Katrina is a red flag to all of America. “Bury That Sucka” reveals how there is a glaring disconnect between mainstream black leaders and the nation’s black poor. The aftermath of the Katrina catastrophe validates this contention. White America places a lot of hope in mainstream black leaders ability to quell any potential community uprisings or civil disobedience. This ability is fast eroding.
“Bury That Sucka” reveals how the N-word is a low-level spirit that interacts in the affairs of the physical world and how the black community’s love-fest with this word strengthens its ability to create havoc and disharmony throughout this nation’s homeland.
You will learn how the explosion of black violence, glorification of the “gangsta” type image in film and song, the negative stereotypes about the most visible racial and cultural differences, institutional racism and racial discrimination is a recipe for disaster and how it is not too late to reverse this course of pending chaos. You will discover the N-word’s influence in this entire scenario and why the black community must bury it immediately and why it is—imperative—that they do.
A multibillion-dollar industry has grown up around thug culture that conveys hopelessness and a world without value to black kids. So these kids see no value in learning, work, faithfulness and morality…the number of black males that are, either incarcerated, on parole or probation are staggering and should be a cause for alarm and concern. As preposterous as it may all seem—the negative energy that emulates from the N-word—is the instigator of this dilemma. Discover how the African American’s termination of its love affair with this infamous word will help to improve America’s societal afflictions and reverse its current course of heading towards a titanic internal crisis.
You will discover in “Bury That Sucka” how it is that the N-word is a non-spiritual word and how it is robbing a community of people of it’s spirituality. There isn’t anything spiritual about the word, it is a dark, sinister, diabolical, satanically evil word that’s holding an entire nation of people hostage. Often times what appears to be racial discrimination and/or institutional racism in modern day America is nothing more than an illusion perpetuated from the negative energy flow of the N-word. Yes! An illusion. Continually pumping life into this word—as the African Americans are doing—is a gross error and it is revealed in “Bury That Sucka” as to why this is so.
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