'Please don’t let your writing get in the way of the truth:
GDC never completed a deal with Nannaco..We backed away. Negotiations were canceled after due dilligence I never sold a single share of stock…I left the GDC to pursue other opportunities '...........
'I appreciate your efforts in dealing with these offshore issues. As aclarification, a lawyer brought us the Nannaco shell but when we looked at it, we walked away. In fact, Nannaco issued a press release without our permission.'
(email above from Tom McMillen,ex-Maryland Congressman,basketball player and Rhodes scholar like Bill Clinton and his nemesis James Dale Davidson and business partner of Asa Hutchinson,ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey and Oklahoma's Don Nickles in Fortress America 'national security'
stock on OTCBB penny stock market.)
Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering
I note also that your Fortress America partner ex-CIA Director Mr.James Woolsey has an offshore account in the Caymans(Palidin) famous or should I say infamous for penny stock fraud and money laundering.Yes you and he set a fine example along with Asa Hutchinson and Oklahoma's Don Nickles of how decent Americans should NOT behave. Somehow your priviledged lifestyles have led you to perceive American ethical standards legal or not are for other Americans and not for yourselves.
Dear Mr.Tom McMillen,
Well Thank you Mr.Tom McMillen for recognizing the problem of offshore accounts and worthless penny stock shells in both money laundering and criminal and terrorist activities offshore that could very well come back to bite us onshore.We could have used someone with your foresight in Congress years ago.Oh yeah I almost forgot you were a Congressman years ago weren't you ?
I note also that your Fortress America partner ex-CIA Director Mr.James Woolsey has an offshore account in the Caymans(Palidin) famous or should I say infamous for penny stock fraud and money laundering.Yes you and he set a fine example along with Asa Hutchinson and Oklahoma's Don Nickles of how decent Americans should NOT behave. Somehow your priviledged lifestyles have led you to perceive American ethical standards legal or not are for other Americans and not for yourselves.
It is truly a bad joke for you to be telling me you appreciate my efforts and concern for ending offshore fraud illegal pump and dump activities and probable money laundering with worthless U.S.penny stock shares when you and ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey engage in the same practices that cause and lead to such problems in the first place! Unfortunately I don't and never did have any say or clout in the Beltway,it is you and Asa Hutchinson(who oversaw as head of DEA THE LARGEST AND FASTEST RISE OF HEROIN PRODUCTION IN THE HISTORY OF AFGHANISTAN IF NOT THE WORLD)AND James Woolsey who have clout in Washington, D.C.,NOT ME.
A simple 15 minute press conference by you or Asa Hutchinson or James Woolsey in Washington,D.C.,exposing the use of U.S. 'securities' for money laundering for drugs or weapons or even political manipulation in other countries or perhaps our own and the need for the U.S.SEC and Christopher Cox to crack down on it,rather than on investigative reporters for instance,would be all that is neccessary.So where's the press conference if you feel so strongly Mr.McMillen ? If you wish to really bring home the penny stock money laundering fraud you could hold the press conference in front of the National Taxpayers Union founded by one of your would be partners in Nannaco,James Dale Davidson.
Or perhaps because you were a Maryland Congressman you could hold the press release right outside Bill Bonner's and James Dale Davidson's Agora Inc. which is a center of penny stock fraud and false promises of 100's of percentage point returns off unending pump and dump scams orchestrated and manipulated by them over the years.This would be truly fitting seeing as how you finally did your due diligence albeit a little belatedly regarding Nannaco and Amenni you now know your fellow Rhodes scholar and Agora Inc. of Baltimore founder James Dale Davidson was behind these scams with a Dubai connection.Do you think he was possibly trying to set you up the same way he paid the handwriting 'expert' from Oxford to claim Vince Foster's suicide note was forged and thus 'Clinton did it' ! ?
I believe you could expose Mr.DAVIDSON AND BILL BONNER FINALLY AND PERHAPS END ONE OF THE LARGEST AND LONGEST ONGOING FRAUDS WITH AMERICAN AND CANADIAN PENNY STOCKS(GENERALLY BUT NOT ALWAYS INCORPORATED IN NEVADA),IN WORLD HISTORY IF YOU CARED TO.You would be doing the whole Beltway and Congress a favor knowing that when Bill Bonner touts his scammy investment books to them and asks his 'thedailyreckoning' cult to write their Congressman to ask them to read it they will no longer be misled.
I am sorry you didn't undertake this during your time as a Maryland Congressman,you might have saved a lot of grief to naive American investors such as myself who were defrauded by them.I have already explained elsewhere why I believe Patrick Byrne's(of Overstock.com)and Bob O'Brien's NCANS or National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling was at best plagiarized from James Dale Davidson's
'NAANSS' scam,or National Association Against Naked Short Selling right down to the fraudulent scam to con investors into buying 'certs' or certificates and remove their shares from brokerage accounts !
One final thing for the moment that you and Asa Hutchinson and Nickels and particularly James Woolsey might be interested in now that you have shown a concern for the use of worthless U.S. penny stock shares in offshore fraud and boiler room and money laundering activities is the Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai that even Hong Kong securities officials have warned their citizens about although the U.S. SEC continues to allow them to deal in U.S. penny stocks for some reason.
Even though I was finally successful in getting Stanford University to remove the Stanford 'nicotine-angiogenesis' patent from EVSC last year so that they and James Dale Davidson and Bellador Group could no longer use it for fraud against Americans or anyone else,Bellador and their Arizona attorney Ron Logan continue to promote it on www.belladorgroup.com world wide web.Why ? Much worse is the fact that SRA International shares appear to have been recommended by them to their clients.I hopefully don't have to explain to you what a scandal and embarrassment that is to the U.S.government the CIA the NSA the Congress and the White House DO I ?
SRA International receives pork barrel funding from almost every bureaucracy of the U.S. government INCLUDING THE SEC AND THE GAO ! !This in turn as you know helps boost their stock shares value on the NYSE stock exchange.If not for all the U.S. bureaucracies giving this military-internet complex monopololistic subsidies they would themselves be a penny stock.But this CIA-In-Q-Tel invested company also provides the CIA with a 'daily briefing' and the CIA in turn provides the President of the United States with his 'daily briefing' !
And shares of SRA International have also been recommended by Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai as if it was a common U.S.penny stock !While I feel Bellador Group that aided Endovasc and James Dale Davidson of Agora Inc. to defraud me may be CIA connected just as SRA International is part of the CIA-In-Q-Tel stock portfolio its position of trust as a stock whose company is so connected to the U.S. internet-military complex must make U.S.
'intelligence' services abroad the lauighing stock of the world to any other countries intelligence network.Sure this may not be common knowledge to most Americans considering the quality of major news outlets here but having its shares promoted by a common penny stock boiler room in Asia and the UAE makes us the laughing 'stock' of the world to China or Russia or Israel or Dubai or Nigeria or Honduras or Belize intelligence for instance.
Also because your fellow Rhodes scholar James Dale Davidson dumped 'up to 30 million' shares of Endovasc from one Charles Schwab account in late 2002 before he and attorney John O'Quinn fraudulently claimed it was 'naked shorting' by Schwab,Refco,and Ameritrade and Nannaco has also allowed stock touts related to Davidson to fraudulently claim its shares were 'naked shorted'.....Also LOM of Bermuda has a James Dale Dale Davidson connection and the SEC has also found massive penny stock manipulation from the LOM Charles Schwab and VFinance accounts....Mr.Davidson and the Lord William Rees-Mogg recommended LOM to readers of their scam book,'The Sovereign Individual', without ever disclosing their investments in LOM WHICH IS ILLEGAL IF WE HAD AN SEC.You may refer to David Marchant of KYC or visit
his www.offshorebusiness.com website for info on that.
So Tom McMillen,it would appear that the ball is in your court so to speak as well as that of James Woolseys,Asa Hutchinson,et.al.'s and not mine.I only hope you have not been paid too well to forfeit the game.
Tony Ryals
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks

Bush() Ally Set to Profit from the War on Terror
James R. Woolsey
Defense Policy Board: Member
Center for Security Policy: Honorary co-chair
Booz Allen Hamilton: Vice President, Global Strategic Security Division
Paladin Capital Group and Civitas Group Establish Strategic Alliance
Bush Ally Set to Profit from the War on Terror
James R. Woolsey
Defense Policy Board: Member
Center for Security Policy: Honorary co-chair
Booz Allen Hamilton: Vice President, Global Strategic Security Division
Paladin Capital Group and Civitas Group Establish Strategic Alliance
Utah Senator Bob Bennett,Overtock.con's Patrick Byrne,Tangled Up in Striptease Stock Scam

Endovasc,Texas,SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group

Mantas,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International Bankers,Brokers,Market Makers

Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Open letter to SEC,John Reed Stark on internet and penny stock fraud

Senator Bennett:Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS A Fraud ?

Is Arizona attorney Ron Logan aiding international penny stock fraud ?

Houston attorneys John O'Quinn,Wes Christian aid massive penny stock fraud

The Byrnes,John Edwards,Attorney O'Quinn,Swift Boat Vets,Money Laundering

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

"Tom McMillen" [Save Address] [Block Sender] [This Is Spam]

Subject: response
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 15:41:57 -0500
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Please don’t let your writing get in the way of the truth:
GDC never completed a deal with Nannaco..We backed away. Negotiations were canceled after due dilligence I never sold a single share of stock…I left the GDC to pursue other opportunities
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"Tom McMillen" [Save Address] [Block Sender] [This Is Spam]
To: "'Tony Ryals'"
Subject: RE: On the SEC's New Fangled Subpeonies
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 11:00:33 -0500
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I appreciate your efforts in dealing with these offshore issues. As a clarification, a lawyer brought us the Nannaco shell but when we looked at it, we walked away. In fact, Nannaco issued a press release without our permission.
-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Ryals [mailto:

Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 12:39 AM

Subject: On the SEC's New Fangled Subpeonies
Dear Tom McMillen,
Here's some of my more recent internet stuff plus a short reply to your minor concern.I never said you ever sold shares of Nannaco as I read it.
You may also google 'moshe katsav michael zwebner' or 'sra international cookies' or 'schwab share money laundering' or 'amit yoran in-q-tel bellador group'
or 'james angel georgetown university' or 'pope's misconceptions phosphates orbit' or 'petroleum trafficker' or 'remember alamo petroleum
taffickers' or just google 'tony ryals' to find more of what concerns me.Or 'james dale davidson ryals' as he is a common theme to most of my writing on penny stock fraud and money laundering.
I would be most interested in what you know about Mr.James Dale Davidson and Agora Inc that is in Baltimore with worldwide tentacles.You can google
'wolfblitzzer0' as well or 'wolf blitzer cnn michael zwebner'as I was the wolfblitzzer0' that led to Michael Zwebner sueing Wolf Blitzer and CNN although I never imagined to do it.hee hee
I would also be happy to have you or James Woolsey or Asa Hutchinson or Nickles voice your concern about the use of U.S.penny stocks offshore and their potential for money laundering by criminals of all stripes.Or if you wish be the devils advocate and tell me and the SEC why Reg S should not be abolished and generally worthless U.S. penny stocks not stopped from being used offshore for boiler room fraud and money launsdering as they are including in Dubai and UAE at this moment while Bush claims it's all different this time.Sure.You see that's why James DALE DAVIDSON PUMPS AND DUMPS AND THEN MAKES THE FRAUDULENT 'NAKED SHORTING' CLAIM IN THE FIRST PLACE,TO DEFRAUD PEOPLE LIKE ME WHO ARE TRUSTING AND THEN LAUNDER MONEY WITHSHARES THE SEC REFUSES TO AUDIT ALTHOUGH THEY COULD AND MONEY CAN THEN BE LAUNDERED WITH UNAUDITED OR COUNTED WORTHLESS SHARES THAT CAN'T BE TRACED WITH THE ADDED BONUS OF RIPPING SUCKERS SUCH AS MYSELF OFF !
Yeah,really 'patriotic'.
Tony Ryals