Interview with Calvin Tang, co-founder of
We discuss what Newsvine is; Associated Press; ESPN; citizen journalism; seeding links; the history of Newsvine; CEO and co-founder Mike Davidson; frustration with the Disney Internet Group/ESPN; Newsvine's public launch in March 1, 2006; CTO Mark Budos; producer Lance Anderson; Director of Technology Josh Yockey; Newsvine Tournament Pick ‘Em; Tom Laramee; Star Wars ESPN; building a website to scale; branding; leaving behind the old media mentality; why Newsvine was tech heavy at first; early adopters; how the conversations and topics have broadend at Newsvine; Simran's comments on Adam Curry's Daily Source Code; creating civility in the discussion on Newsvine with the Code of Honor; IndyMedia; articles that surprised them through Newsvine; US Department of Homeland Security; Seattle port security of container ships; Dave Chappell's contract duspure with Comedy Central; Doppleganger; blogs and news services he reads; scuba diving; upcoiming developments at Newsvine in the next year; how will the news medium evolve within the next five to 10 years; my upcoming article about Newsvine and the demise of newspapers for The Espresso.
Featured song is "Nothing's Changing" by Eric DeLuca.

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