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Stop American Madness

Faruque Ahmed | 13.03.2006 09:51 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | World

Israel, India and Pakistan refused to sign the Nuclear Non
Proliferation Treaty. Where were those United Zionist States of
America and Kingdom? Israel has been receiving funds and assistance
from everyone for committing war crimes and genocides! Why is it so?

Iran defiant on US nuclear warning

The United Nations Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, urged the US to
cool its rhetoric, and predicted Iran would use Washington's recent
nuclear agreement with India to argue that Western powers were
displaying double standards in seeking to crack down on Tehran's
atomic ambitions.
Abridged from: Iran defiant on US nuclear warning

Stand-off doesn't need to end in conflict

Israel, India and Pakistan refused to sign the Nuclear Non
Proliferation Treaty. Where were those United Zionist States of
America and Kingdom? Israel has been receiving funds and assistance
from everyone for committing war crimes and genocides! Why is it so?
Is it because they have got "chosen arse" or is it because they are
superior race? Or is it because they deserve the gas chamber? Iran
has every right to develop whatever energy it finds fit and proper.
Else get ready for gas chamber. Remember, this time you won't be able
to convert it in to a "milking cow"!
Abridged from: Stand-off doesn't need to end in conflict

Zionism vs Nazism

The Zionism is worse than Nazism as one was the product of a few mad
people during a difficult period of time comparing Zionsm - which is
the product of millions of Israelis and their supporters stretching
across half a century with a stamp of infinity!

The Nazism is based on German nationalism and Zionism is based on
Jewish nationalism. The Nazism subscribes on racial purity and
supremacy. The Zionism subscribes on religious purity and supremacy
and eventually ends up with racial supremacy and purity like Nazism!

The Zionists are milking the "Holocaust Cow" while conducting war
crimes, massacres and genocides in the longest running concentration
of the universe located in the occupied Palestine with a stamp of
Abridged from: Zionism vs Nazism

Israeli Holocaust in Palestine (Faruque vs Lucy)

Penultimately, what is the solution? Remove those illegal settlers
and hand over the tiny 22% land to the Palestinian or collect them
all, transport them to Auschwitchz and restart Hitler's Gas chambers
to finish them all instead of murdering them every day. Remember -
Yaser Arafat, Marwan Bargouti, Hannan Ashrawi or any other
Palestinians are not the enemy of peace but successive Israeli
governments are! Because, peace is not good for them!!
Abridged from: Israeli Holocaust in Palestine

Ehudys' Generous offer

This supposed to be the state of Palestine! This kind offer was made
by Ehud Barak at the bloody Camp David!!
Abdriged from: Ehudys' Generous Offer

The Only Thing "Generous" Is The Propaganda

These kinds of spin may convince poor and zionised Americans but not
the rest of the world. You see, even I worked out based on the
following links that the whole thing was a big con job assisted by
Mad Albright, James Rubin, ... (all of them are zionists by the way).
I have been asking Israelites of our time to show their version of
maps or any valid documentation to establish their case (if they have
any case in the first place I may add!). But they failed miserably.
Beside these evidences, I also provided evidence furnished by non-
Arab, non-Muslim experts. Alas! They only accept propaganda from Nazi
Zionist sources only!!
Abridged from: The Only Thing "Generous" Is The Propaganda

Israeli HOLOCAUST in Palestine

This article was published in many forums and Zionists are removing
them from almost every place. No one ever pointed out any thing wrong
or untrue in this article! Yet, we are not allowed to publicise this
article including at the British IMC ! In the name of
free speech they can publish deliberately offensive and untrue
cartoons depicting Muslims as terrorists. Yet, no one is allowed to
point out Israeli war crimes and genocides! What a hypocrisy and
double standard!

For more Zio-Nazi hypocrisy and obscene attitude please examine the
article below too, should you wish I may add.
Abridged from: Israeli HOLOCAUST in Palestine

Israeli Holocaust

Hitler's holocaust has been converted to a milking cow by
the "holocaust traders", western print, TV and film media but the
present Israeli created HOLOCAUST in Palestine is being presented by
some sections of that same media as justifiable homicide!

Do not be part of the WAR CRIME, GENOCIDE and HOLOCAUST continuum in
present day Palestine. Speak up, tell it as it is.
Abridged from: Israeli HOLOCAUST

UK Journalist Vilified For Criticising Israel

Veteran Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk has spoken out for the
first time about his vilification by Israel and the Zionist lobby for
daring to tell the truth about the Palestinian Uprising. "The degree
of abuse and outright threats now being directed at anyone -
academic, analyst, reporter - who dare to criticise Israel is fast
reaching McCarthyite proportions," he said in an article in the
Independent newspaper on Wednesday.
Abridged from: UK Journalist Vilified For Criticising Israel
HC/JH End ::irna 13/12/2000 15:01

A Strange Kind of Freedom

"You self-hating Jewish piece of shit. Hitler killed the wrong Jews.
He should have killed your parents, so a piece of Jewish shit like
you would not have been born. God willing, Arab terrorists will cut
you to pieces Daniel Pearl-style, AMEN!!!"
Abridged from: A Strange Kind of Freedom

Does Israel Want Peace?

Israel must not be a Jewish state that is not democratic. This would
mean the failure of Zionism. Israel must make every effort to ensure
that it has a Jewish majority, and at the same time it must also ensure that all its citizens enjoy equal rights. Ostensibly, the amendment to the Citizenship Law is egalitarian. It prevents a young man from Haifa from marrying a young woman from Ramallah and living with her in Haifa, be he a Jew or an Arab. But it is clear that it is not egalitarian: Jewish men hardly ever marry Palestinian women, and if such marriages did occur, they would be in very small numbers. The amendment to the law therefore constitutes harsh discrimination and a violation of the civil rights of Israeli Arabs, for whom the natural reservoir of possible marriage partners includes Palestinians in the territories.
Abridged from: Does Israel Want Peace?

Free Australia Now!

Muslim-hunt replaced witch-hunt and Islam Bashing is the most popular
sport in the town. Australia's school children believe, "50% Muslims
are terrorists" and such a believe is in reality an absolute
reflection of zionised corporate media outlets deliberate and
unrestrained anti-Muslim campaign based on false and engineered
reasons and grounds.
Abridged from: Free Australia Now!

Corruption Colony News

Mighty Taxi Networks, Taxi companies, Cabcharge and many more
components of taxi mafia always ignored real taxi workers and acted
against the wish and interest of taxi drivers. For their ill-
motivated efforts they were rewarded by the state instrumentalities!
Even the NSW Labor Council was rewarded with a few free taxi plates
(managed by Reg Kermode?) for selling out taxi drivers' rights and
interests!! Perhaps, that's why the Labor Government has been reusing
to investigate Taxi Plate scandals here!!!
Abridged from: Corruption Colony News

Mr Curly scared and lost in the real world

Printing a cartoon about the illegal and immoral Israeli apartheid wall at the occupied Palestine is offensive to him. Yet, he loves to promote cartoons depicting Muslims and Prophet Muhammad as terrorist!
Where is the consistency, may I ask?
Abridged from: Mr Curly scared and lost in the real world

Paper prints Mohammed cartoons

What about the free speech of that New Zealand cartoonist who lost
his job for allegedly offending NZ Zionists? What about New Zealand
Prime Minister Helen Clark! She was stripped searched like a
terrorist while she was passing through Australia by the order of the
Zionised Australian Prime Minister John Howard. He did so because she
refused to suck Nazi Zionist Israeli toes as John Howard did during
Mossad spy ring fiasco.
Abridged from: Paper prints Mohammed cartoons

Don't reprint cartoons: Sheik

They used to be hated by the Europeans and Muslims were kind enough
to protect them. This is known as "the age old European hate (towards
Jews)". Now, these "Jews"/Zionists/Zio_Nazis paying back to Muslims
with interest! They have been promoting so-called cultural clash
between Muslims and rest of the world religiously!! Under the banner
of free speech they are plotting against Muslims every day and night.

Abridged from: Don't reprint cartoons: Sheik

Zionised Media Deliberately Provoked Muslims

Four months after Jyllands-Posten (JP), Denmark's most widely read
morning paper, published 12 anti-Islamic cartoons, Danes woke up to
the fact that there is a very high price to be paid for promoting
the "clash of civilizations."
Abridged from: Zionised Media Deliberately Provoked Muslims

The Charade Behind the Free Speech

The person is a right wing Christian. He is also suspected to be a
Zionist Christian. In his right wing and unknown paper he refused to
publish similar cartoon about Jesus earlier! However, he went on to
publish many offensive cartoons about prophet Muhammad!! Where is the consistency? Where is the free speech? Do we know the full story? Or
are we hoodwinked all together?
Abridged from: The Charade Behind the Free Speech

Selective Free Speech

It is not O.K. to talk about the Israeli Holocaust in the occupied
Palestine, English Holocaust in Ireland, British Holocaust in Bengal
(Old India). However, questioning Hitler's Holocaust is a cardinal
sin! Very strange indeed!!

The cartoon regarding Prophet was published in September 2005 and
since then the newspaper people apologised. We assumed everything is
over. However, Sharons and Nathanyahoos of the world went on to
republish the cartoon under the guise of FREE SPEECH at a very
questionable time. I went on to test the free speech and published
comments below by Jews about Jews. Guess what?! They were removed. I would like to know why do we have selective free speech?
Abridged from: Selective Free Speech

Only The AWB Got The Right To Impose Death Penalty

We also managed to have our own people as Agriculture Advisor inside
the Occupied Administration of Iraq and managed to ban importation of
fertiliser in that country to sabotage their agriculture under the
guise of preventing suicide attacks! We are part of these types of
many criminal conspiracies while we maintained naval blockade against
that unfortunate country as the "Deputy Sheriff " resulting in
millions of deaths by starvation only. Surely we have added a few
proud records in our national treasury!
Abridged from: Only The AWB Got The Right To Impose Death Penalty

Lucky Country

Australia is a lucky country. God gave us plenty. Natural and mineral
wealth is bountiful. Australia is an island continent with a
population of a town only! We are rich. No one does anything wrong
here. No one even farts! That's why we do not have a "Fart Tax" like
New Zealand.
Abridged from: Lucky Country

Faruque Ahmed vs Radio Terrorists

2. Things changed since the election of Arial Sharon, appointment of
a New York Public Relations agent to spin for Israel and I went on to
expose Israeli war crimes and genocide's in 2GB.

3. Firstly Jim Ball and then other announcers of 2GB falsely started
to claim, "we can not put you on the air because of your poor
English", yet they did exactly that after 12 years of my contribution
with compliment rather than complaint. As I mentioned earlier, Jim
Ball and his "Jewish" wife praised me on air on many occasions.
However, 2GB changed it's attitude and refused to give me air time
consistent with reasons mentioned in point "2".
Abridged from: Faruque Ahmed vs Radio Terrorists

John Singleton and Rupert Murdoch incited this violence

1. Usual Jim Ball lies

2. Muslim bashing based on totally false and engineered facts.

3. Collecting anti-Arab and anti-Muslim stories from corrupt and
Zionist sources. Then doctor those items to make them worse and then
broadcast and web them to incite against others.
Abridged from: John Singleton and Rupert Murdoch incited this violence

Racist Sydney Radio Incited Violence

The riot was three days away and Sydney's top-rating breakfast host
had heaps of anonymous emails to whip his 2GB listeners on. "Alan,
it's not just a few Middle Eastern bastards at the weekend, it's
thousands. Cronulla is a very long beach and it's been taken over by
this scum. It's not a few causing trouble, it's all of them."
Abridged from: Racist Sydney Radio Incited Violence

John "Sharon" Howard

According to a famous holocaust survivor, who is said to have shared
a prison cell with the former Czechoslovakian President Alexander
Dubzek, "...(the) Sydney Jewish Museum Director is a holocaust liar
(Shalom College, University of NSW , The Relevance of Holocaust in
the modern day Australia) ...".
Abridged from: John "Sharon" Howard

Because of Zion
The UZSA sailor based on Greece went on to nuke Egypt in 1967 due to
the 9/11 of 1967.

Dead In The Water

Why the hell the United Zionist States of America is willing to drink
Russian urine, eat Chinese shit and lick Indian dick? The simple
answer is, "for Israel"!
Abridged from: Because of Zion

Zionised Judiciary of Australia

Because he was not a 15 years old Lebanese MUSLIM drug addict who
went on for a consented sex with person(s) of similar type or
background and somehow things went wrong, resulting in a gang rape
trial. Such a trail became trial against all Muslims inside and
outside Australia. Eventually, he got 55 years jail term. I say, that
will teach him a good lesson! However, did this manufactured sentence
deter that Eastern suburb non-Lebanese non-Muslim father to stop
raping his daughter?
Abridged from: Zionised Judiciary of Australia

Chosen peoples' Chosen words (conspiracy)

Where is Arial Sharon?

PLO lost the election and Hamas won it. Civil war was an expectation
but did not happen. Both sides of the Palestinian politics behaved in
an honourable manner by showing respect towards democracy. United
Zionist States and Israel did not. Instead, they went on to conspire
against whole Palestinians, Arabs and Muslims. Result is recent
cartoon tragedy in line with any other Nazi Zionist conspiracy. They
did the same during Algerian election last time and Pakistani
election back in 70. Both of them resulted in civil wars and loss of
million lives.

Dead in the water (9/11 of 1967), 9/11, 7/7 and millions more
evidences will say the same thing.

People of this universe gave unreserved thumbs up to Mel Gibson's The
Passion of Christ. Yet, the zionised Hollywood gave it an Oscar snub.
The people who went on to destroy the entire project from the cradle
to grave and said many things including the lame excuse of existing
violence in the movie! Surprisingly they are the same people, who
have been supporting, financing and even participating to run the
longest running concentration camp known to man kind with a stamp of
infinity in the occupied Palestine. They love to use mighty F18,
Apache helicopters, tanks, machine guns, missiles against unarmed
frail old women and little children!

These peoples are milking the holocaust cow while participating in
the half a century long Israeli holocaust without any guilt!

They are the same people who went on to rewrite the Bible back in
1965! They said, "Jews are not responsible for conspiring to murder
Jesus". May I ask, who was? Was it Saddam Hussein! What about the
conspiracy to murder his brother James at Rome? Was it Abu Sayaf!

They are the same lot who support Sedation law, anti-terrorism acts,
anti-freedom of press and publication laws and other draconian laws.
Because they will affect Muslims only! Yet, in the name of free
speech they kiss and promote Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses like the
holy torah while murder David Irvin's free speech. They have been
murdering others free speech every day. An honest discussion about so
called holocaust or Zionist war crimes and genocides attract the
cardinal sin of the century known as bloody anti-Semitism! Yet, in
the name of free speech they are insulting and attacking Muslims and
Arabs every day without valid evidence or any good reason.

So let's examine what do they say about each other!

Sources: Chosen peoples' Chosen words

In the name of free speech they removed this article from here while
they have very nice articles about Muslims and Islam:

Let's see how long free speech lasts here!

It's All About Sex

Salman Rushdie: You bloody god, Answer me if you exist. Look at me
(he was looking between his legs and shaking violently) I am ashamed
of myself! People who are much more smaller than me got bigger and
better then this one!! What a bloody disgrace!!! Christ. Bloody Jesus Christ.
Abridged from: It's All About Sex

The Force of Transformation

Three successive UN Weapons Inspectors like Scott Ritta, Hans Blix
and Richard Butler fell from the grace by disagreeing with
the "coalition of the willing" over Iraq. The whole world knew then,
know now; "the coalition of the willing" got no case whatsoever! In
the midst of all of these I would like to ask ¡PwC what transformed a
rude, arrogant and trigger happy American Scott Ritter to a kind,
compassionate and rational person and what could transform the rest
of the Americans in your way?

Faruque Ahmed
Automatically Appointed Ambassador of Usama bin Saddam Insane Without Consent
28th November 2005
Abridged from: The Force of Transformation

How to make nuclear bomb

Popularity follows someone when that person promotes love and peace
or does something good. However, lately George Bush, Tony Blair and
John Howard gained astronomical amount of popularity by promoting
fear and hate! Although such a scenario is not totally uncommon or
unknown to mankind in general. For example Napoleon Bonaparte, Adolph Hitler and Benito Mousseline gained popularity by playing the cards of fear and hate! Ultimately they lead their respective countries to
squarely unnecessary wars and disasters!
Abridged from: How to make nuclear bomb

The Numbness of a Nation

Tuesday, November 29th 2005 ought to be the most disgusting day in
the history of modern day Australia. As we discussed before, so
called Anti-Terrorism Bill and three different sets of legislations
were passed without any proper debate or discussion whatsoever.
Generally speaking, these laws will destroy everyone's civil right,
human right, industrial right and even many Common Law rights too!
Yet, there was a COMBINED NUMBNESS around the nation.
Abridged from: The Numbness of a Nation

Zionised American Terrorism

The Neo-cons or "Israelites" inspired and conspired invasion of Iraq
is based on false and engineered reasons and grounds. They are
inconsistent with the Case Law, Statute Law, democracy, human rights
or any other cherished values known to mankind. Naturally the UN
Secretary General, President of the Amnesty International etc. etc.
identified the invasion as an act of TERRORISM like millions of
authorities around the world.
Abridged from: Zionised American Terrorism

Zionised UN Assisted Genocide In Iraq

They bombed women and children. They destroyed their nature and
environment by using many prohibited weapons including the Depleted
Uranium. These zionised criminals went on to destroy Iraqi civil
society, museums, bureaucracy, police, army and all other
infrastructures. Iraqi academics and academia became the systematic
target of Mossad under the direct patronage of USA.
Abridged from: Zionised UN Assisted Genocide In Iraq

United Zionist Slaves of AmeriKKKa

Expressed attitude below is not only an expression of an idiot. They
are consistent with the so-called discredited Protocol of Zion and
other Nazi Zionist believes like the one below!

"Nations will gather together to bring their homage to the people of
God; the whole fortune of nations will pass into the hands of the
Jewish people, they will march behind the Jewish people, in chains as
captives, and will prostrate before it." - Isador Loeb, Le Probleme

Abridged from: United Zionist Slaves of AmeriKKKa
Guardian Unlimited Guardian Newspapers Limited 2006,,5397953-111322,00.html

Stop The Blame Game

Ironically, most of the effective and deadly suicide terrorist
attacks were committed by the non-religious groups or secular groups
like the Tamil Tigers. Etc.! One President and a Prime Minister are
in their victims list. Certainly, they were not Hindu, Muslim or
Christian groups. Therefore a fair and proper analysis of the above
subject is a must rather than deliberate Muslim bashings. Because,
people will find out the real truth and those leaders who are
pretending to lead us without listening to us, and they will be
exposed along with their `plan' to protect us by locking us up inside.
Abridged from: Stop The Blame Game

Free Speech Test/De-Zionise USA

Faruque Ahmed


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