This Saturday 29th April
Please forward this email and post anywhere you can on the internet.
++ Campaign News ++
The Boycott Body shop campaign will be holding the 2nd Day of action against the Body Shop this Saturday.
The news has recently centred on the projected severe loss of profit for TBS and the irreparable damage done to its brand since the announcement of the L’Oreal takeover.
It would appear that this attempted hijacking of our morals is failing, and no marketing budget will change our minds.
I would like to thank everyone who took part in the demonstrations on April 1st the public were incredibly supportive of the campaign and members of the public even joined campaigners in demonstrations after they read about what the takeover meant for ethically conscious consumers.
++ What can you do? ++
Please ask your friends and family to join you on a peaceful demonstration outside of your local Body Shop this Saturday to send TBS a message; We will not let you con us into thinking you are an ethical company.
- You can print off and photocopy the campaign materials on our website (above).
- You can email the Body Shop direct and tell them how you feel -

- You can forward this email to everyone you know, and ask them to sign the petition on the site (above).
++ Disclaimer / Information ++
Please note: You are perfectly within your rights to campaign outside of a shop providing you do not try to break the law, enter the shop or step onto the premises.
Boycott Body Shop campaign does not encourage or support illegal behaviour or any behaviour likely to break the law, please make all communications with all parties polite.