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A Soldier Joins The Protest
Eric Wasileski, a 8-year Navy and Army veteran of the Persian Gulf war, talks about what led him to participate in a civil disobedience protest outside of the Westover Air Force Base in Chicopee, MA at the start of the U.S. invasion of Iraq.
(Running Time - 4:16)

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Students Hold An Anti-War Protest Inside Wal-Mart
In a different kind of "Spring Break" activity college students from UMass Amherst, Smith and Hampshire Colleges, as well as local high school students, stage a sit-down protest blocking main roads in Amherst and Hadley, MA, then march to a local mall and end up holding a spontaneous anti-war rally inside Wal-Mart. Featuring the song, "The Revolution Starts Now" by Steve Earle (Courtesy Artemis Records).
(Running Time - 5:39)

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Civil Rights Movement Veteran Speaks Out
John Bracey, professor of African-American Studies at UMass Amherst and civil rights organizer in the 1960s, speaks out on the first day of the Iraq war at a rally on the Amherst, MA town common.
(Running Time – 2:19)

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Students Participate In A Nationwide Strike
Two weeks before the U.S. invasion of Iraq, 450 college and high school campuses participated a nationwide student strike against war. In this clip, college students from UMass-Amherst, Smith, and Hampshire College, as well as, local middle and high school students rally at their schools, then march to downtown Amherst, shutting down the main street intersection for 90 minutes in a lively protest.
(Running Time - 6:42)

Windows Format

Turning Tide Productions • PO Box 864 • Wendell, MA 01379 • USA
Tel: 800-557-6414 (Toll-Free in U.S.) • 978-544-8313 • Fax: 978-544-7989