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Oprah did a show about the Iraq war, just
before it was launched that should have made
the rest of the "News" media blush. I think
she's up to the challenge of finding answers
to the questions of 911.
http://oprah.bravocharlie911.com//index.php?option=com_frontpage&Itemid=1 That Bush administration was complicit in 911 is not suprising, that they were allowed to get away with this crime is astonishing, and very disturbing.
It's no longer a question of whether there is enough evidence that the events that occured on September the 11th 2001 are not what we have been told they were. The question now is how to move the public out of it's state of denial.
Oprah has a "Show Ideas" submission page . If we can send enough requests for a 911 show through that page, we can make this happen. This site takes you to her page.