It is important to study music for the same reasons that it is necessary to study sacred geometry. We need to rediscover what the ancients knew, and to integrate those insights with the most recent findings in fields such as physics, cosmology, biology, and sociology. This is not the same as learning to play a musical instrument or to appreciate musical styles and performances. Nor is it the same as studying sound in a laboratory. This study of music is about the way sound is organised in the form of music and of the proportions, progressions and inversions involved. Again, geometry is involved, and so are elements of the divine and metaphysical.
The cover notes of the book, The secret Power of Music, by David Tame, describe his work as follows.
"Drawing upon the wisdom of ancient civilizations as well as contemporary scientific data. David Tame offers a challenging and timely alternative to the widely-held modern notion that music is an intangible art form of little practical significance."
Indeed, as Tame and others who have studied the geometric order of music have found, music is ultimately about vibrations and vibrations are the basis of all matter. Young people who will become the scientists and technologists driving new abundance in this century will need to develop such understanding. That is why free cities and regions will include this knowledge in their education systems.
Here are some excerpts from Robert Lawlor's Sacred Geometry.
*"A mediating proportion can be defined as A group of three unequal numbers such that two of their differences are to each other in the same relationship as one of these numbers is to itself or to one of the other two numbers. This strange mathematical 'koan' contains the formula for the three major medians, the Arithmetic, the Geometric and the Harmonic."
*"Each proportion has a number of characteristics which are peculiar to it. For example, the arithmetic proportion shows an equality of difference, but an inequality of ratio. Thus, in the arithmetic proportion: 3, 5, 7,
7-5=5-3 but 7/5 does not equal 5/3
A geometric proportion on the other hand, is characterised by an equality of ratio but an inequality of difference. Therefore in the geometric proportion: 2, 4, 8,
4/2=8/4 but 4-2=2 does not equal 8-4=4
The most important and mysterious character of the harmonic proportion is the fact that the inverse of every harmonic progression is an arithmetic progression. Thus 2, 3, 4, 5, is an ascending arithmetic progression while the inverse series, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, is a descending harmonic progression. In music it is the insertion of the harmonic and arithmetic means between the two extremes in double ratios - representing the octave double - which gives us the progression known as the musical proportion, that is 1, 4/3, 3/2, 2. In other words, the arithmetic and the harmonic means between the double geometric ratios are the numerical ratios which corresponds to the tonal intervals of the perfect fourth and the perfect fifth, the basic consonances in nearly all musical scales.
The basic proportional structure which contains the axioms for our primary mathematical operations is also the basic proportional structure for the laws of music."
Today, many people believe that musical scales are human inventions. Some attribute their development to the ancient Greeks or to mathematicians in India. But the truth is that such scales are natural phenomena, they have been discovered by humans, such as Pythagoras, - not invented by them. During the 20th century, state education systems and the media presented music as an art form. In reality music is at the core of the science of harmonics. An understanding of musical patterns and geometries leads to an understanding of matter and the cycles of the universe. As humanity continues to expand knowledge exponentially, into the 2nd Renaissance, knowing about the harmonic nature of everything there is will rank as one of the most vital insights a scientist or technologist can bring to bear in their work.
There is another insight to be achieved through the study of sacred geometry and musical vibrations, it is that we humans are not above other living things. All that our intellect enables us to do is discover the natural order of the universe. We can no more change that order than can horses or pigs. It is sheer arrogance to believe, as takers implicitly do, that we humans have a 'right' to exploit nature and unfettered power to control it. Just as Plichta's work reveals a design that requires a designer, so too does the existence of the natural structure of scales and harmonics strongly indicate the existence of a 'creator' intelligence higher than our own.
In The Secret Power of Music, David Tame writes:
*"In ancient times sound itself, the very basis of all music, was thought to be intimately related in some way to non-physical and sacred dimensions or planes of existence. Why was this? Because audible sound was considered to be but an earthly reflection of a vibratory activity taking place beyond the physical world. This vibration was more fundamental and nearer to the heart of the meaning of things, than any audible sound. Inaudible to the human ear, this Cosmic Vibration was the origin and basis of all the matter and energy in the universe."
*"In modern times, the physical sciences are now arriving back at this original point of departure. Once again, science is beginning to suspect that matter is all composed of one fundamental something, and that the frequencies or rhythms of this something determine the specific nature of each object and atom."
*"Certainly music is very much physical, and not at all abstract or insubstantial. The air vibrations of its sound are not only real and measurable, but capable of shattering glass. Music and other forms of sound can cause all kinds of sympathetic vibratory resonances within objects at a distance. ....Rhythm too can be all too real a force. Military experience has taught from centuries past that when troops marching in unison need to cross a bridge, the commanding officer should give the order for them to break step, for the effect of the marching "ri', lef', ri', lef'" rhythm has more than once led to the collapse of such constructions."
*"To the question, 'Does music affect man's physical body?' modern research replies in the clear affirmative. There is scarcely a single function of the body which cannot be affected by musical tones. The roots of the auditory nerves are more widely distributed and possess more extensive connections than those of any other nerves in the body. ....Investigation has shown that music affects digestion, internal secretions, circulation, nutrition and respiration. Even the neural networks of the brain have been found to be sensitive to harmonic principles. .....Researchers have discovered that consonant and dissonant chords, different intervals, and other features of music all exert a profound effect upon man's pulse and respiration - upon their rate and upon whether their rhythm is constant, or interrupted and jumpy. Blood pressure is lowered by sustained chords and raised by crisp, repeated ones."
*"What of the effects of music upon non-human life? ...In one experiment conducted by psychologists, rats were given the free run of two separate but connected boxes. Music was 'piped through' into each of them - Bach into one, rock into the other. Though the two boxes were identical and all other conditions except the music were equal, the rats all spent their time in the Bach box. To test further the purity of the experimental conditions, the music broadcast into the two boxes was changed around; and gradually the rats all moved into the other box. Such an experiment does not, of course, mean that the creatures preferred or 'comprehended' Bach on the same level that a human can. but the result does indicate that at some level, the degree of pleasure or pain which the rats experienced in the two boxes was tipped in favour of the master of Baroque."
*"In the investigation of the effects on music upon life, a number of preliminary experiments have been conducted with plants. Paradoxical as it may seem, music's effect upon the more primitive vegetable kingdom is one of the most convincing methods of all for proving that music does affect life, including human life. For experiments conducted with humans, and even, to some extent, with animals, have the extra factor of the mind to contend with. ...the effect upon the body may have been caused by the mind's subjective reaction to the music heard. In the case of plant-music research, however, psychological factors cannot really be said to be present. If music can be shown to affect plants, then such effects have to be due to the objective influence of the tones directly upon the cells and processes of the life-form."
*"Dr T. C. Singh, head of the Botany Department at Annamalia University, India, has also conducted research into the effects of music on plants. He discovered not only that constant exposure to classical music caused plants to grow at twice their normal speed, but also went on to find what seemed to be one of the main causes of this accelerated growth. The sound waves of a musical instrument, Dr Singh found, cause increased motion in cellular protoplasm. (Protoplasm is the basic material of which all plant - and animal and human - life is made up.) ....In Dr Singh's experiments, the violin was found to be one of the most life-enhancing instruments of all. Altogether, life-enhancing characteristics as a result of music were shown in balsam, sugar cane, onions, garlic, sweet potatoes and other plants besides. Yet, perhaps the most interesting and significant of all of Dr Singh's findings was that later generations of the seeds of musically stimulated plants carried on the improved traits of greater size, more leaves, and other characteristics. Music had changed the plants' chromosomes!"
*"Let us recall that besides the ancients' belief that music affects the body, emotions and mind of man, they also claimed that music's power was objective, not subjective. That is, they claimed that different types of music are inherently good or inherently bad; that certain combinations of tones are objectively life-changing and evolutionary in nature, while others are unhealthy and dangerous.
The question of what constitutes good or bad music can be answered in just eight words: good music gives life; bad music gives death. There is more to life and death than the two sides of the grave: every moment of music to which we subject ourselves may be enhancing or taking away our life-energies and clarity of consciousness, increment by increment."
*"A recent teenage fad was that of taking soft eggs to rock concerts and placing them at the foot of the stage. Midway through the concert the eggs could be eaten hard-boiled as a result of the music. Amazingly few rock fans wondered what that same music might do to their bodies."
As evidence of the all-pervasive nature of musical patterns and proportions in our collective psyche there is also the example of the Ur-song. Here is some of what David Tame writes of it.
"The intervals and harmonics of music, mirroring the geometry of the heavens, may also be present in some mysterious way within not only the physical form of man, but also within the patterns of his psychology. It has often been pointed out, and even entire books written on the subject, that the architecture of previous times often displayed ratios and proportions such as are found in the intervals of music. From the constructions of ancient Greece to those of the more recent Gothic periods, there exist many examples of buildings based almost entirely upon the intervals of octave, fifth, fourth and so on. The same ratios are also found in the works of the grand master painters. At times these ratios in art and architecture occur with a frequency and precision that can only be conscious and deliberate; at other times it seems likely that the ratios were included unconsciously, because they seemed 'right'."
*"That such ratios occur unconsciously seems to be supported by the phenomenon known as the Ur-song. This phenomenon takes us deeper still into the framework of the human mind. For Ur-song is the name given to a fundamental type of melody that infants everywhere in the world seem to sing quite spontaneously, without having learned it from their parents or the culture around them.
On the face of it, there is no obvious reason why children, if they produce melodies spontaneously, should not begin with any of the infinite variety and number of different tones and tone-relationships. The notes of the Western diatonic scale are, after all, but a few points on a spectrum of tone-frequencies that actually includes an infinite number of points or minutely-different pitches. Yet in all lands, children from the age of eighteen months to two and a half years have been found to spontaneously sing melodic fragments with the intervals of second, minor third, and major third. Thence, in their second and third years, while systematically exploring the use of these intervals in what may be a very important developmental psychological process, children then go on to include fourths and fifths. (A descending third is a pitch difference or interval such as that between 'this' and 'old' in the tune 'This old man...'. An example of a fourth is the interval between 'Don-' and '-ald' in 'Old MacDonald had a farm'.) Only at the age of three does the particular musical style of their own culture begin to influence them, thus putting and end to their spontaneous and independent expressions of the Ur-song. (Ur is a German prefix for original, primeval.)"
"In 1973 the composer and conductor Leonard Bernstein, in his Charles Eliot Norton lectures at Harvard, described the Ur-song of the world's children as an archetypal pattern. He said that the song consists of a repetitive, descending minor third, often accompanied by another descending step to a fourth. In his opinion, Ur-song is the joint product of the physical laws of harmony, and of the innate, genetic pattern of all human beings.
The concept of the diatonic scale being written into the genetic pattern of man is in itself full of implications. Yet we should not always immediately assume that all such innate abilities are primarily linked to genes, chromosomes, etc. for to do so is to fall into the trap of materialism. Ur-song may be demonstrating to us that the thought processes and the natural flow of consciousness (which is so uninhibited and spontaneous in infants) are themselves somehow linked to the harmonic principles which the ancients believed to be the foundation of the universe. "
Until the musician David Hindley studied it, the song of the skylark was regarded as simply a beautiful sound. Nobody suspected that this little bird was actually singing recognisable music. When he slowed down a recording of the birdsong, Hindley found that he could distinguish individual musical notes. The song was highly compressed; from forty eight seconds of it he was able to extract almost thirteen minutes of sheet music. This could be played like any other piece. More than that, Hindley found that the song of the skylark used the same principles of composition as human music, and that the particular birdsong that he transcribed bore a striking resemblance to structures in Beethoven's Fifth Symphony.
When he studied the song of the woodlark, David Hindley found that it changed tune in keeping with the rules of classical sonata form, and contained similarities to J. S, Bach's 48 Preludes and Fugues. Scientists are now discovering that many animals communicate using compressed sounds, and that the brains of the receivers seem to be able to expand the messages within barks or squeaks and comprehend them. However, the discovery of classical musical structures within the songs of birds is quite astounding. It indicates that we humans are not the only creatures to use musical scales and compose melodies.
Vibrations and Matter [195]
"Nothing is 'solid', nothing is impenetrable, it is all vibrations; all energy.
Everything emanates from the same source.
Everything is a voice or speech resounding over the world, through the entire universe, through micro cosmos and macro cosmos.
It vibrates through the shining of the stars.
It shines in the orbits of the planets.
It is whispered through the gentle breeze and is murmured in the depths of the forest.
It is whistled through the sirens of the factories and is heard in the noise of the machines.
It is sung over the cradle and spoken at the grave.
It is vague feeling or notion, wisdom and belief.
It is knowledge, recognition and hope.
It is death, resurrection and life.
It is colour, vibration and light.
It is everything that can in any way be sensed, thought and experienced."
... Martinus
It is worth learning geometry as the ancients taught it because music is geometric. It is worth studying music in a geometric sense because this uncovers truths about vibrations and patterns of vibrations, Vibrations are important because all matter is formed from them. The 2nd Renaissance involves an explosion of knowledge and discovery that is taking humanity beyond the old 'drop in on your foot' materialistic and mechanistic view of the world and the universe beyond. The 21st century talent collectives that will build new technologies to defeat scarcity and create abundance will do most of their work in the realms of invisible vibration patterns. All young people, both boys and girls, now need to learn within these fields of knowledge, because humanity's future will be built there.
Ernst Chladni (1756-1824) was a German physicist who is credited with founding the study of acoustics. He lightly covered glass or metal plates with fine sand and studied the harmonic vibrations caused by drawing a violin bow across their edge. The patterns that formed in the sand on the plates made the sound waves visible and enabled them to be studied.
Hans Jenny (1904-1972) was a Swiss medical doctor and natural scientist. Jenny extended the technology of studying sound waves by inventing what he called the tonoscope. This instrument used crystal oscillators to enable the operator to set specific frequencies and amplitudes. Jenny placed various substances, such as sand, iron filings, water, and viscous liquids, on vibrating plates and studied the patterns produced by the sound waves. Since the tonoscope did not use any electronics it also afforded Dr Jenny the opportunity to directly view the physical images of vowels spoken by the human voice. He termed the new branch of science, Cymatics - the study of waves and vibrations.
The image above was produced by Jenny's tonoscope when a specific tone was applied to water. The amazingly geometric pattern below was the result of sending a tone through turpentine oil. It is hard to look at these patterns and not conclude that geometry is, in fact, 'frozen music' They give considerable credence to the assertion that everything is vibrations, that nothing is really 'solid', and the 'thing' that you can drop on your foot or trade in the marketplace, is really a wonderfully geometric pattern of electromagnetic energy.
When the tone or harmonic is changed the patterns on the tonoscope change. But there is always observable evidence of number, proportion and symmetry.
If everything is composed of vibrations, and if there is always geometric and numerical structure involved, Einstein's belief in order - that nothing happens by chance in nature - appears to be have been correct. The intervals and order of musical scales will always govern the infinite number of patterns that emerge. The numerical order of the Prime Number Cross, which Peter Plichta has shown to regulate the structure of the chemical elements is then a manifestation of this reality. God's secret formula is numerical and harmonic.
Hans Jenny's images give the lie to the old assertion that, "There are no straight lines in nature". At the fundamental level of the vibrations that give form to what we perceive as matter there are, it seems, only lines, angles and arcs. Thus, straight lines are everywhere in nature, just look at the two patterns here if you doubt it. The first time that physicists were able to gaze at the structure of an atom, using an electron microscope that magnified the structure 260 million times, they saw geometric patterns. Despite the fact that nothing like the structure or mechanisms postulated by Niels Bohr has ever been observed within atoms - only geometric order - institutionalised science persists with using and teaching the Bohr model of the atom, even to the present-day.
Interestingly, Jenny found that although there is no similarity between the spoken vowels of our modern languages and the patterns produced on the tonoscope, pronouncing the vowel sounds of the ancient Hebrew and Sanskrit languages caused the sand on the plate to take the shape of the written symbols for those vowels!
Hans Jenny's wonderfully illustrated book, Cymatics, was first published in 1967 and continues in print today. In it he voices the following impression gained from his extensive work.
*"The more one studies these things, the more one realises that sound is the creative principle. It must be regarded as primordial. No single phenomenal category can be claimed as the original principle. We cannot say, in the beginning was number, or in the beginning was symmetry, etc. These are categorical properties which are implicit in what brings forth and what is brought forth. By using them in description we approach the heart of the matter. They are not themselves the creative power. This power is inherent in tone and in sound."
Although this conclusion was surprising to most people, it should not have been. No less a theoretical physicist than Albert Einstein had already said:
*"On such things as matter we have all been wrong, what we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter."
Learning To Lead [196]
There will be no shortage of talented scientists and technologists who can be attracted to free cities. But the same cannot be said for truly visionary leaders. Such people are already hard to find, and there is no educational strand or developmental mechanism for producing them, at least not in the old Level 3 Civilization. What have always been churned out there - in the 'leadership' category - are managers, executives, and militarists. People with those values and backgrounds are most unlikely to possess the skills or attitudes that will be required of the leaders of talent collectives and neo-tribal societies.
Management within a Level 3 Civilization and leadership within a Level 4 Civilization are not so different in areas like communication and motivation, but they are based on entirely different value systems. Since the old education systems and organisational cultures created and reinforced old values, managers from the past can't be counted on to do the best job of leading and energising free cities and regions. New leaders will emerge from areas and backgrounds that are not steeped in traditional managerialism. New leaders will also be developed from the ranks of the young, who will learn their leadership skills within 2nd Renaissance cultures and value systems.
Martinus Thomsen (1890-1981) was born out of wedlock and in quite poor circumstances. He began to work as a herd boy in rural Denmark, at the age of eleven. Despite having only limited schooling in a village school, on two days of the week during the summer and autumn, Martinus developed an entire theory of creation and existence, authored some 40 books, produced many papers and gave innumerable lectures on philosophy, science, and human development. An institute bearing his name continues to this day in Denmark, to keep his work and ideas alive and available to the world. These achievements are, of themselves, remarkable for an 'uneducated' dairyman living during the peak of the industrial revolution and the blooming of academia and institutionalised science. Martinus' predictions about the future of humanity were also extraordinary.
More than 70 years ago Martinus was able to foresee such technologies as; supercomputers, robotics in manufacturing that would initially make people unemployed but subsequently free them to pursue their moral and spiritual growth, credit cards and money-less transactions, human thought processes controlling machines, and teleportation. Remember, that although we now know that scientists have been able to teleport photons in a laboratory situation, Martinus had his insight well before Star Trek, and even before there was television to broadcast that now famous science-fiction series. What are the chances that a non-scientist and academic 'nobody' could presently predict new technologies that will exist in the year 2075, with similar accuracy?
Our interest here is not with the theories and predictions of Martinus. It is his philosophies and value system that are relevant. Martinus set out clear principles for humanity to live by. According to him, to become a person of good character, one should:
1) Remove the concept of 'enemies' from your consciousness.
2) Never retort to anger, slander or other forms of attacks which are directed against you.
3) Never say anything evil about anyone or anything.
4) Be absolutely true and honest under all circumstance in life.
5) Remain absolutely untouched by flatter, praise or blame.
6) Never participate in killing, hurting or maiming living creatures.
7) Never let your thoughts move away from working on how you may best serve your fellow beings.
Such guidelines as these are based on a value system that fits a Level 4 Civilization, and free cities and regions, like a glove. But it is hard to find examples of political leaders, business executives or managers, let alone any militarists, who appear to live by such dictums. It's not that there are not many people in the world who think and live as Martinus recommends. They are to be found in many walks of life, not only in charities and churches, but many other areas as well. The problem is that hardly any of the people presently running nation states think or live like that. Can you name one who does? Perhaps Nelson Mandella did, or Aung San Suu Kyi might, if she had her freedom and control of the government in Burma.
But, can you think of anyone in power in the CoW nations who fits the bill? No? Then why are you supporting them, paying taxes to them and generally being their model citizens? Because you have a mortgage and the bank might foreclose on the loan if you lose your job? That's no excuse when mothers and their children are dying in Afghanistan and Iraq, every day - while you pay off your home, your second car and your home entertainment system!
Oh, so you're 'looking after Number One first'. Well, according to Martinus, you're not it, your fellow beings are Number One.
Moreover, the 'things' that we are all so intent on possessing are really not worth having, because they don't bring real happiness. Only giving does that. Taking never provides us with more than a few moments of satisfaction, if that. When the majority of the people in the West understand this, and begin to live as Martinus suggests, all the killing in the world will stop, and all the famines will cease. Poverty will gradually be overcome, human civilization will go up several gears, and we will all move ahead - together. It can happen. In fact, it has to happen.
Of course, you don't really need to give up all the 'things' you covet, such as your cars and home entertainment systems, in order for the world to become a more equal and better place. All that is required is a concerted effort to raise the living standards of all the people who presently exist in poverty. Conventionally educated - one could even say 'conditioned' - managers and economists can't see this because they continue to believe that resources are scarce, and always will be. New leaders, on the other hand, are people who understand that resources have been deliberately kept scarce to support capitalism and ensure profits. New leaders are people with new ways of thinking about economics and the promise of new technologies. They see that instead of keeping the world economic pie small, and serving the biggest slices to the so-called developed nations, it is already practical to greatly increase the overall size of the world economic pie. Bigger slices of it can then be served to all the people on the planet.
New leaders are distinguished from old managers by their way of looking at problems, and by their values. In the first area, new leaders have a different understanding of realities and different, often more radical, solutions to improving the lot of disadvantaged people. In the second area, new leaders have and uphold values similar to those of Martinus. Their outlook is more collaborative/supportive and less combative/competitive than their managerial counterparts in the old social order.
Presently, men predominate in positions of authority and leadership in the Level 3 Civilization, however women may well prove very suitable as leaders of talent collectives and neo-tribal councils and services providers in free cities and regions. This is because female nature is often closer to the required values profile than that of males. Women are inherently nurturers and conciliators, they are more likely to seek to resolve arguments through negotiation than by the use of violence. All leaders in a Level 4 Civilization will need to have the very inclinations that most women possess.
When free cites are set up, one of the key watchwords should be 'Give The Girls a Go'.
2nd Renaissance -17
Education systems in free cities and regions must be very different to those of nation states. It is not just the methods of encouraging learning that will distinguish education in free cities from that of nation states, but the truth that the knowledge is rooted in. There is no point in swotting to pass examinations in subject knowledge that is wrong. Yet, that is exactly what young people in state education systems are doing. Neither they, or their parents, or their teachers realise this fact, but it remains the case.

2nd Renaissance -16
Supporting secessions and the formation of free cities and regions is going to be crucial. Only in these new beachheads of tomorrow’s society will such innovations as home-schooling, and a lack of state censorship and media spin, enable young people to discover the truths they will need to know to build a Level 4 Civilization.

2nd Renaissance -15
Historically, there have been periods when legal distinctions between animals and humans have been blurred. For instance, in medieval Europe, in the 14th and 15th centuries, numerous trials and executions of animals occurred. One source identifies 34 recorded instances of pigs having been tried and cruelly put to death. Besides pigs; rats, chickens, goats, and bees were similarly tried. Some of the pigs were fully dressed in human clothes at the time they were, inevitably, found guilty. In one case a vicar excommunicated a flock of sparrows that infested his church. All this happened despite the theological stance that animals had no soul, and no morals or conscience. They could not really be guilty of transgressing the Rule of Law.

2nd Renaissance -14
Withdrawing Support For Militarism [179] The problem with revenge is that it lowers the humanity of those who exercise it down to the same level, of even below, those who committed the original crime. Although we can't yet know who was responsible for 911 or 1012, we do now know that forces of the Coalition of the Willing (CoW) have, on occasions, been just as barbaric as the people who killed on those dates. This has been amply demonstrated in Afghanistan and again in Iraq. If you doubt this, seek out more facts about the CoW's use of DU and NDU weaponry and cluster bombs. These horror weapons continue, to this day, to put young children and adult civilians at risk of injury or death from unexploded munitions, radiation, and toxic substances in the ground water and the food chain.

It is up to ordinary people to raise the level of debate about the undemocratic surveillance practices of the many faceless and unaccountable agents who make daily intrusions on individual privacy, and about the apologists and propagandists for the War nn Terror who applaud every new attack on human rights and freedoms as "prudent" or "necessary". If there is no discussion of reverse surveillance in the national media, create it on the streets on a citizen to citizen basis. If nobody is talking about the outrageous assaults on privacy and human rights embodied in the new antiterrorist acts forced through US, UK and Australian legislatures, start talking about it to your neighbours and friends.

2nd Renaissance -13
Such a development is part of the phenomenon of reverse surveillance that will come to characterise the 2nd Renaissance and a rapid transition to a Level 4 Civilization and a truly free society. You can learn more about reverse surveillance at the 'Surveillance' freesite. Reverse surveillance principles extend well beyond the use of ubiquitous digital imaging technologies, and include audits of all aspects of federal government operations, by randomly selected teams of citizens. The Feds and the parrot people will be quick to pronounce that such monitoting is "not in the national interest," but it will definitely be in our interests, and those of future generations of humanity.

2nd Renaissance -12
There are reports that in one Balinese kampong that provided labour to the clubs in Kuta Beach, seven empty coffins were buried, because there were no identifiable remains of the missing workers. It was as if they had been vaporised. Scores of people, mainly locals, are thought to have disappeared without trace.

2nd Renaissance -11
Fortunately, the power and control of government and military elites is illusory in the 21st century. The world no longer works the way it did, and there is nothing to compel people to support failed, outdated systems any longer. This is an understanding that must be widely and quickly shared. The future of our children and the planet depends upon our changing our thinking about governments, and our support for them.

2nd Renaissance -10
In the Afghanistan turkey shoot the CoW forces used vast numbers of hard target weapons and other munitions containing depleted uranium (DU). This substance is almost twice as dense as lead. When it punches through concrete bunkers, armour, or mud huts, DU disintegrates into a chemically toxic and radioactive dust. In contrast to the earlier DU weapons used in Gulf War I, the newer ordinance produced deaths and deformities within weeks of the start of military action by the CoW. Between 1990-91 and 2001 the US arms manufacturers are thought to have "improved" the DU technology by introducing milled uranium ore to their warheads. This non-depleted uranium (NDU) is - wait for it - cheaper to produce and far more potent than DU. It poses massive health risks to civilian populations exposed to it, and constitutes, in every sense of the word, a weapon of mass destruction, or WMD. "Hey they're hunting them in Iraq, aren't they?"

2nd Renaissance -9
The Old World Order will not do anything to smooth the path to a Level 4 Civilization, and a better world. On the contrary, they will do whatever they can to make it difficult. The police, the military, the media, the financial system, the rule of law, and all the mechanisms of civil control and surveillance will be mobilised in defence of the status quo. But, once they understand their options, the people of the world will not engage in a battle with the forces of the OWO. They will simply abandon the old way of living under national rule, for a better, freer, life in new tribal societies. Kinship mechanisms will help people cope with the pressures of official opposition to radical changes that will finally enable them to escape the invisible prison that the OWO had fashioned around them.

2nd Renaissance -8
Ultimately the old order will lose the battle to preserve their privileged way of life, based on all prevailing scarcity, pseudo-democracy, and the rule of law. But in the interim, hundreds of millions of innocent people might lose their lives in bloody resistance to the changes being made by the Old World Order (OWO).. If such a terrible thing happens, it will all have been for nothing, because:

Tales of Adam
Daniel Quinn*

2nd Renaissance -7
When coupled with the introduction of artificial scarcity and taker concepts of property ownership and legal tender, Western death-fearing religions played a significant role in subduing, otherwise independent, tribal peoples.

2nd Renaissance -6
The second route involves the setting up of entirely new living spaces on tribal lands that were previously seized by colonising governments that espoused and followed Taker philosophies. This route has greater credibility, in the sense of secession rights, where clear historical ownership of the land can be shown.

2nd Renaissance -5
Quinn contends that while governments can imagine a revolution they can't imagine abandonment. As he puts it, "..even if it could imagine abandonment , it couldn't defend against it, because abandonment isn't an attack, it's just a discontinuance of support."

2nd Renaissance -4
In due course, there is one achievement of overriding significance that Caral might well provide. One great contribution or lesson that can be applied to the 2nd Renaissance. How to live in peace, with spiritual meaning, and without warfare, for a thousand years.

The New Renaissance
Daniel Quinn*

2nd Renaissance -3
Plichta writes of this model as follows. "There was a time I used to make fun of the Apocalypse of St John and believed it to be a totally unreliable historical source. Today I am filled with deep humility, perhaps because I am now able to give a concrete description of the foundation of the world as seen by St John with my mathematical discoveries, and thus possibly open a new way to all of humanity which has now reached a dead end."

2nd Renaissance -2
Georg Cantor (1845-1918), by his origination of modern set theory and his studies of the nature of infinity, left science a valuable legacy. Cantor was regularly admitted to a psychiatric clinic within the University of Halle, in Germany, where he lectured and worked as a Professor of Mathematics. On each occasion that he became ill he had been thinking about infinity and the continuum hypothesis. Such intense thought, at the boundaries of his comprehension, caused Cantor to suffer repeated mental breakdowns. Infinity drove him mad.

2nd Renaissance
This story was published in September 2004 and it was a big secret. I received it on disk but I think it should be public by now anyway. It is interesting to look back at it and in terms of today's world some two years on. I will link each chapter as I go along over the coming weeks.- The Old World Order - Happy reading!

Fight Iemma - Debnam
All they can say is 'lock em up'
It seems we are in the thick of it again - the stupid, heartless "Law & Order" auction.
Premier Morris Iemma and Opposition leader Peter Debnam are trying to outdo each other with idiotic "tough on crime" policies.
Original Article