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2nd Renaissance -20

Lothar | 01.04.2006 01:40 | Analysis | Education | Social Struggles | London | World

Who are the most imaginative and lateral thinking people in our present society? Are they the scientists, or possibly the high IQ individuals employed to find new products and markets? Are they the entrepreneurs of the world, or are they advisors and consultants to industry and government? The answer to this question is known, and it is surprising to most people.

It is surprising to most people
It is surprising to most people


Alternative Theories of TIME [201]
An illustration of a conceptual evolution in physics can be found in various theories about what time is, or whether it even exists at all. The following outline does not attempt to explain the full details of each theory, readers who are interested will need to seek these out from the many available sources. What the outline does is contrast the ideas involved in explaining the nature and operation of that very familiar phenomenon - time, across the theory domains. The various notions are extraordinarily different, yet is some aspects later theories are also quite similar. As scientists seek to understand the universe they get closer and closer to the truth about time.

Julian Barbour is a theoretical physicist who works independently from his farmhouse in Oxfordshire. In-between translating scientific papers from Russian to English, as a means of earning an income, Barbour has sought to understand time at its deepest and most fundamental level. His book, The End of Time, sets out his remarkable theoretical insights on this subject. It is the culmination of a quest that began in 1963 when he read the account of the great English physicist, Paul Dirac (1902-1984), about his attempts to merge Einstein's general theory of relativity with quantum theory. Dirac could not unify the two. Furthermore, Dirac formed the view that the concept of combining the three dimensions of space with time - to produce 'space-time' - is flawed. (Many years later Peter Plichta reached the same conclusion, from a different line of inquiry.) Dirac wrote, "This result has led me to doubt how fundamental the four dimensional requirement is in physics."

Despite the title of his book Julian Barbour does not conclude that Einstein was completely wrong, only that the true nature of time is hidden deep in the equations of general relativity, and that Einstein did not fully realise what he had found.

The following is a synopsis of several theories about time.

The laws of motion that Newton established require absolute space and absolute time. Three dimensional space stretches to infinity in all directions and time operates, as Julian Barbour describes it, like a clock in the grandstand. Also, Newtonian time is always thought of as having a consistent direction; from the past to the present. Although the Newtonian equations work equally well in either direction, our observations and experiences suggest to us that time operates only in one direction. As mentioned above, Newton's laws are quite practical when applied to our day to day activities, and they also predict the movements of the various planets and other bodies that we can observe.

However, just because a theory seems to explain what we see and experience it does not follow that it is correct. Theories once supported a notion that the Earth does not move and, because the ground does not seem to move, such theories were believed. But we now know that, despite its seemingly 'fixed' state, our planet both rotates about its axis and moves in an elliptical orbit around the Sun. Newton's laws seem to explain how objects move, and his notion of time seems to fit our experience, but what we think is happening might not actually be what's happening.

Having been greatly influenced by the ideas of the physicist Ernst Mach (after whom Mach numbers are named), Einstein developed a model in which objects move in relation to all other objects, rather than absolute space and absolute time. Moreover, in accordance with the equations developed by James Clerk Maxwell at Cambridge University, in 1860, Einstein's time ran at different rates for different observers. Someone in a space ship travelling at a significant proportion of the speed of light would experience slower time than a person who remained behind on Earth. The astronaut's clocks would slow down relative to those left at home. This prediction seemed weird to most people, including scientists, but its truth has since been demonstrated experimentally.

The other major difference between Einstein's 1915 model and that of Newton was that it accorded time the status of a fourth dimension and fused it with three dimensional space to create space-time. This aspect of his General Relativity model reflected the ideas of Hermann Minkowski, who first proposed an integration of space and time, in 1908, three years after Einstein submitted his Special Relativity paper. Minkowski had said, "Nobody has ever noticed a place except at a time, or a time except at a place". In Einstein's model space-time is distorted by the mass of objects, such as the sun, so that light rays are bent if they pass close to it. This hypothesis was experimentally demonstrated in 1919, during a total eclipse of the Sun. The speed of light is an important value in Einstein's famous equation e = m c2, but its full significance has been obscured for many decades.

Maxwell had found, to his surprise, that light is an electromagnetic wave in which electric and magnetic fields oscillate in unison. The following diagram illustrates this phenomenon. The magnetic vibration is at 90 degrees to the electrical vibration.

Textbooks and most scientists quote the speed of light as 2.9979 x 1010 centimetres per second. However Einstein always rounded this to 3 x 1010 centimetres per second. In his equation e = m c2, the symbol c has the value 3 x 1010 cm. Peter Plichta's work has not only shown this to be the correct value, but also a vital element of the design of the universe. While institutionalised science could pass off the value of the speed of light, one of the most important natural constants yet discovered, as a fractional value - 2.99792458 - its elegance and significance was masked. That is no longer possible, and the people of the planet will soon begin to benefit from deep knowledge about light, space, time, and energy.

New understanding of what time is comes from Plichta's discoveries. His conclusions are in reasonable accordance with those of Julian Barbour. However, Barbour goes further and seeks to explain not only what time is but where it is. But first, back to the speed of light.

In most non-scientific publications Einstein's equation is written in the abbreviated form in which e = m c2. In other words, Energy is equal to Mass times the square of the Speed of Light. However, in actual fact, the full equation is e2 = m2 c4.

Plichta notes the following.

*"The constant corresponding to the speed of light appears with the exponent 4. If the value of c = 3 x 1010 cm is inserted in the unabbreviated equation, the by now familiar expression 34 = 81 appears."

*"Because the number 81 contains the extraordinarily interesting reciprocal value 0.0123456789(10)(11)(12)..., we can represent the equation reciprocally."

*"On considering the equation and its reciprocal equation, I was suddenly filled with a feeling of awe. For in both these equations the term cm4 appears . From this perspective space acquires a four dimensional structure. For a long time I had had an idea of how a space with the dimension 'length to the power of 4' would appear. It would have to be two vertically intersecting surfaces which would divide space into four infinite segments with no external limit."

*"A finite space is three-dimensional (to the power of 3) and an infinite space four-dimensional (to the power of 4). With regard to the time in which an electromagnetic wave expands through space, there is a four-dimensional factor which can be expressed as time squared to the power of 2.

The energy of an electromagnetic wave is related to the number of oscillations per second. One oscillation per second is described as 1 hertz in physics. The relationship that emerges involves a connection showing energy and reciprocal time as pure four-dimensional inversion.

In the same way matter and reciprocal space can be presented as a four-dimensional phenomenon (m2 = mass squared and cm2 = area squared).

We can therefore now separate two partial equations from Einstein's equation.... The reversal of an infinite four-dimensional space produces, according to this formula, an expression for matter which is physically linked to mass. The infinity of space will then exist reciprocally as points of matter."

*"This means that Einstein's equation not only connects the three most important physical dimensions which we can perceive with our senses (matter, energy and quantity), but also the reverse of these dimensions (space, time and numerical sequence). These inversions are linked to infinity and are accessible to us through our ability to conceptualise. The interface between the finity of observation and the infinite realm of the imagination is the human mind."

*"I formulated the corollary thus: 'If matter did not exist, not one single atom, there would also be no space.' But if only the two of them can exist at the same time, then one would have to be the other, only reversed. where there is no movement there is also no time. Energy can therefore be nothing less than the reverse of time. The only way to connect space and time is to bring them down to their reciprocal dimensions, matter and energy. In order that no nonsense emerges in this procedure, there must be a plan, and this must be the only one that exists - the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... as ordered by the Prime Number Cross."

*"In our contemporary physical picture, it is simply accepted that matter is energy in bundles. Because the term 'energy' refers to electromagnetic energy and this is not capable of standing still - it has no choice other than to expand at the speed of light - the notion can be seen as patently absurd. "

These excerpts give some sense of Plichta's discoveries. However the related equations have been omitted for brevity, and because one really needs to read 'God's Secret Formula' in order to appreciate the material fully.

The essence of it is that in place of space-time, in which time forms one dimension and the other dimensions are length, breadth and depth, Plichta has recognised two forms of space, the first is three-dimensional, as in the world we are familiar with, and the second is four-dimensional space that stretches to infinity. The latter form of space transmits waveforms and vibrations with perfect accuracy, and it is capable of carrying all frequencies without interference. Time is not a dimension in Plichta's model, it is simply the inverse of energy.

Besides having completed a doctorate on Einstein's theory of gravitation, Julian Barbour is one of the small number of theoretical physicists who are also true philosophers. He is well qualified to study the fundamental nature of time, and he has been doing so for 35 years. Nor is he in any way conceited or lacking a sense of humour. In his book, The End of Time, Barbour tells of an insight he gained in 1971, in the following terms.

*"We had a blackboard in our kitchen in College Farm , and I wrote at the top of it:
'The history of the universe is a continuous curve in its relative configuration space.'

My wife, perhaps understandably, was rather sceptical about the progress I was making. After all, fourteen words were not much to show for seven years of thought.

But the clear formulation of the concept of Platonia was the important thing. It shifts attention from the parts of the universe to the universe itself. It shows that time is not needed as an extra element, the Great Timekeeper outside the universe. The universe keeps track of itself."

Platonia is the name that Barbour gives to the configuration space in his model. If there were only three objects in the universe they would have a relative configuration, for three bodies it would be triangular. The space in which the relative arrangements of bodies move from 'place' to 'place' is Platonia. Each of the triangular, relative configurations can be thought of as a static, timeless picture. Julian Barbour terms these motionless, timeless instants, Nows. A series of such 'triangles' trace out a path in Platonia, this is the process that Barbour described in fourteen words, on a blackboard in his kitchen.

Anyone who has ever navigated by using dead reckoning will know that a map is used simply as a surface on which a track is traced. A navigator in a WWII bomber headed into Germany from England would plot a line on the map from the point of take-off and continue it for a length corresponding to the time required to travel a given distance at a known airspeed. Each alteration of course would be drawn as a new track, until the target was thought to have been reached. But neither the pilot or navigator might actually have been able to identify landmarks in the blacked-out terrain that had passed below their aircraft. The bomber kept track of itself. Although it is not exactly analogous, the surface of Platonia in Barbour's model is somewhat like the map on the navigator's chart table. A track can be traced out on the surface of a map to indicate the movement of an aircraft from place to place. Similarly, relative configurations of three bodies can trace out a path in Platonia.

In an actual bombing mission to Germany, in WWII, time would have been perceived to flow as Newton expected. However, if one views a film of a bombing mission, such as The Dam Busters, both the passage of time and the movement of the aircraft across the terrain are pure illusions. All that moves is a reel of film or a magnetic tape. Technology then projects a false image of 'reality' onto a screen that you view. Nothing else moves, the aircraft does not move, the crew inside it do not move, nor does the terrain move beneath the bomber on its mission. Everything is an illusion. The only realities are in the many frames of the movie, each one of which is similar to one of Barbour's Nows.

Whereas Plichta's work shows what time is - the inverse of energy - Barbour's model of Platonia shows where time is. It is in the Nows. Below are some of his theoretical conclusions on this matter.

*"The universe kept track of itself. In one instant it is where it is, in another it is somewhere else. That is what a different instant of time is: it is just a different place in Platonia. Instants of time and positions of objects within the universe are all subsumed into the single notion of a place in Platonia. If the place is different, the time is different. If the place is the same, the time has not changed. This change of viewpoint is made possible only because the universe is treated as a single whole and time is reduced to change,"

*"Different Nows give rise to different experiences and hence to the impression that the time in them is different. ...Yesterday seems to come before today because today contains records (memories) of yesterday. ...The instant is not in time, time is in the instant."

*"This proposal is not so very different from Boltzmann's idea that the sense of motion is created from qualitatively different patterns arranged along the 'line of time'. Instead, I am suggesting that it is created by the brain from the juxtaposition of several sub patterns within one pattern. The arrow of time is not in the washing line, it is not in several pieces of washing, it is in one piece. "

*"The lesson we learned from Copernicus, Kepler and Galileo is here very relevant. They persuaded us, against what seemed to be overwhelming evidence to the contrary, that the Earth moves. They taught us to see motion where none appears. The notion of time capsules may help us to reverse that process - to see perfect stillness as the reality behind the turbulence we experience."

*"...the rules that govern the universe as a whole leave imprints on what we find around us. These local imprints, which physicists take as the fundamental laws of nature, reveal few hints of their origin in a deeper scheme of things. The attempt to understand the universe as a whole by 'stringing together' these local imprints without a grasp of their origin must give us a false picture. It will be the flat Earth writ large. My aim is to show how the local imprints can arise from a deeper reality, how a theory of time emerges from timelessness. The task is not to study time, but to show how nature creates the impression of time."

The above contrasting theories on what time is, and where time is, can be readily understood by ordinary people. No particular skills in mathematics or expertise in the use of specialist measuring instruments or in devising experiments to test the theories, are required to comprehend them, Theories are basically ideas and they can be appreciated and evaluated in their broad forms, without the clutter of detail that academia invariably adds to them. Julian Barbour has written a whole book on the subject of time without descending into mathematical formulae or difficult, often incomprehensible, language specific to the realm of science. When the ideas about time are simply put, just about anyone can be involved in considering and debating them.

This is exactly what needs to happen, science needs to be discussed in the home, in meeting places such as coffee shops and bars, and particularly in schools. A deep and realistic understanding of nature and the universe is too important a goal to be left to institutionalised science. All the powers of imagination and thought available to humanity need to be engaged, not just the minds and energies of a limited number of specialists working within the formal research and funding frameworks of science .

The insights about time that Peter Plichta and Julian Barbour have developed, along with other really important thinking and discoveries, could have been developed early in the 20th century, rather than towards its close. The quest for the truth about nature and the universe could have been 50 or 60 years further advanced than it presently is, and that could have made a very great difference to the lives on many people on this planet. Earlier theoretical insights might also have saved many lives that have been lost in wars, plagues, famines, and other disasters. Ideas, often in the form of visualisations, always precede mathematics and other technical work. Until someone imagines a path to the deeply hidden truths in nature, nothing can be accomplished, no progress can be made.

Who are the most imaginative and lateral thinking people in our present society? Are they the scientists, or possibly the high IQ individuals employed to find new products and markets? Are they the entrepreneurs of the world, or are they advisors and consultants to industry and government? The answer to this question is known, and it is surprising to most people.

Research carried out by Edward de Bono in the 1960s, at the Cognitive Research Trust facilities at Cambridge University, clearly demonstrated that the most imaginative, inquisitive and freethinking human beings are children up to six years of age. Beyond that point young people remain imaginative but they begin to learn that ideas can be either 'right' or 'wrong', and that it is a bad thing to be found to be 'wrong' or to be seen to make mistakes. By the time they reach their mid-teens they are often quite conservative and restrained in the way they think about the world and existing knowledge. By then they have usually learned to defer to those in authority, particularly teachers and experts in various fields of knowledge. By the time they leave university and gain a few years of experience these young people have the capability to develop ideas and turn them into new technologies or products, but they have largely lost the ability to conceive or visualise anything radically new.

A project that de Bono conducted in Russia combined young children who were able to imagine new products and technologies with adults who had the capability to take the ideas and develop them was particularly successful. It again showed clearly that young children have an unstinted capacity to imagine new paths of inquiry and development, whereas adults are less able to find the start of such trails to a better world. This insight might be used to advantage in all areas of society, not just business and technology. A whole range of new inquiries and scientific and social solutions might be opened up in this way.

The Third Theory Domain [202]
Two of the four theories of time above are firmly in domains 1 and 2 of the earlier diagram. The work of Plichta and Barbour extends into domain 3, but perhaps not to the full extent that is now possible. Others will follow the trails that they have blazed. They will be bold, inquisitive souls. Those who push the boundaries of thought into the realms of truth where science meets religion are not fearful of being thought wrong. Indeed, it their ideas are readily accepted these theoretical pathfinders can be certain that they are falling well short of the reality they are seeking. Peter Plichta has expressed his certainty about his own insights as follows.

*"The time in which I was forced to rely on the opinions of others is now gone. I know I have found the indisputable solution to the puzzle at the centre of the material universe: the archetypal struggle between theology and science has been resolved."

He is sure of that in his mind, but the world at large has yet to be convinced. Yet the delay in acceptance is only that - a delay, not an everlasting barrier to the truth being known everywhere that people meet and talk. When it eventually happens, wide realisation of the truth and significance of Plichta's work will be quite sudden. That is also how it was with Einstein. When the theories that are put forward seem to contradict what our senses tell us it takes time for us to take them seriously. But in the end the truth will win out, and humanity will take another leap towards knowing all that can be known. If and when we reach that goal we should not be surprised to find that earlier beings have been there before us.

Theories in the third domain are necessarily more speculative and less verifiable than those in the other two domains. They also tend to be more 'weird' and 'unlikely' than the still widely accepted Newtonian version of reality. They had better be, otherwise they will almost certainly be wrong.

An example of such a theory that attempts to answer all the puzzling questions about the world we observe, and what is beyond our observation, was developed by Douglas Vogt and Gary Sultan. In their book, Reality Revealed: The Theory of Multidimensional Reality, they seek to explain a wide range of phenomena, including many that fall outside the realm of conventional, grant governed, science. Since Vogt and Sultan's book dates from 1978 some of the concepts they use to explain their ideas have now been superseded by people such as Plichta. However the basic foundations of their theory rest on the work of one of the greatest scientists of the industrial age, Nicola Tesla. More will be said about Tesla in other sections of this freesite, but Vogt and Sultan continue to be on very sound ground when they quote and utilise his ideas and discoveries. It could also be said that, although they were technically qualified adults when they combined to write a book on science and meta-science, they were often able to think with the imagination and openness of six year olds. Here is an outline of their ideas. To be continued.....


2nd Renaissance -19

A key principle in such situations will be to limit the time that any individual can serve in political office. One or two terms should be the limit, there should be no opportunity for people to make a career out of politics. Nor should it be possible for generation after generation of any family to be employed in politics or as politicians. One only has to look at the distortions and inequalities that some of these political dynasties have introduced to the course of legislation in Australia and the US to know that long-term careers and generation to generation successions are not a good idea.

2nd Renaissance -18

It is worth learning geometry as the ancients taught it because music is geometric. It is worth studying music in a geometric sense because this uncovers truths about vibrations and patterns of vibrations, Vibrations are important because all matter is formed from them. The 2nd Renaissance involves an explosion of knowledge and discovery that is taking humanity beyond the old 'drop in on your foot' materialistic and mechanistic view of the world and the universe beyond. The 21st century talent collectives that will build new technologies to defeat scarcity and create abundance will do most of their work in the realms of invisible vibration patterns. All young people, both boys and girls, now need to learn within these fields of knowledge, because humanity's future will be built there.

2nd Renaissance -17

Education systems in free cities and regions must be very different to those of nation states. It is not just the methods of encouraging learning that will distinguish education in free cities from that of nation states, but the truth that the knowledge is rooted in. There is no point in swotting to pass examinations in subject knowledge that is wrong. Yet, that is exactly what young people in state education systems are doing. Neither they, or their parents, or their teachers realise this fact, but it remains the case.

2nd Renaissance -16

Supporting secessions and the formation of free cities and regions is going to be crucial. Only in these new beachheads of tomorrow’s society will such innovations as home-schooling, and a lack of state censorship and media spin, enable young people to discover the truths they will need to know to build a Level 4 Civilization.

2nd Renaissance -15

Historically, there have been periods when legal distinctions between animals and humans have been blurred. For instance, in medieval Europe, in the 14th and 15th centuries, numerous trials and executions of animals occurred. One source identifies 34 recorded instances of pigs having been tried and cruelly put to death. Besides pigs; rats, chickens, goats, and bees were similarly tried. Some of the pigs were fully dressed in human clothes at the time they were, inevitably, found guilty. In one case a vicar excommunicated a flock of sparrows that infested his church. All this happened despite the theological stance that animals had no soul, and no morals or conscience. They could not really be guilty of transgressing the Rule of Law.

2nd Renaissance -14

Withdrawing Support For Militarism [179] The problem with revenge is that it lowers the humanity of those who exercise it down to the same level, of even below, those who committed the original crime. Although we can't yet know who was responsible for 911 or 1012, we do now know that forces of the Coalition of the Willing (CoW) have, on occasions, been just as barbaric as the people who killed on those dates. This has been amply demonstrated in Afghanistan and again in Iraq. If you doubt this, seek out more facts about the CoW's use of DU and NDU weaponry and cluster bombs. These horror weapons continue, to this day, to put young children and adult civilians at risk of injury or death from unexploded munitions, radiation, and toxic substances in the ground water and the food chain.


It is up to ordinary people to raise the level of debate about the undemocratic surveillance practices of the many faceless and unaccountable agents who make daily intrusions on individual privacy, and about the apologists and propagandists for the War nn Terror who applaud every new attack on human rights and freedoms as "prudent" or "necessary". If there is no discussion of reverse surveillance in the national media, create it on the streets on a citizen to citizen basis. If nobody is talking about the outrageous assaults on privacy and human rights embodied in the new antiterrorist acts forced through US, UK and Australian legislatures, start talking about it to your neighbours and friends.

2nd Renaissance -13

Such a development is part of the phenomenon of reverse surveillance that will come to characterise the 2nd Renaissance and a rapid transition to a Level 4 Civilization and a truly free society. You can learn more about reverse surveillance at the 'Surveillance' freesite. Reverse surveillance principles extend well beyond the use of ubiquitous digital imaging technologies, and include audits of all aspects of federal government operations, by randomly selected teams of citizens. The Feds and the parrot people will be quick to pronounce that such monitoting is "not in the national interest," but it will definitely be in our interests, and those of future generations of humanity.

2nd Renaissance -12

There are reports that in one Balinese kampong that provided labour to the clubs in Kuta Beach, seven empty coffins were buried, because there were no identifiable remains of the missing workers. It was as if they had been vaporised. Scores of people, mainly locals, are thought to have disappeared without trace.

2nd Renaissance -11

Fortunately, the power and control of government and military elites is illusory in the 21st century. The world no longer works the way it did, and there is nothing to compel people to support failed, outdated systems any longer. This is an understanding that must be widely and quickly shared. The future of our children and the planet depends upon our changing our thinking about governments, and our support for them.

2nd Renaissance -10

In the Afghanistan turkey shoot the CoW forces used vast numbers of hard target weapons and other munitions containing depleted uranium (DU). This substance is almost twice as dense as lead. When it punches through concrete bunkers, armour, or mud huts, DU disintegrates into a chemically toxic and radioactive dust. In contrast to the earlier DU weapons used in Gulf War I, the newer ordinance produced deaths and deformities within weeks of the start of military action by the CoW. Between 1990-91 and 2001 the US arms manufacturers are thought to have "improved" the DU technology by introducing milled uranium ore to their warheads. This non-depleted uranium (NDU) is - wait for it - cheaper to produce and far more potent than DU. It poses massive health risks to civilian populations exposed to it, and constitutes, in every sense of the word, a weapon of mass destruction, or WMD. "Hey they're hunting them in Iraq, aren't they?"

2nd Renaissance -9

The Old World Order will not do anything to smooth the path to a Level 4 Civilization, and a better world. On the contrary, they will do whatever they can to make it difficult. The police, the military, the media, the financial system, the rule of law, and all the mechanisms of civil control and surveillance will be mobilised in defence of the status quo. But, once they understand their options, the people of the world will not engage in a battle with the forces of the OWO. They will simply abandon the old way of living under national rule, for a better, freer, life in new tribal societies. Kinship mechanisms will help people cope with the pressures of official opposition to radical changes that will finally enable them to escape the invisible prison that the OWO had fashioned around them.

2nd Renaissance -8

Ultimately the old order will lose the battle to preserve their privileged way of life, based on all prevailing scarcity, pseudo-democracy, and the rule of law. But in the interim, hundreds of millions of innocent people might lose their lives in bloody resistance to the changes being made by the Old World Order (OWO).. If such a terrible thing happens, it will all have been for nothing, because:

Tales of Adam
Daniel Quinn*

2nd Renaissance -7

When coupled with the introduction of artificial scarcity and taker concepts of property ownership and legal tender, Western death-fearing religions played a significant role in subduing, otherwise independent, tribal peoples.

2nd Renaissance -6

The second route involves the setting up of entirely new living spaces on tribal lands that were previously seized by colonising governments that espoused and followed Taker philosophies. This route has greater credibility, in the sense of secession rights, where clear historical ownership of the land can be shown.

2nd Renaissance -5

Quinn contends that while governments can imagine a revolution they can't imagine abandonment. As he puts it, "..even if it could imagine abandonment , it couldn't defend against it, because abandonment isn't an attack, it's just a discontinuance of support."

2nd Renaissance -4

In due course, there is one achievement of overriding significance that Caral might well provide. One great contribution or lesson that can be applied to the 2nd Renaissance. How to live in peace, with spiritual meaning, and without warfare, for a thousand years.

The New Renaissance
Daniel Quinn*

2nd Renaissance -3

Plichta writes of this model as follows. "There was a time I used to make fun of the Apocalypse of St John and believed it to be a totally unreliable historical source. Today I am filled with deep humility, perhaps because I am now able to give a concrete description of the foundation of the world as seen by St John with my mathematical discoveries, and thus possibly open a new way to all of humanity which has now reached a dead end."

2nd Renaissance -2

Georg Cantor (1845-1918), by his origination of modern set theory and his studies of the nature of infinity, left science a valuable legacy. Cantor was regularly admitted to a psychiatric clinic within the University of Halle, in Germany, where he lectured and worked as a Professor of Mathematics. On each occasion that he became ill he had been thinking about infinity and the continuum hypothesis. Such intense thought, at the boundaries of his comprehension, caused Cantor to suffer repeated mental breakdowns. Infinity drove him mad.

2nd Renaissance

This story was published in September 2004 and it was a big secret. I received it on disk but I think it should be public by now anyway. It is interesting to look back at it and in terms of today's world some two years on. I will link each chapter as I go along over the coming weeks.- The Old World Order - Happy reading!

Fight Iemma - Debnam

All they can say is 'lock em up'

It seems we are in the thick of it again - the stupid, heartless "Law & Order" auction.

Premier Morris Iemma and Opposition leader Peter Debnam are trying to outdo each other with idiotic "tough on crime" policies.

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