While nobody is likely to regard the man-made order within nations as being in any way divine, many people will question the notion that natural order is a creation of God. The education systems of the 20th century, together with the scientific establishment, have drilled a false belief into our minds. The official truth says that everything in nature, however intricate and wonderful it is, has arisen purely by chance.
Until recently the means of refuting the dogma of deconstructionist science, that everything is explainable by breaking it down into its constituent components, and that the way these modules combine in nature is entirely due to 'chance', were missing. There were many indications that ancient civilizations thought differently to 'modern' science, but these were easily brushed aside by the sceptics. As there is an ingrained belief within our present 'knowledge' - that earlier civilizations were always more primitive than ours - any notion that the old wisdom might actually be right could be dismissed out of hand.
The Sydney Opera House is rightly famous. Sited on a point of land that juts into the harbour its magnificent white shells give the impression of a large ship floating there. The structure took sixteen years to complete, after the proposal of the Danish architect, Jørn Utzon, was selected from 233 international entries. For political reasons the New South Wales government began construction before drawings were complete, in 1959, and the project was fraught with difficulty and continual interference from that point. Although the eventual structure now ranks as one of the wonders of the modern world, [written in 2002-3] - Utzon, who is now in his eighties, has never seen it. He quit in frustration. in 1965.
One of the people who worked with Utzon and the Danish-born engineer, Ove Arup, on the practical problems of converting the concept of the huge 'sails' into reality, is Yuzo Mikami. In his book, Utzon's Sphere, Mikami describes how the architect struggled to finish his drawings for these magnificent structures.
Mikami relates the story of how, in 1961, Utzon was almost beaten. He went to pack up the models of the building, believing that they would be of no further use. The problem had been the difficulty of fabricating large curved 'sails' that followed free-form shapes. As he picked up the model Utzon noticed that the smaller shells could be stacked inside the larger ones without too much trouble. The curvature of the shells, that he had always thought to be different, was quite similar. Mikami describes what happened next.
*"An idea flashed in his head like lightning in a dark sky. If they were so similar, why couldn't they be cut out from a common surface? What is a geometrical body with a constant curvature in all directions. A sphere!"
"He rushed home and taking a child's rubber beach ball, put it into the bath-tub full of water. The surface of the red rubber ball changed colour when it was wet. Therefore he was able to see the shapes of the spherical triangles he could cut out from the ball on the parts that were left dry. After many trials he realised that the variety of shapes and sizes available were almost limitless. Big and small, flat and upright. He could now compose the whole shell by the pieces of spherical triangles cut out from just one single sphere. He had found the solution."
The Sydney Opera House is an incredibly beautiful building. It is, rightly, the most visited tourist attraction in Australia. That the design of the amazing shells of the Sydney Opera House is based on spherical geometry, in which the concert hall uses a radius of 75 metres, and the opera hall is scaled down from that, escapes most people who visit the site. But not a single one would ever doubt that there is a design behind it, and therefore a designer. They would never ever believe that this wonderful structure was created by chance, or that it could have arisen without an architect.
The very existence of a recognisable design implies a designer. Yet, 20th century science, at least in its institutionalised forms, teaches us that despite all the evidence of a proliferation of amazing designs in nature it is all one great accident - chance events created it all.
When The Sceptics Fall Silent [188]
Numerous individuals within the OWO and its ambit of influence over science, economics and philosophy, are vocal sceptics regarding every theory and all findings that run counter to the dogmas of secular, materialist, beliefs. The moment a new challenge to the status quo arises it is vehemently attacked by such people. However, when the sceptics fail to attack a radical new finding, when they are absolutely silent about it, there can be only one explanation. That finding or postulate is unassailable.
This is exactly the situation with the findings of Dr Peter Plichta, referred to earlier on this freesite. The sceptics are silent because to enter any open debate would be to fail. Plichta's work and conclusions are impossible to refute. So the sceptics are completely silent, preferring to attack less ironclad findings of other thinkers and writers, rather than risk drawing attention to new truths that they fear.
There are, of course, adverse comments about Plichta's work. It is so revolutionary and groundbreaking that people who are conventionally 'educated' react to it. The findings are so contrary to what is taught, in chemistry, physics, cosmology, and mathematics, that they stand out from everything else that is written about these fields. The following two examples illustrate the level of the attack to be found on the Internet.
*Reviewer: A reader from Canada.
"...within the text there exist so many arbitrary statements (such as Dr. Plichta's belief that he has been chosen by God to lead the world into a scientific era of revelation, that modern science is dogma, etc., etc.) and arbitrary number tricks (that Plichta has stolen from old math-game-books, and claimed authorship of), that Dr. Plichta can be generally considered a fanatic without any merit at all. The mathematics within, though completely unrelated to the prime number code, are interesting enough to make the reader come back out of no reason more than interest. However, Dr. Plichta's negative attitudes towards modern physics and his delusions of being the greatest mind of all time, tend to irritate me. I recommend this book only to extremists who have completely shut the doors of open mindedness toward modern science."
*Reviewer: A reader from New England, USA.
"I took a chance on this book, picking it up for 3 dollars from the bargain rack at a local bookstore. After leaving the store my friend asked me what I got, I told him, "I don't know.. I think I got a para-science book." Obviously I had no idea that there was absolutely NOTHING scientific about this book. I read the first few chapters, and have never read anything that was so full of grandiose claims yet so utterly devoid of substance, all from an author who is unbelievably full of himself. I don't know exactly how book publishing works, but I always assumed people actually read the books before publishing them. After this book, I no longer believe that. There is no way that anyone read this book before it was published, or else it would never have been printed. This is the first book I ever threw in the garbage."
These examples, and others in similar vein, are not reasoned argument. They amount to no more than name calling by the puzzled and perplexed.
There are other people who praise and draw on Plichta's work. An example from the Internet is repeated below.
*What they don't tell you. By Dr Patrick Quanten MD
"A combination of chemistry, physics and mathematics has now increased our awareness of the Universe, large and small, and all that lives within it. People like Professor H O Peitgen from the University of Bremen, French mathematician and philosopher Blaise Pascal, Leibniz, Kant, Euler, Bohr, Planck, Einstein, Peter Plichta, and many more have all contributed towards unravelling the secrets of Life. And all have been blocked, ignored and ridiculed. Yet, here we are: as a result of their work, we now are in the know.
Earth does not come from a Big Bang.
Life does not come from a primordial soup.
Earth, and life on it, is arranged according to strict mathematical laws. Nothing happens ad random, nothing happens by sheer chance.
Matter only exists as the reversal of an infinite four-dimensional space. Space creates matter at its centre; or, each mass, atomic or complex, is the centre of a four-dimensional space; the centre of an infinite space is everywhere - any point is its centre. When this mass receives energy it starts to oscillate and emits energy in the form of two wave segments which are at right angles to each other (sine and cosine of a spherical wave). The energy of the electromagnetic wave as it expands through space is connected to time as a pure four-dimensional inversion. The further the wave expands the weaker its energy, although this will never reach zero, which means that time of expansion will be infinite, and always has been. There is no beginning of time; there is no beginning of space. Both are infinite."
The above is not reasoned debate either, it is a restatement of some of Plichta's findings. But it seems that the reviewer has understood the significance of the book.
Other seemingly favourable reviews often damn Plichta with faint praise, or seem to misinterpret, or entirely miss, key points in his findings. The following comments fit in that category.
*Absorbing reading from Peter Plichta...., January 10, 2002. Reviewer from Portsmouth, UK.
"Since I have a mathematical background I thought it would be of interest to comment on the second half of Mr. Plichta's book. Some of the other reviewers have already expressed an opinion on the first half of his book which deals with chemistry and nuclear physics. In general the maths is sound and Mr. Plichta has shown a remarkable ability to spot patterns in seemingly unrelated phenomena. His observation that the temperature of absolute zero, the sidereal period of the moon and the constant 4-pi divided by pi all being variations on 2732 is remarkable, and just one of many numerical coincidences he has spotted. His cross of prime numbers to modulo 24 is quite delightful, and the sort of thing that Leonard Euler would have enjoyed. It is clear that Mr Plichta enjoys his subject and whilst he is sometimes difficult to follow, this is true of most technical books. The author clearly has an original mind, and has written an entertaining book, and included some considerable mathematical insight. Like some of the other reviewers I note that the character of Mr Plichta does seem like someone out of Sake’s short stories. But Mr. Plichta may be exhibiting a sense of fun here. Mr. Plichta does tell us the answer to the riddle of the universe and for that he is to be commended, though personally I make it 80.9999999999999 on my calculator."
Here, suggestions that Plichta's book is "entertaining", rather than scientifically significant, and that the maths is sound "in general", which suggests that some of it is unsound, are very misleading. The assertion that Plichta's observations about the relationship between absolute zero, the sidereal period of the Moon, and the constant 0.2732...(4-pi divided by pi), is one of many "numerical coincidences" in the book suggests that this commentator has not read it fully, nor understood it.
As mentioned earlier, it is important to read Plichta for yourself. Don't expect to 'get it' all at once. This is a book that you have to read several times and ponder for some time before the pennies all drop. But if you do that they will drop, and you will know something that the elites of the OWO would very much rather you didn't.
The Most Important Freedom [189]
In his book, God's Secret Formula, Peter Plichta writes about truth. He observes that.
"Truth does not need people to understand it,
but people need truth in order to really live."
This statement is, in itself, a fundamental truth. People who have freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, and freedom of religious beliefs, are not really free unless they also have the freedom to know the truth about the world and what lies beyond it. Plichta's work is of immense value in this regard. It answers questions that scientists have either failed to answer or been reluctant to even address. Some of these are listed below.
*Why physical effects in space weaken according to numbers to the power of two.
*Why all countable matter has the same triple nature, that is founded on the prime numbers, 1, 2, and 3.
*Why the atomic structures of each element of the Periodic Table are arranged as they are. And how the prime numbers govern their arrangement, in what Walburga Posch, in her lectures on the subject, now calls, "the eternal structural drawing of the universe."
*Why the Earth is exactly the right distance from the Sun to support life. Why the distance, path and size of the Earth, Sun, and Moon are such that a total eclipse is seen from Earth. Why the cycle of eclipses has 8 occurrences in 19 eclipse years. And why the mass of the Earth is 81 times that of the Moon.
*Why there are, and can only be, a maximum of four dimensions. And why time is not one of them.
*Why two types of space must exist; finite space, which is three dimensional, to the power of three, and infinite space, that is four dimensional, to the power of four.
There is much more to Plichta's findings, but these examples are enough to demonstrate the truly radical nature of his work, and its immense importance. Science and technology based on Plichta will come to dominate the 21st century, just as that of Einstein advanced knowledge in the 20th century.
The most important freedom that present day children, the future citizens of a new civilization, can have is access to the truth. This means not only Plichta's work, but also those of many other revisionist historians and scientists, some of which are outlined on this freesite.
This freedom to know the truth is what really matters in the area of civil rights.
Supporting secessions and the formation of free cities and regions is going to be crucial. Only in these new beachheads of tomorrow’s society will such innovations as home-schooling, and a lack of state censorship and media spin, enable young people to discover the truths they will need to know to build a Level 4 Civilization.
2nd Renaissance -15
Historically, there have been periods when legal distinctions between animals and humans have been blurred. For instance, in medieval Europe, in the 14th and 15th centuries, numerous trials and executions of animals occurred. One source identifies 34 recorded instances of pigs having been tried and cruelly put to death. Besides pigs; rats, chickens, goats, and bees were similarly tried. Some of the pigs were fully dressed in human clothes at the time they were, inevitably, found guilty. In one case a vicar excommunicated a flock of sparrows that infested his church. All this happened despite the theological stance that animals had no soul, and no morals or conscience. They could not really be guilty of transgressing the Rule of Law.

2nd Renaissance -14
Withdrawing Support For Militarism [179] The problem with revenge is that it lowers the humanity of those who exercise it down to the same level, of even below, those who committed the original crime. Although we can't yet know who was responsible for 911 or 1012, we do now know that forces of the Coalition of the Willing (CoW) have, on occasions, been just as barbaric as the people who killed on those dates. This has been amply demonstrated in Afghanistan and again in Iraq. If you doubt this, seek out more facts about the CoW's use of DU and NDU weaponry and cluster bombs. These horror weapons continue, to this day, to put young children and adult civilians at risk of injury or death from unexploded munitions, radiation, and toxic substances in the ground water and the food chain.

It is up to ordinary people to raise the level of debate about the undemocratic surveillance practices of the many faceless and unaccountable agents who make daily intrusions on individual privacy, and about the apologists and propagandists for the War nn Terror who applaud every new attack on human rights and freedoms as "prudent" or "necessary". If there is no discussion of reverse surveillance in the national media, create it on the streets on a citizen to citizen basis. If nobody is talking about the outrageous assaults on privacy and human rights embodied in the new antiterrorist acts forced through US, UK and Australian legislatures, start talking about it to your neighbours and friends.

2nd Renaissance -13
Such a development is part of the phenomenon of reverse surveillance that will come to characterise the 2nd Renaissance and a rapid transition to a Level 4 Civilization and a truly free society. You can learn more about reverse surveillance at the 'Surveillance' freesite. Reverse surveillance principles extend well beyond the use of ubiquitous digital imaging technologies, and include audits of all aspects of federal government operations, by randomly selected teams of citizens. The Feds and the parrot people will be quick to pronounce that such monitoting is "not in the national interest," but it will definitely be in our interests, and those of future generations of humanity.

2nd Renaissance -12
There are reports that in one Balinese kampong that provided labour to the clubs in Kuta Beach, seven empty coffins were buried, because there were no identifiable remains of the missing workers. It was as if they had been vaporised. Scores of people, mainly locals, are thought to have disappeared without trace.

2nd Renaissance -11
Fortunately, the power and control of government and military elites is illusory in the 21st century. The world no longer works the way it did, and there is nothing to compel people to support failed, outdated systems any longer. This is an understanding that must be widely and quickly shared. The future of our children and the planet depends upon our changing our thinking about governments, and our support for them.

2nd Renaissance -10
In the Afghanistan turkey shoot the CoW forces used vast numbers of hard target weapons and other munitions containing depleted uranium (DU). This substance is almost twice as dense as lead. When it punches through concrete bunkers, armour, or mud huts, DU disintegrates into a chemically toxic and radioactive dust. In contrast to the earlier DU weapons used in Gulf War I, the newer ordinance produced deaths and deformities within weeks of the start of military action by the CoW. Between 1990-91 and 2001 the US arms manufacturers are thought to have "improved" the DU technology by introducing milled uranium ore to their warheads. This non-depleted uranium (NDU) is - wait for it - cheaper to produce and far more potent than DU. It poses massive health risks to civilian populations exposed to it, and constitutes, in every sense of the word, a weapon of mass destruction, or WMD. "Hey they're hunting them in Iraq, aren't they?"

2nd Renaissance -9
The Old World Order will not do anything to smooth the path to a Level 4 Civilization, and a better world. On the contrary, they will do whatever they can to make it difficult. The police, the military, the media, the financial system, the rule of law, and all the mechanisms of civil control and surveillance will be mobilised in defence of the status quo. But, once they understand their options, the people of the world will not engage in a battle with the forces of the OWO. They will simply abandon the old way of living under national rule, for a better, freer, life in new tribal societies. Kinship mechanisms will help people cope with the pressures of official opposition to radical changes that will finally enable them to escape the invisible prison that the OWO had fashioned around them.

2nd Renaissance -8
Ultimately the old order will lose the battle to preserve their privileged way of life, based on all prevailing scarcity, pseudo-democracy, and the rule of law. But in the interim, hundreds of millions of innocent people might lose their lives in bloody resistance to the changes being made by the Old World Order (OWO).. If such a terrible thing happens, it will all have been for nothing, because:

Tales of Adam
Daniel Quinn*

2nd Renaissance -7
When coupled with the introduction of artificial scarcity and taker concepts of property ownership and legal tender, Western death-fearing religions played a significant role in subduing, otherwise independent, tribal peoples.

2nd Renaissance -6
The second route involves the setting up of entirely new living spaces on tribal lands that were previously seized by colonising governments that espoused and followed Taker philosophies. This route has greater credibility, in the sense of secession rights, where clear historical ownership of the land can be shown.

2nd Renaissance -5
Quinn contends that while governments can imagine a revolution they can't imagine abandonment. As he puts it, "..even if it could imagine abandonment , it couldn't defend against it, because abandonment isn't an attack, it's just a discontinuance of support."

2nd Renaissance -4
In due course, there is one achievement of overriding significance that Caral might well provide. One great contribution or lesson that can be applied to the 2nd Renaissance. How to live in peace, with spiritual meaning, and without warfare, for a thousand years.

The New Renaissance
Daniel Quinn*

2nd Renaissance -3
Plichta writes of this model as follows. "There was a time I used to make fun of the Apocalypse of St John and believed it to be a totally unreliable historical source. Today I am filled with deep humility, perhaps because I am now able to give a concrete description of the foundation of the world as seen by St John with my mathematical discoveries, and thus possibly open a new way to all of humanity which has now reached a dead end."

2nd Renaissance -2
Georg Cantor (1845-1918), by his origination of modern set theory and his studies of the nature of infinity, left science a valuable legacy. Cantor was regularly admitted to a psychiatric clinic within the University of Halle, in Germany, where he lectured and worked as a Professor of Mathematics. On each occasion that he became ill he had been thinking about infinity and the continuum hypothesis. Such intense thought, at the boundaries of his comprehension, caused Cantor to suffer repeated mental breakdowns. Infinity drove him mad.

2nd Renaissance
This story was published in September 2004 and it was a big secret. I received it on disk but I think it should be public by now anyway. It is interesting to look back at it and in terms of today's world some two years on. I will link each chapter as I go along over the coming weeks.- The Old World Order - Happy reading!

Fight Iemma - Debnam
All they can say is 'lock em up'
It seems we are in the thick of it again - the stupid, heartless "Law & Order" auction.
Premier Morris Iemma and Opposition leader Peter Debnam are trying to outdo each other with idiotic "tough on crime" policies.
Original Article