'Free' Energy is REAL [210]
Despite the absence of any commercialisation of Tesla's discovery of Radiant Energy in the 19th century, and the ongoing denials of institutionalised science that such energy is even possible, 'free' energy is real and happening in sheds and workshops throughout the world. During most of the 20th century the Feds, and the economic interests they represent, were able to clamp down on any 'free' energy devices that appeared. Large numbers of workable inventions in this and other fields of technology were ruthlessly suppressed by authorities.
But it is now becoming more and more difficult for governments and vested industrial interests to contain 'free' energy devices and maintain artificial scarcity and energy markets that are dominated by a small club of, so called, 'developed' nations. The same forces that are creating the 2nd Renaissance are liberating underground experimenters and inventors. Radiant Energy is real and now the times are changing sufficiently for it to take its rightful place and form - in the service of free people, and for peaceful rather than military purposes.
Several Factors Facilitated the Suppression of 'Free' Energy [211]
Throughout the entire 20th century the people of this planet were denied the near magical benefits of abundant, safe, and almost costless energy. Several factors combined to make it possible for governments to suppress Tesla's legacy for so long.
* Patents did not fully disclose details. The goal was to protect commercial interest and to subsequently profit from an invention.
* Inventors were individuals working within societies controlled by national governments and corporations that could not have survived the introduction of the technologies involved. There were no collectives of inventors and technologists able to work outside the dominant models of economic and social control.
* Individual inventors had limited financial resources. They struggled to scrape together the money to build and test their inventions, and they could be easily closed down by aggressive legal action and other forms of harassment that quickly depleted their financial reserves to zero.
* Information could be contained and controlled. Individual inventors lacked access to a knowledge-sharing network. They generally worked in isolation and, as a result, they were limited in what information they could access and vulnerable to information denial tactics on the part of institutionalised science and government agencies.
* False scientific theories developed in the early 20th century served to obscure the truth and make it harder for individual inventors to replicate Tesla's devices or to conceive new ones.
Patents are simply not granted on inventions that do not work. Those who think that it is impossible to use one form of power to resonate the earth and then draw off limitless amounts of another form of energy should remember that not only did Tesla demonstrate this phenomenon to the satisfaction of the US Patent Examiners, other researchers have since been able to replicate this process. The difficulty that you or I might encounter, were we to work from Tesla's patent documents, is that of missing knowledge. Patent attorneys and inventors included only sufficient information to uniquely describe a patented device or process. They did not spell out the 'how' and 'why' of constructing and operating an invention. This was done to protect the commercial interest of the inventor. Tesla held some 700 patents worldwide, of which those for his Magnifying Transmitter are probably the most important because it unlocks a hitherto unknown energy field. Many of Tesla's patents are accessible to anybody who cares to ask for a copy. What is missing are his notes that explain the innermost secrets of the technology. A entire room full of these notes vanished, and they held the real knowledge keys to his inventions.
No list of individual inventors who developed and patented a form of 'free' energy device during the 20th century exists, but if it did it would be extensive. As recently as 2001 two inventors in Cairns, Australia, unveiled a machine that had achieved an international patent and which they expected to be able to market for $4,000 to $5,000. The device, which was developed by John Christie, a mechanical engineer, and Lou Brits, an electrician, is more than 500% efficient. Once it is kick started from a conventional battery the device produces 24 kW of clean power, 24/7. The inventors said that, "If it were not for the magnets, which have a life of 1,300 years, and the battery pack, which has a life of about five years, the machine would be in perpetual motion."
While it is far less radical than Tesla's idea of 'broadcasting' power to everyone on earth, the Christie/Brits generator could revolutionise domestic power supply, if it were ever allowed to do so. Once a household had one of these devices it could not only meet all its own power requirements, it could also feed around 10 kW of energy into the local power grid each day. When a family moved home, it would be practical to take the generator with them to their new residence. Given the long service life of the device, many generations of the family would inherit it, and it would continue to pump out 24 kW of clean power every day.
This sounds too good to be true, but it is not. However, it is too good to be allowed to be true, or to be allowed to be made, or to be allowed to be sold. The energy industry is the largest on the planet. Moreover, it has a fundamental interest in maintaining artificial scarcity, and the old economic order. If the Christie/Brits device, or anything like it, were to be allowed to be made available, every country in the world would soon be on an equal economic footing. The dominant control of the OWO would then be at an end.
In present-day Australia, prior to the inevitable political fragmentation to come, Christie and Brits have absolutely no chance of overcoming the various obstacles that can be put in their way in order to prevent their invention being mass-produced and distributed to power-poor communities in Africa, South America, and other places. To use a colloquial Australian expression, the chances that these two budding entrepreneurs can bring their 'free' energy device to the world are, "Buckleys and None." Once some areas secede from the Australian federation and free cities develop, the situation will be entirely different. Tesla's Radiant Energy can and will power those free cities. Free energy will then be the driver for the creation of abundance, and this will lead to the formation of a Level 4 Civilization. There is not long to wait, free energy and abundance will emerge in many parts of the world within this current decade - before the year 2010.
According to an article in the Cairns Post at the time of the announcement of the Christie/Brits 'free' energy device, the two inventors required only $500,000 to start their first production plant. This is a trifling amount of money when the market for a 'free' 24 kW, 24/7 energy generator is considered. Yet. it was always going to be impossible to raise. Or, if the capital could be found the arrangements were always likely to have 'hooks' to snare control of the technology away from Christie and Brits. This is what happened to Tesla, he was enthusiastic and raring to go, he wanted to help the people of the world. J.P.Morgan lent him just enough funds to get started, but not enough to actually complete anything. The patents of the Magnifying Transmitter were included in the deal, and Morgan gained control of them when he cut off the funding to Wardenclyffe. No more radiant energy would be seen in quantity for one hundred years from that time. Free energy was effectively killed during its birth, and billions of people were to be the losers as a result of that action.
Until the emergence of the Internet and, in particular, the WWW, individual inventors were very isolated from knowledge sources and support networks. Even if a prospective inventor could obtain a copy of one or more of Tesla's patents there was no further information available and it was difficult to find or converse with anyone else who might have a similar interest and, perhaps, some additional knowledge. For much of the 20th century international travel was expensive, and it remains beyond the means of the majority of the people in the world. today. Pre-WWW, most private inventors did not have many opportunities to meet and converse with others seeking similar answers.
Just as the Internet facilitated the interchange of knowledge within institutionalised science, the WWW enabled whole 'communities of interest' to develop outside the institutional frameworks of academia and science. Printed books had much the same effect during the 1st Renaissance, knowledge moved out of closely guarded monastic libraries and into the bazaars. Strands of information and expertise began to be documented and sustained by collective interests. Today, the rapidly growing 'free' energy movement is the equivalent of the medieval interest groups that formed as a consequence of the introduction of the moveable type printing press to Renaissance Europe.
There are many 'free’ energy sites on the WWW, you can explore these at your leisure. The important point to note here is that collective interest in a subject, whether it be tapping energy from the vacuum or bee-keeping, leads to open sharing of knowledge. This is nowhere more evident than in the development of open source software. Freenet is an example, it exists because enough like-minded people want it to exist. There are no patent attorneys or financiers involved, just interested, dedicated, Freenetters. Free energy now has a future because there is a collective movement that is interested in developing such technologies. Instead of private gain from patented inventions the motives of these folk are more altruistic - their goal is to benefit humanity as a whole. Free energy inventors still patent their devices, they wish to avoid exploitation of their work by profit driven corporations. However, in many instances, the new breed of 'open source' free energy wizards are happy to share their knowledge and to see communities build and operate their technology designs.
This is a development of incalculable moment. It marks a point in human history at which the control of science and inventions (in energy, open source software, or whatever) moves from governments and corporations to community collectives and co-operative ventures.
Historians will, at some future time, come to regard this shift as the equivalent of the release of knowledge from guarded medieval libraries and its propagation throughout Europe via the medium of printed books. Such a change in the science and control of energy is one of the preconditions for the formation of a Level 4 Civilization. It is beginning to occur, even as you read this paragraph. Tesla's Radiant Energy legacy is about to bear the fruits that he always envisaged from it.
Scientists in general, not only independent inventors, have been greatly disadvantaged by the development of false scientific theories, early in the 20th century. These false theories and narrowly defined 'laws' have sent many inquiring minds off on wild goose chases into a veritable labyrinth of nonsense that was created at that time by a newly institutionalised, and increasingly atheistic, order in Western science. Only now are the false notions and theories being challenged and either revised or discarded as a result of the efforts of various independent thinkers and researchers. One of the pre-twentieth century theories that is regaining credibility and acceptance is that of the luminiferous ether. The notion of the ether is being revived because it provides a sound explanation for the existence of the radiant energy that Tesla so dramatically generated at his Colorado Springs and Wardenclyffe sites.
According to the ancients the primary substance in the universe was the ether (or aether), until the late 19th century orthodox science agreed with them. Tesla believed in the ether, so did prominent scientists such as Sir Oliver Lodge and Albert Einstein. Today, orthodox science has abandoned the ether theory, and it forms no part of modern scientific education. It would be considered 'old fashioned' and even 'eccentric' to include the ether in any present-day explanations of electromagnetics, gravity, sound, vibration, matter, and the like. Even otherwise adventurous theorists like Vogt and Sultan back away for the idea of an ether. Writing of Nikola Tesla they wrote,
* "Although he never visualised existence the way we theorise it, he had experimented and worked long enough with high voltage and high frequency devices to intuitively know that there was something interrelated with matter that gave it energy. We are not saying that we believe in any way in the 'ether' theory; we just wish to point out that many great minds in science intuitively felt there was something interrelated with matter that could not be seen of readily detected."
Tesla had a deeper understanding of the theory of the ether than Vogt and Sultan supposed. He not only drew on his practical experience with electromagnetic phenomena he learned to read Sanskrit and he studied the 5,000 years old writings of the Vedas on this and other subjects. His conclusions are not widely recorded, however one of his biographers, John O’Neil, a former science editor of the New York Herald Tribune, found and reproduced an unpublished article by Tesla. Of mankind, Tesla observed the following.
* "Long ago he recognised that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance, or tenuity beyond conception, filling all space, the Kasha or luminiferous ether, which is acted upon by the life giving Prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles all things and phenomena. The primary substance, thrown into infinitesimal whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter, the force subsiding , the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance."
In other writings Tesla said,
* "There is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment."
* "Atomic power is an illusion."
Tesla might have been mistaken in his explanations for the phenomena that he worked with so successfully, but if he was in error about the ether he was in some very distinguished company. Moreover, conventional science remains quite unable to explain the source of radiant energy, at least publicly.
Inside the many 'black' projects to develop ever more terrible terror weapons, it might well be the case that scientists and technologists continue to believe in and apply the ether theory in their top-secret work. Perhaps it is only public science - the theories taught in our schools and universities - that denies the existence and role of the ether. The reason for such a situation might be readily summed up in just two words, 'national security'.
How The Ether Theory Was Discredited [212]
Two lines of reasoning were used by the physics establishment to cause the ether theory to be abandoned. False and therefore unproductive theories were substituted to fill the gap left by the removal of the ether, and the teachings of thousands of years within many ancient cultures. First there was the most famous experimental failure, the Michelson-Morley attempt to measure the effect of the ether on light waves, in 1887. Secondly there was the subtle 'alteration' of Einstein's relativity theory, around 1925. This gave the impression that if the theory of the ether was true then the theory of relativity had to be false, and vice versa.
Here is a 'plain language' description of the MM experiment, by Paul Laviolette.
* "The initial purpose of these experiments was to determine the speed of the Earth's motion through the ether. It was known that the Earth travels in its orbit around the Sun at a speed of about thirty kilometres per second and that the solar system moves at an even greater velocity relative to other stars in the Galaxy. So physicists expected that the ether should be drifting past the Earth at a substantial velocity and that this drift speed should slightly alter the speed of a light beam seen by an Earth observer. Since light travels at nearly 300,000 kilometres per second, Earth's motion would be expected to change this measured velocity by only a small fraction of a percent. If we visualise this ether drift as a river current and a light beam as a person rowing a boat downstream, in the same direction as the ether drift, then an Earth observer (standing on the riverbank) would see the boat travelling slightly faster, whereas if the boat were moving upstream against the ether drift current, the observer would see it travelling slightly slower.
Unfortunately, no one knew of a way to measure the one-way velocity of light to see if light travelled slightly faster in one direction compared with another. Nevertheless, two American physicists, Albert Michelson and Edward Morley, devised a way to determine the direction and velocity of the ether drift simply by comparing the round-trip travel times of light waves directed along two mutually perpendicular directions. They reasoned that a light beam travelling over to a mirror and back again perpendicular to the ether drift should take longer to complete its round-trip journey, as compared with a beam making a similar round trip along a path parallel to the ether drift, the magnitude of this time difference was expected to provide a measure of the Earth's relative velocity."
The following simplified diagram (from Beyond The Big Bang, Paul A. Laviolette) shows the arrangement used in the Michelson-Morley experiment. BS is a beam splitter and M1 and M2 are mirrors.The principle that underlay this table-top experiment was the detection of differences in the relative speeds of the two beams of light when they were merged on the screen of the apparatus.
The experimenters expected that, due to their different speeds, the two light beams would not form a perfect combinational pattern. Rather, they thought, there should be 'fringing' in the pattern. The degree of fringing would indicate the time difference between the beams of light.
When one beam was parallel to the drift of the ether and the other was at right angles to it, the time difference, and the fringing in the interference pattern, would be at a maximum. When the apparatus was oriented so that both beams were at 45o to the drift of the ether, the fringing would be at its minimum.
The whole scientific world, not just Michelson and Morley, received an unexpected shock. There was no difference in the fringing of the interferometer pattern, no matter how the apparatus was oriented. Many other experimenters quickly confirmed this fact. This result was then construed by the scientific establishment as proof that the ether, which had been an accepted part of the lore of physics for thousands of years, did not exist.
In order to consolidate that theoretical position and convert it to official truth, federated physics subtly reinterpreted Einstein's Special Relativity, so that there was then an implied contradiction between it and the long-standing theory of the ether. If one was true the other had to be false. However, Einstein himself never rejected the ether,
What Einstein Said About The Ether and His Relativity Theory [213]
Despite the present-day reliance placed on the 'evidence' of the Michelson-Morley experiment, and the smokescreen of 'contradictions' created by the scientific establishment, the ether can and must exist. No less an authority than Albert Einstein clearly and unambiguously said so. The following excerpts are from an address that Einstein delivered on the 5th of May, 1920, at the University of Leiden, in the Netherlands. They are not necessarily quoted in the same order as they occur in his paper.
*"Recapitulating, we may say that according to the general theory of relativity space is endowed with physical qualities, in this sense, therefore, there exists an ether. According to the general theory of relativity space without ether is unthinkable, for in such space there not only would be no propagation of light, but also no possibility of existence for standards of space and time (measuring-rods and clocks), nor therefore any space-time intervals in the physical sense. But this ether may not be thought of as endowed with the quality characteristic of ponderable media, as consisting of parts which may be tracked through time. The idea of motion may not be applied to it."
___ This is the concluding paragraph of Einstein's paper, Ether and the Theory of Relativity. He said the following as well.
* "When in the first half of the nineteenth century the far-reaching similarity was revealed which subsists between the properties of light and those of elastic waves in ponderable bodies, the ether hypothesis found fresh support. It appeared beyond question that light must be interpreted as a vibratory process in an elastic, inert medium filling up universal space. It also seemed to be a necessary consequence of the fact that light is capable of polarisation that this medium, the ether, must be of the nature of a solid body, because transverse waves are not possible in a fluid, but only in a solid. Thus the physicists were bound to arrive at the theory of the 'quasirigid' luminiferous ether, the parts of which can carry out no movements relatively to one another except the small movements of deformation which correspond to light-waves.
The theory, also called the theory of the stationary luminiferous ether, moreover found a strong support in an experiment which is also of fundamental importance in the special theory of relativity, the experiment of Fizeau, from which one was obliged to infer that the luminiferous ether does not take part in the movements of bodies."
* "To deny the ether is ultimately to assume that empty space has no physical qualities whatever. .......Newton might no less well have called his absolute space 'Ether', what is essential is merely that besides observable objects, another thing, which is not perceptible, must be looked upon as real, to enable acceleration or rotation to be looked upon as something real."
* "It is true that Mach tried to avoid having to accept as real something which is not observable by endeavouring to substitute in mechanics a mean acceleration with reference to the totality of the masses in the universe, in place of an acceleration with reference to absolute space. But inertial resistance opposed to relative acceleration of distant masses presupposes action at a distance and, as the modern physicist does not believe that he may accept this action at a distance, he comes back once more, if he follows Mach, to the ether, which has to serve as medium for the effects of inertia. But this conception of the ether to which we are led by Mach's way of thinking differs essentially from the ether as conceived by Newton, by Fresnel, and by Lorentz. Mach's ether not only conditions the behaviour of inert masses, but is also conditioned in its state by them.
Mach's idea finds its full development in the ether of the general theory of relativity."
* "The ether of the general theory of relativity is a medium which is itself devoid of all mechanical and kinematical qualities, but helps to determine mechanical (and electromagnetic) events."
* "If we consider the gravitational field and the electromagnetic field from the standpoint of the ether hypothesis, we find a remarkable difference between the two. There can be no space nor any part of space without gravitational potentials; for these confer upon space its metrical qualities, without which it cannot be imagined at all. The existence of the gravitational field is inseparably bound up with the existence of space. On the other hand a part of space may very well be imagined without an electromagnetic field, thus in contrast with the gravitational field, the electromagnetic field seems to be only secondarily linked to the ether, the formal nature of the electromagnetic field being as yet in no way determined by that of the gravitational ether. From the present state of theory it looks as if the electromagnetic field, as opposed to the gravitational field, rests upon an entirely new formal motif, as though nature might just as well have endowed the gravitational ether with fields of quite another type, for example, with fields of a scalar potential, instead of fields of the electromagnetic type."
* "Since according to our present conceptions the elementary particles of matter are also, in their essence, nothing else than condensations of the electromagnetic field, our present view of the universe presents two realities which are completely separated from each other conceptually, although connected causally, namely, gravitational ether and electromagnetic field, or as they might also be called space and matter."
* "Generalising we must say this: There may be supposed to be extended physical objects to which the idea of motion cannot be applied. They may not be thought of as consisting of particles which allow themselves to be separately tracked through time. In Minkowski's idiom this is expressed as follows. Not every extended conformation in the four-dimensional world can be regarded as composed of world threads. The special theory of relativity forbids us to assume the ether to consist of particles observable through time, but the hypothesis of ether, in itself, [is not] in conflict with the special theory of relativity. Only we must guard against ascribing a state of motion to the ether."
The above statements by Albert Einstein should be sufficient to cast doubt on the notion that he saw the theory of the ether and his Theory of Relativity as incompatible. Yet, it is widely reported that the notion of the ether had to be abandoned because of just such a conflict. And, of course, the Michelson-Morley experiment is also cited as a reason to abandon all belief in such a strange notion as an invisible ether.
2nd Renaissance -22
Tesla was arguably one of the most outstanding geniuses of the late 19th century. But he was never astute in business, being far too naive and trusting. Tesla thought that everyone would readily support a discovery that would make energy available to all, and do much to end poverty and scarcity in the world. The capitalist/militarist establishments of the US thought quite differently.

2nd Renaissance -21
Who Is Running The Universe? [205] There is a common piece of street wisdom that describes how to determine who is really running any strange town that you come to on a journey. The advice is to listen to who is mentioned in conversations about the affairs and administration of the town. It is never the people who are talked about in connection with town matters or politics who are actually running things. The rule says that it is always the people who are never mentioned who are in real control. If you want to know who has the power, find out who is never mentioned as having any. When you begin to learn about and debate science with other non-scientists like yourself, remember this piece of street wisdom. Nothing is what it seems to be. The mayor or the police chief might seem to wield the power but, in reality, the power lies elsewhere, and that truth is seldom mentioned.

2nd Renaissance -20
Who are the most imaginative and lateral thinking people in our present society? Are they the scientists, or possibly the high IQ individuals employed to find new products and markets? Are they the entrepreneurs of the world, or are they advisors and consultants to industry and government? The answer to this question is known, and it is surprising to most people.

2nd Renaissance -19
A key principle in such situations will be to limit the time that any individual can serve in political office. One or two terms should be the limit, there should be no opportunity for people to make a career out of politics. Nor should it be possible for generation after generation of any family to be employed in politics or as politicians. One only has to look at the distortions and inequalities that some of these political dynasties have introduced to the course of legislation in Australia and the US to know that long-term careers and generation to generation successions are not a good idea.

2nd Renaissance -18
It is worth learning geometry as the ancients taught it because music is geometric. It is worth studying music in a geometric sense because this uncovers truths about vibrations and patterns of vibrations, Vibrations are important because all matter is formed from them. The 2nd Renaissance involves an explosion of knowledge and discovery that is taking humanity beyond the old 'drop in on your foot' materialistic and mechanistic view of the world and the universe beyond. The 21st century talent collectives that will build new technologies to defeat scarcity and create abundance will do most of their work in the realms of invisible vibration patterns. All young people, both boys and girls, now need to learn within these fields of knowledge, because humanity's future will be built there.

2nd Renaissance -17
Education systems in free cities and regions must be very different to those of nation states. It is not just the methods of encouraging learning that will distinguish education in free cities from that of nation states, but the truth that the knowledge is rooted in. There is no point in swotting to pass examinations in subject knowledge that is wrong. Yet, that is exactly what young people in state education systems are doing. Neither they, or their parents, or their teachers realise this fact, but it remains the case.

2nd Renaissance -16
Supporting secessions and the formation of free cities and regions is going to be crucial. Only in these new beachheads of tomorrow’s society will such innovations as home-schooling, and a lack of state censorship and media spin, enable young people to discover the truths they will need to know to build a Level 4 Civilization.

2nd Renaissance -15
Historically, there have been periods when legal distinctions between animals and humans have been blurred. For instance, in medieval Europe, in the 14th and 15th centuries, numerous trials and executions of animals occurred. One source identifies 34 recorded instances of pigs having been tried and cruelly put to death. Besides pigs; rats, chickens, goats, and bees were similarly tried. Some of the pigs were fully dressed in human clothes at the time they were, inevitably, found guilty. In one case a vicar excommunicated a flock of sparrows that infested his church. All this happened despite the theological stance that animals had no soul, and no morals or conscience. They could not really be guilty of transgressing the Rule of Law.

2nd Renaissance -14
Withdrawing Support For Militarism [179] The problem with revenge is that it lowers the humanity of those who exercise it down to the same level, of even below, those who committed the original crime. Although we can't yet know who was responsible for 911 or 1012, we do now know that forces of the Coalition of the Willing (CoW) have, on occasions, been just as barbaric as the people who killed on those dates. This has been amply demonstrated in Afghanistan and again in Iraq. If you doubt this, seek out more facts about the CoW's use of DU and NDU weaponry and cluster bombs. These horror weapons continue, to this day, to put young children and adult civilians at risk of injury or death from unexploded munitions, radiation, and toxic substances in the ground water and the food chain.

It is up to ordinary people to raise the level of debate about the undemocratic surveillance practices of the many faceless and unaccountable agents who make daily intrusions on individual privacy, and about the apologists and propagandists for the War nn Terror who applaud every new attack on human rights and freedoms as "prudent" or "necessary". If there is no discussion of reverse surveillance in the national media, create it on the streets on a citizen to citizen basis. If nobody is talking about the outrageous assaults on privacy and human rights embodied in the new antiterrorist acts forced through US, UK and Australian legislatures, start talking about it to your neighbours and friends.

2nd Renaissance -13
Such a development is part of the phenomenon of reverse surveillance that will come to characterise the 2nd Renaissance and a rapid transition to a Level 4 Civilization and a truly free society. You can learn more about reverse surveillance at the 'Surveillance' freesite. Reverse surveillance principles extend well beyond the use of ubiquitous digital imaging technologies, and include audits of all aspects of federal government operations, by randomly selected teams of citizens. The Feds and the parrot people will be quick to pronounce that such monitoting is "not in the national interest," but it will definitely be in our interests, and those of future generations of humanity.

2nd Renaissance -12
There are reports that in one Balinese kampong that provided labour to the clubs in Kuta Beach, seven empty coffins were buried, because there were no identifiable remains of the missing workers. It was as if they had been vaporised. Scores of people, mainly locals, are thought to have disappeared without trace.

2nd Renaissance -11
Fortunately, the power and control of government and military elites is illusory in the 21st century. The world no longer works the way it did, and there is nothing to compel people to support failed, outdated systems any longer. This is an understanding that must be widely and quickly shared. The future of our children and the planet depends upon our changing our thinking about governments, and our support for them.

2nd Renaissance -10
In the Afghanistan turkey shoot the CoW forces used vast numbers of hard target weapons and other munitions containing depleted uranium (DU). This substance is almost twice as dense as lead. When it punches through concrete bunkers, armour, or mud huts, DU disintegrates into a chemically toxic and radioactive dust. In contrast to the earlier DU weapons used in Gulf War I, the newer ordinance produced deaths and deformities within weeks of the start of military action by the CoW. Between 1990-91 and 2001 the US arms manufacturers are thought to have "improved" the DU technology by introducing milled uranium ore to their warheads. This non-depleted uranium (NDU) is - wait for it - cheaper to produce and far more potent than DU. It poses massive health risks to civilian populations exposed to it, and constitutes, in every sense of the word, a weapon of mass destruction, or WMD. "Hey they're hunting them in Iraq, aren't they?"

2nd Renaissance -9
The Old World Order will not do anything to smooth the path to a Level 4 Civilization, and a better world. On the contrary, they will do whatever they can to make it difficult. The police, the military, the media, the financial system, the rule of law, and all the mechanisms of civil control and surveillance will be mobilised in defence of the status quo. But, once they understand their options, the people of the world will not engage in a battle with the forces of the OWO. They will simply abandon the old way of living under national rule, for a better, freer, life in new tribal societies. Kinship mechanisms will help people cope with the pressures of official opposition to radical changes that will finally enable them to escape the invisible prison that the OWO had fashioned around them.

2nd Renaissance -8
Ultimately the old order will lose the battle to preserve their privileged way of life, based on all prevailing scarcity, pseudo-democracy, and the rule of law. But in the interim, hundreds of millions of innocent people might lose their lives in bloody resistance to the changes being made by the Old World Order (OWO).. If such a terrible thing happens, it will all have been for nothing, because:

Tales of Adam
Daniel Quinn*

2nd Renaissance -7
When coupled with the introduction of artificial scarcity and taker concepts of property ownership and legal tender, Western death-fearing religions played a significant role in subduing, otherwise independent, tribal peoples.

2nd Renaissance -6
The second route involves the setting up of entirely new living spaces on tribal lands that were previously seized by colonising governments that espoused and followed Taker philosophies. This route has greater credibility, in the sense of secession rights, where clear historical ownership of the land can be shown.

2nd Renaissance -5
Quinn contends that while governments can imagine a revolution they can't imagine abandonment. As he puts it, "..even if it could imagine abandonment , it couldn't defend against it, because abandonment isn't an attack, it's just a discontinuance of support."

2nd Renaissance -4
In due course, there is one achievement of overriding significance that Caral might well provide. One great contribution or lesson that can be applied to the 2nd Renaissance. How to live in peace, with spiritual meaning, and without warfare, for a thousand years.

The New Renaissance
Daniel Quinn*

2nd Renaissance -3
Plichta writes of this model as follows. "There was a time I used to make fun of the Apocalypse of St John and believed it to be a totally unreliable historical source. Today I am filled with deep humility, perhaps because I am now able to give a concrete description of the foundation of the world as seen by St John with my mathematical discoveries, and thus possibly open a new way to all of humanity which has now reached a dead end."

2nd Renaissance -2
Georg Cantor (1845-1918), by his origination of modern set theory and his studies of the nature of infinity, left science a valuable legacy. Cantor was regularly admitted to a psychiatric clinic within the University of Halle, in Germany, where he lectured and worked as a Professor of Mathematics. On each occasion that he became ill he had been thinking about infinity and the continuum hypothesis. Such intense thought, at the boundaries of his comprehension, caused Cantor to suffer repeated mental breakdowns. Infinity drove him mad.

2nd Renaissance
This story was published in September 2004 and it was a big secret. I received it on disk but I think it should be public by now anyway. It is interesting to look back at it and in terms of today's world some two years on. I will link each chapter as I go along over the coming weeks.- The Old World Order - Happy reading!

Fight Iemma - Debnam
All they can say is 'lock em up'
It seems we are in the thick of it again - the stupid, heartless "Law & Order" auction.
Premier Morris Iemma and Opposition leader Peter Debnam are trying to outdo each other with idiotic "tough on crime" policies.
Original Article