Kendall-Smith has been criticised for not having resigned his post before being sent to fight in a war he disagreed with. But in the real world it's the horror of war that opens the eyes of the idealistic rookie, leading to disillusion and a changed perspective. Kendall-Smith admits to having had a somewhat romantic illusion of the RAF in earlier days. Those illusions were dashed in the nightmare of the Iraq invasion and what followed which he put on a par with Nazi behaviour.
Believing Britishness to be a matter of decency, Kendall-Smith swallowed all the recruitment propaganda of the war machine. But, then, who would have thought that, in the early 21st Century, Britain's war machine would still be fighting imperialist ventures? Who would have attributed so much sheer stupidity or venality to a Prime Minister determined to drag his country, against its will, into the killing fields of another madman?
The guilty party in this show-trial is really not Dr Kendall-Smith, it's Tony Blair. As a doctor, Kendall-Smith may well have been responsible for saving lives. As a Prime Minister, all Blair has on his hands is the blood of the helpless. He should be thankful that, unlike the other quisling, Benito Mussolini, his end will not be at the hands of a lynch-mob. Although, now with his buddy, Berlusconi's demise there is a real chance that corrupt Tony will, one of these days, be receiving a visit from the fraud squad over his sales of peerages.
Natural justice, Tony, is what's coming to you and that's something no amount of dodging and weaving will save you from!
Please send your messages of moral support to Dr Kendall-Smith via his lawyer to: Flt Lt Kendall-Smith, C/o Mr Justin Hugheston-Roberts, Rose Williams & Partners, Waterloo House, 4 Waterloo Road, Wolverhampton, UK.
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