Mr Kevin Watmough has been chased around by Mr Simon Shephard for non payment of 3 Sites, one has closed so far which is Aryan unity. Mr Watmough is on the run from debtors. He owes alot of money to many people. Rumour has it that Watmough is in for a good bashing. Come on lads get on with it!!. Mr Watmough recently moved back with ex wife Yuvonne Watmough and their 2 children. And rumour has it hes run off and hiding from his ex girlfriend who is on his heels catching him. Stolen computer has been mentioned. Police are in search of Mr Watmough. Authorities have been notified for his false claims in Housing & Disability Allowance. Which are shortly going to be stopped. Mr Watmough is back on Ebay "Elvis1923" selling Nationalist stuff. Report him and get him booted.
Last known address of Mr Watmough is XXXXXXXXXXXX Kirkstall Leeds. He frequents Mr Morrisons flat every day & night. Numerous stories ahve come out regarding these 2 clowns. IE: shirt lifing.
Sid aka Peter Williamson has been rumoured that hes running scared due to all sorts of nasty things hes alledged to have been up to. Namely slandering people on his VNN to which he cant moderate due to his alcoholic ways.
Mr Williamson recently had desires to oust Mr Morrison from the BPP and take over the party himself. Now that would make a dire change, from one alcoholic to another alcoholic.
The party is fastly being desolved and will be closing. So come on Morrison, Watmough & Williamson. This seems to be a history in 2 of you managing to close Nationalist partys.
Mr Watmough married a gypsy, now in Nationalist ideals, gypsys are not Aryans, but tend to be frowned upon by Nationalists, so how come Mr Watmough married one. Doesnt seem National Socialist nor Nazi to me.
Do respoond fake Nationalists we would be pleased to read your pathetic responces. To the above information.
Hide the following 18 comments
05.03.2006 12:29
Eddy Morrison
05.03.2006 13:48
Meanwhile, rumours reach us about the past activities of Piss-The-Bed Williamson's close-confidante and BPP area organiser Buster Hill (pictured). Come out of the closet Buster for fuck's sake, you live in Brighton, not Alabahma, and if you want to get shagged up the arse nobody will care, though it's a shame you need the accompaniment of Nazi martial music to get it up.
The Left
05.03.2006 16:46
BPP Scum
05.03.2006 21:04
Angry Man
do we vote on who leaves the house?
06.03.2006 06:12
big bro
big bro
06.03.2006 14:43
Here is something of interest, the latest BPP Nationalist week bulletine. Ranting about internet warriors & stuff. Thing is they fail to realise their Mr Watmough likes to rip people off and do a runner. Sid aka Peter Williamson is no better he slanders people off on his VNN forum. Fat alcoholic, and Mr Morrison is no better by abusing party funds for his own selfish ways. Read on and see the hypocrits in action.
NATIONALIST WEEK No.87 06th March 2006
The Weekly Online e-zine of the British People’s Party
“Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace--but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" -- Patrick Henry”
Round and round and round we go and where we shall stop nobody knows! The story of White Nationalism over the last five decades! Infighting; splits; accusations; infiltration; personal jealousy; corruption; hatred; mutual destruction – and still it goes on. No party or group is immune to it, it seems. The best White Nationalists are vilified whilst the worst spend 100% of their time in character assassination. These are the denizens of the night. The PC warriors who haunt the forums, chatrooms and guest books. Some stay up all night, beating out a rhythmic tattoo of hatred and innuendo against ANY OTHER WHITE NATIONALIST they take the slightest grudge too. Still darker motives lay behind the activities of others. They delight or purposely spread lies and dissension just too continually disrupt the National Movement.
Well the BPP has decided to take a totally different line with all this for if it continues, White Nationalism and our White Race WILL perish!
Can you imagine at some future date, whatever replaces Western Man as the inhabitants of these islands – perhaps something like the Morlochs from H.G Well’s “Time Machine”, scrabbling around the ruins of Trafalgar Square and perhaps picking up moldering Aryan skulls and wondering what happened to the people it belonged to?
Perhaps some fly-blown, tattered book will tell of the last few decades as the White Race perished and as a footnote maybe mention that the White Nationalists were so busy scoring points off each other that they passed into extinction without even noticing? Scary eh?
From now on the British People’s Party will stand aside from all this nonsense and hatred. Here is what we ask our members to do:-
If you find your are being accused of this that or the other nonsense – NO MATTER HOW MUCH IT MAY UPSET YOU – ignore it!
Remember it is the rumour mongers and malicious individuals that have the problem NOT YOU – let them worry about it.
If you receive a nasty e-mail then just reply “I have no comment to make”. Throw up a stone wall and they will soon get bored with it.
· Don’t get involved in Internet forum/Guestbook arguments. The Net is a weapon in our favour – do not let it be used to demoralise you.
· Make your golden rule be that you fight for the 14 Words and anything else is a waste of time and effort.
· The rumour-mongers have the problems in THEIR heads. Do not let them live in yours rent free!
· Keep away from chat rooms – sources of endless trouble and security problems.
Those are some guiding points. They are OFFICIAL BPP Policy. We do not get involved in fratricidal disputes. The days of Catch-22 for us are over!
Guatamano Bay
Why Waste Money?
06.03.2006 16:50
Red N Black
The price of Sid's loyalty
06.03.2006 17:00
Birmingham Nazi Ursula Rodgers
Mrs Watmough 'Non-Aryan'?
06.03.2006 17:16
Human? Unlikely
Have you had to throw out your settee Ursula?
06.03.2006 17:26
Sid is very brave from the safety of his Saltdean armchair. But getting him out of it is even harder than getting Eddy out of his Bramley tower-block. Not that he has that many invitations these days since he always ends up pissing the settee of whoever he is staying with.
07.03.2006 00:17
07.03.2006 00:18
Morrisonn's new party
07.03.2006 00:49
By now, he will have exhausted the funds to supply himself with happy juice and will be looking round for another source of income.
His Nationalist Week is so very boring and utterly unoriginal. I wonder just how many are still reading it. There have been no meetings to speak of lately. Talking of speaking, I hear that there have been calls for John Wood to attend as a guest speaker. I don't think that even Woody, for all his super-ego, would want to prop up the ailing party he once led.
Watmough is in deep shit financially and has resorted to obtaining money by false pretences from fellow nationalists. He has several Court Orders against him and it looks like the local bailiffs are ready to pounce on what few pitiful possessions he has left. The poor bugger can't even send his ex-wife out on the game to augment his income as she looks just like a reject from a gargoyle factory!
The third BPP founder, Peter, (Sid) Williamson is reputed as saying that he's pissed off with both of them and is thinking of taking over the remains of the party.
Poor old Sid will have to get some cash together in order to travel to Leeds if he's going to do this but just how many members are left for him to lead?
Crystal Ball
07.03.2006 01:07
Morrison 'attack'
07.03.2006 01:12
Williamson in Leeds
07.03.2006 01:16
Big fat fish in a very small pond
07.03.2006 01:20
What Williamson lacks in intelligence, he certainly makes up for in ambition.
Im Outraged Non Of My Mails are there
07.03.2006 04:29
I bet the lads back at Victoryland pissed themselves when they saw the photies on the hard drive eh... ...nudge nudge... wink wink.
See. Now that's intriguing. None of this ancinet hacked mail nonsense.
Peter Todd.
Outraged Former Fascist Informer