George Galloway to join Khoodeelaar demonstration against Tower Hamlets Council on Crossrail hole Bill on Wednesday 1 March
He will be joined by Tower Hamlets Liberal Democrats councillors as well as the Respect coalition’s announced candidates for election to Tower Hamlets Council.
Bethnal Green and Bow MP George Galloway – who now lives in the Brick Lane London er1 area that faces devastation from the Crossrail hole Bill if it goes through - is backing the demonstration against Tower Hamlets Council on 1 March. It has been organised by Khoodeelaar! The Brick Lane London E1 area campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill to mark the last full Council meeting which will be held before the scheduled local council elections on 4 May 2006.
Galloway hit the headlines in January 2006 when he was ‘absent’ from the constituency and was being vilified by Blairing propagandists who claimed that he had let the constituency down by missing an alleged debate in the UKL house of Commons on Crossrail.
The fact is that Galloway did not let the constituency down on Crossrail. If anything, it was Galloway who spoke in the most critical way of all participants in the UK House of Commons formal debate on the hybrid Crossrail Bill on 19 July 2005.
Even onetime fellow-left Labour MP John McDonnell who in a formal way acknowledged some of the constitutional anomalies that Galloway had pointed out in his speech on Crossrail [19 July 2005], proceeded to put on the record his own support for the Crossrail project.
Galloway has been most outspoken in his attack on the Crossrail venture in the recent weeks. Delivering the closing speech at a meeting he jointly sponsored and held at the Brady Centre in Hanbury Street on Saturday 11 February, George Galloway outlined his own and his RESPECT coalition’s fierce opposition to Crossrail.
He said that he would be actively engaged in doing anything that they legally could to delay and eventually defeat the Crossrail plan against the community across Tower Hamlets.
He repeatedly echoed Khoodeelaar! Organiser Muhammad Haque who had addressed the same meeting giving some very exhaustive facts concerning the previous 25 months of the campaign against the Crossrail hole Bill.
Galloway particularly pointed out that the Crossrail ‘select committee’ that is now in session apparently to scrutinise the contents of the Bill in view of the objections [365 in total] was not going to protect the community in the East End from Crossrail attacks.
“We have to do it ourselves”, said George Galloway.
The demonstration on Wednesday 1 March 2006 against the present Tower Hamlets Council is expected to be also backed by the RESPECT coalition and a number of their newly-announced candidates for election as councillors on Tower Hamlets council are included as speakers.
The Tower Hamlets Liberal Democrats councillors, who constitute the main opposition group on the present Tower Hamlets Council, are also backing the Khoodeelaar demonstration against the Council.
Lib Dem Group leader Janet Ludlow will be one of three Lib Dem councillors billed to speak against the Council’s role so far in allowing the crossrail hole problem to become such a threat to the people in the borough.
In a separate move, Lib Dem councillor Louise Alexander has submitted a rather
Strong motion against the Crossrail hole.
She is expected to speak on her motion at the full session of the Council on Wednesday 21 February 2006.
At the time of writing this [1315 hrs GMT Tuesday 21 February 2006] there is no indication of any action against Crossrail hole by the lone Conservative Councillor on Tower Hamlets Council. Nor is there any indication of any campaigning activity against the Crossrail hole by any member of the ‘Labour Party’ on the present tower Hamlets Council.
1315 Hrs GMT London Tuesday 21 February 2006
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