The Bush presidency has degenerated to the level of bad circus entertainment; except for the fact that young Americans and innocent Iraqis are dying it would be laughable. The moron president rambles, drivels and bleats utter nonsense on every occasion he addresses the people. It clearly indicates a lack of accurate intelligence and informed advice; a picture of regime failure is presented to the public almost nightly via the antics of divorced from reality Bush.
It is no secret that Bush is the idiot puppet of ultra-right forces in the US, it would seem that more advisers have followed the example of Wolfowitz and Perle and have jumped ship. Without the support of adept deceivers and liars Bush is seen as the pathetic figure he really is, a sick personality entirely divorced from the real world. The American people can take a long hard look at themselves – a leader is only a reflection of the people. There is nowhere to go except backwards from here, more insanity, death and destruction; factors that follow the criminally insane, incompetent and totally inept like night follows day.
The world is witnessing the rapid decline of a very short-lived empire (approx. fifty years) and it is obvious that the people do not possess the will or fortitude to reverse this trend – in the face of glaring incompetence, the clown remains King!
God bless Asia.