOS Plc Registration Manchester AGM 2006
Halifax Bank of Scotland Business Finance Impromtu Appeal for Help Manchester
Manchester International Convention Centre HBOS AGM Lone Protestor Vince Shalom
25th April 2006
The Chair & Board of Directors
Delivered By Hand To HBOS AGM 2006, Manchester International Convention Centre
Faxed to HBOS Plc 0131 243 5546
James Crosby, Charles Dunstone, Sir Ronald Garrick, Anthony Hobson BA MBA FCA, Philip Hodkinson, Andrew Hornby, Brian Ivory, Colin Matthew, Coline McConville, George Mitchell, Kathleen Nealon, David Shearer, Henry Stevenson, CBE, Lord Stevenson of Coddenham.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
Crest Nicholson Plc/HBOS AGM 2006 Please Help Us!
With reference to the above and the documented record may we kindly remind you that with our five young daughters, we have lost a perfectly decent, safe and satisfactory Family Home of 14 years, a beautiful way of life and our Family’s personal private possessions still remain seized.
This situation is a total nightmare for our Family and it has been dragging on for almost two and a half years. Please support us in our Family Campaign for Social Justice from Crest Nicholson Plc. Please help us!
We kindly draw to your attention that at least three Crest employees, particularly involved in this matter, have since left the company. However, we would like to assure you that we have a very detailed record of their disgraceful conduct.
By virtue of HBOS investments-associations with Crest Nicholson, and in the interests and wider terms of ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’, always mindful of HBOS Ethical Investments, we kindly invite you to determine exactly what has happened, and please help us.
Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
Vincent & Marie Louise Shalom
With Our Daughters,
Hannah, Naomi, Rachel, Rebekah, Jessica.
Letter ends:
South Wales ‘mainstream’ press media, The South Wales Echo, part of the Trinity Mirror Group makes mention of the above event under the title, ‘Boatman Fronts Bankers’, and is archived here;

John Callcutt’s recent demise from Crest Nicholson, to go to his new lucrative appointment as Chief Executive Officer of English Partnerships, saw the last of three, key, Crest Nicholson employees to leave the company, who were directly associated with the appalling treatment the Family have received.
As former Chief Executive Officer of Crest Nicholson, Mr John Callcutt was solely responsible for enforcing health and safety in the Crest Group, particularly at the time the Crest organisation caused a night time grounding and toppling incident to the Family Home. The Family maintain their belief that John Callcutt never truly faced his moral culpability, before ‘jumping ship’ to English Partnerships, but are resolute to continue in their Family Campaign for Social Justice.
Former Operations Director and ‘Certified Marina Manager’, Mr. Simon Haigh - who once described the perfectly safe and satisfactory Family home as “a caravan!”, has since taken over Crest Nicholson Marinas Limited. He’s formed a ‘new’ company with other former Crest Nicholson Staff. Quay Marinas Limited is based at A & W Building, The Docks, Portishead, North Somerset.
Former Penarth Marina Manager Mr. Gareth Stephens, has since migrated to British Waterways as Business Manager for Boating in London, “A place to escape if it all gets too much!”

Contacts via website.