(as is customary)
As you might not have noticed, the flag of the United Kingdom where many United Kollectivers live and work and collect grubs and stuff, is a juxtaposition of three crosses.
1 for Saint Andrew and bonnie Scotland the realm of the Stuarts.
(we'll go into that another day)
1 for Saint George, a.k.a. Jordi who killed the dragon patron saint of Catalonia. (where we the permanent collective assembly (self appointed) of @rtists & activists & inteleKtools live)
1 for Saint Patrick who expelled the snakes and liars.
The British Union and Constitution has undergone upheaval and reform at eight pivotal points in its history.
The Irish people have played a key role in all of them.
And many of the key decisions were made on Irish soil.
The establishment thus, by the Irish people of the present
geographic limits of the UK is based on the 1922 settlement which afforded the majority calvinist religious community of "ulster scots" speakers (a type of pre-Irving Welsh) to stay in the UK of GB and NI as your collection of states is formally known, (check your passport).
The flag of the NI statelet is that of George with the "red hand" in the centre.
Thus to be all hogworty and quiditch on you,
You have had no right to the Patricks cross on your flag
since 1922.
Other things you mightn't know about the only foreign country with which you share a frontier-
Ireland is traditional divided into “regions”
These include the Gaeltacht where people speak Gaeilge a modernised form
Of Goidelic.
Ulster which is divided into two parts “the free bit” and the “the god’s own bit”
where the people either speak “ulsterscots” an ancient form of Irving Welsh or HibernoEnglish an eastern dialect of American.
Leinster, Connaught, where people farm eggs, launder money and build roads are not worthy of serious comment.
Dublin, and some parts of north Lahndin make up the other more populous regions.
Ireland is very important for several reasons-
it occupies positions in the the top ten economic, educational, and human development indicators on the planet, the UK occupies between the thirteen and thirty.
It breeds American presidents.
It is in dispute with the British ( a war like people ) Iceland, (they look like björk) and Denmark, (their royal couple is more popular than Charles and Camila) the Faroe Islands continental shelf boundary.
Ireland signed the Good Friday agreement with Tony Blair in 1998 by which it was agreed to crucify a troublesome radical man known as Christ.
Ireland is test marketing zone for the British market, so they get to taste limited edition nestlé products before you do.
Ireland invented received pronunciation “RP” or “posh-speak” as its known by infiltrating the 1930s BBC pronunciation comitee with no less than five of its nationals.
Ireland has been a member of the indymedia community since the beginning, and it was an irishman who suggested calling the UK “united kollectives”.
The Irish are responsible for the United Kingdom’s constitution which is based on the 1922 settelment between the Irish Free State and the UK of GB and NI and by hosting the William of Orange versus James gig/war.
The Irish were responsible for your good governance in the XIX century.
The Irish invented both the words "tory" and "boycott".
The Irish were responsible for you winning the war against Napoleon.
The Irish helped you win the First World War.
The Irish helped you win the Second World War.
(OK last year a uk imc'ista pointed out that we didn't really help you win the Second World War, possibly true, but we dind't try and get you to lose it either. So less chat about the U boats getting refueled by a state which had no fule reserves)
The Irish are more €uropean than you are.
The Irish don’t produce plutonium – you do.
The Irish are liked by everyone. – no-one likes you.
The Irish are stronger, fairer, more fleet of foot, mend better rhymes,& saddle horses better than you do.
The Irish have less cars than you do.
The Irish get better hollywood movie roles.
U2, Bob Geldof, James Bond, Terry Wogan, Mother Teresa and Brad Pitt, Ghandi, Pol Pot, Anne Bolyne, Diana Spencer, Bodecia, Anne Bronte and Dr Paisley are all / were all Irish.
The Irish are very good at playing Quiditch.
The Irish are on “your side”
If you need any help with emerging democracy issues,
counter-terrorism, freedom of information, tax cuts,
migration policies, pouring a decent pint, the proper orthography of whiskey or ditching Blair
(any Blair, Blair the Blair, Cherie Blair, Leo Blair, Ewan Blair, the unknown shy Blair, Blair the Cop, Blair the Orwell, Blair the Media producer)
don't hesitate to ask us.

Gurb Mile maith agaibh!
Thank ye very much!
& good luck with your war. Which we didn't help you start 3 years ago yesterday.
& you could be very onside and wear a black shamrock for peace today C/F

Or you could fight the USA and free our Irish migrants (like they are a priority????)

(no they aren't. no borders. no flags. no human is illegal)
iosaf = the ipsiphi"
on behalf of the permenant assembly (auto-appointed) of @rtists & activists & inteleKtools Barcelona.
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