I am looking for any job in London to support my children who are starving in Iraq now
Professor Hamed Mosafer
79 Miles buildings
Penfold Place
London NW1 6RQ
Mobile +447909748557
Why Al Qaeda terrorist group is not striking Dubai The Sinners city?Because they are paying money to Osama Bin Laden.Simply this is the answer.
You Americans made such monsters like Shiekh Mohammed Bin Rashid of Dubai.Dubai in essence is a very primitive city.Its a brothel as a whole.The Sheikh is a man of no word.Can you belive he is very superstitious person who buried something by his own hands in his border with Abu Dhabi to keep JINNIS away from his city.Its like in the stories of one thousands ond one night in the old ages.I suffered alot in that city and from that primitive Sheikh whom you made.Can you belive he expelled my wife and two childrens without a reason last month?They are torturing women and children Mr president.
You think Dubai is a good city.
Its not.They are concern abuout appearances only.
They are opressing people like Saddam Hussien and worse.
They are boasting about very laupghing things like their biggest petrol station in the middle east.Their education is very funny and their universities is not more than a secondary schools.
If you thing of changing the middle east Mr president Change not only Syria and Iran but Dubai also.They are torturing children arent they?
Mr presidenr My son Ahmed Hamid Ramadan Mesafer was only 9 years old and the Governtment of Dubai tortured him last month and expelled him to Iraq with his brother Mostapha without even taking a paper from his School Khalid bin Al Walid school.Is this humannitarian act taken by Dubai Governtment and Mohammed bin Rashid?
My son is without school now in Iraq and I am appealing to your consciese to help him register in any school by ordering those criminals in Dubai to send us only his papers from his school.God bless you and bless America Mr president
Professor Hamid Ramadhan Mesafi
Mobile 00447909748557
flat 79
miles buildings
penfold place
London nw1 6rq