Keelty was coy in speculating on the urgency of the take-up of his proposal, given the current risk faced in Australia from dangerous foreign ideologies, and those dangerous militants not motivated by selfish reasons of economic gain or love of the Australian homeland and the glory of Empire. The Commissioner no doubt recognises it may be incumbent on the initiative of Islamic extremists future Governments and Commissioners of Police to contrive a more compelling reason for adopting the reprogramming in the form of a further violent demonstration close to home of the destructive potential of political and ideological conflict. But he hinted with characteristic subtlety at the possibility there could already be justification for the project’s rapid facilitation: ‘If the need presented itself to us, and I don’t want to talk about matters that are currently before any court, if the need were there I would be encouraging us to look at world’s best practise in this area.’
In discussing further the character of future participants in humane but effective deprogramming programmes Keelty specifically expressed concern about those who receive military training, but are less than enthused about the perpetuation of global Anglo-American supremacy. More broadly, though, the AFP has developed a sophisticated and culturally sensitive set of criteria for discerning which political radicals might be entered into the new re-education programmes - a select group of dangerous dissidents that Keelty succinctly described on Lateline as ‘People who believe something that the wider community doesn’t believe in.’
Community concerns about the ;we be very careful as to how we present these operations… Ideally, the Commissioner indicated, authorities would restrict media coverage of those undergoing deprogramming. The credibility of authorities, says Keelty can sometimes be damaged in particular communities, if ‘they see one part of their community being disenfranchised or being mistreated by the authorities.’
Keelty’s humanitarian concern for those caught up in the unpleasantness of all this opposition to the will of the Authorities was in evidence when he was asked by Lateline’s establishmentarian silverfish Tony Jones whether the aberrant behaviour displayed by those who resist approved ideological positions on domestic and foreign policy could be described, in some sense, as an illness. The Commissioner drew an analogy with drug addicts, noting that Australia still has no programme that coerces those addicted to prohibited substances into beneficial re-education schemes, although such schemes are flourishing under regimes elsewhere in the world.
The unfortunate case of those who insist on consuming illegal psycho-tropics, hallucinogens, opiates, and amphetamines can be extended in a sense, Keelty suggests, with . The unthinkable situation in which someone considers conducting a suicide bombing or some other act that causes harm either to themselves or the interests of a benevolent democratic State is roughly analagous: ‘Someone in that position has to not be thinking rationally.. if they’re acting and thinking irrationally then how do we convert that behaviour and bring it back to rational behaviour. And in a way, that is a sickness.’
Police Commissioner Mick Keelty is famous for having mislaid a moustache late last year at a time of disruption to the smooth flow of heroin profits in and out of the country due to inadvertent media attention that accompanied the arrest of Australians for drug trafficking in Indonesia, and the death of convicted trafficker and Melburnian Van Nguyen in Singapore. But the rumours the facial affectation was simply lost in transit somewhere, or was shed in compliance with a stipulation of a stylist not fond of traditionalist Nazi fashions in the 21st century, have been balanced with an equally plausible story. It’s been suggested the moustache was removed surreptitiously while Keelty slept as a mild warning from one or another local trader, who preferred that their operation didn’t become a scapegoat drug importation racket at a time when someone looked like being exposed. Or temporarily pushed out from under the AFP wing. Or even busted wide open.
Ironically Keelty appears, sans moustache, superficially less Hitlerian. But the Commissioner’s unfascist scheme for the reprogramming of radicals could see Australian authorities take further steps down a path with which the former German Chancellor and imperial aspirant was entirely au fait.
This interesting comment matches your story a bit in the fascist ideology department.
Something to keep an eye on for sure!
The real terror is always the last to be revealed
Submitted by Jana (not verified) on Wed, 2006-03-01 07:52.
THis is all smoke screen for the real terror that has been on the planet for the last 80 years quietly yet throughly and determindly tearing the matter of our very souls apart.
The Chinese Communist regime has killed 80 million of its own people in the last 60 years in so called peace times. Thats twice the amount of lives lost in the two World Wars last century .
They continue to kill/murder quietly ,secretly, now becuse the spotlight is now increasingly on them. Yet 10,000 people most who committed non violent crimes last year were executed quickly without a trial . Slave labour camps , the Germans called them gulags,,, in China they are know as Laogai camps use 100 's of millions of prisioners of conscience as an expendable work force. They are literally worked to death for not paying their taxes, for speaking up about freedom or praying to their God.
People who believe in Gods are tortured for years to make then give up their faith. Christians Buddhists Muslims and Falun Gong.
Yes Muslims in EAstTurkestan. The Taliban and Al Qaeda are tied to the evil Chinese Comunist regime. The Chinese communist regime claims to the world that they are the victims of terrorist attacks too so they have anniliated and ethicnally cleansed millions of Muslims in EAst Turkestan to bascially to reclaim the land back for China.
Yet why does the Taliban not save their beloved race from the Chinese regime? Because theTaliban are not interested in helping their so claimed fellow muslims instead they want to join forces with a bigger evil to bring down the only good world we have and that is a democratic freedom loving western world.. Check these sites out for more info

on East Turkestan ethinic cleansing by the Chinese Communist Regime and their ties with the terrorists.
And this next site will give you a historical expose on the Chinese Communist regime called the 9 Commentaries. Since their publication in Nov 2004 over 8 million Chinese have quit the Chinese communist regime. Rising at 30,000 a day

The world is waking up to the real terror that has been hiding and feeding the violence in this world.
The governemnts of the day have been influenced by the Chinese communist regime as they all wanted to trade with them. Western Governments bascially have ignored the Human rights issues up unitl recently because of trade and this has caused much destruction of the best of humanity in the world. But now with so much social unrest in China and the brutal communist regime taking center stage on the worlds platfrom its not hard to see the red dragon's plan for the rest of the free thinking world.
And the taliban terrorists have seen this and have joined them because the Chinese Communist regime are the stronger real terrorists with the power to take down all western countries thru the stock market and world trade first and then it will march to make more colonys. This is the true nature of communism. It has hired thugs and terrorists all around the world to keep western countries focused on taliban terror so that we Spend all our time and money on this . The real terror is always the last to reveal itself.