Yes, we've heard so excellent news from Brazil...
"thanks to you all who are showing solidarity with us here in brasil. I am from indymedia brasil and we, together with many others, are resisting with the families!! I do have a great news about it!! The families got 2 more months, so the eviction wont happen this week." - toya, Indymedia Brazil
Brilliant, but the battle to save Prestes Maia is not over yet. In two months time they will move to evict again if political pressure isn't applied. So please come to the demo tomorrow if you can to celebrate the news, show global solidarity and add to apply pressure to ensure that this postponement becomes permanent!
1pm Thursday 16th, outside Brazilian Embassy
"We still need to make pressure on the city hall government to re-appropriate the building! the owner owns 5 million reais in taxes and in Brazil's constitution this is the case for disapropriation and to use the building to make house for the people! "
"But our mayor is from the right wing party psdb and his government has a very heavy exclussion policy, where they are taking all the poor ppl out from downtown so they can make it a place like downtown of paris, london, and many other cities in the world that has soffered this type of gentrification process.! "
"We must create pressure on them! even the UN (who i personally dont give that much credit for their actions around the world) came to brasil and put in their report the suggestion for the local government to do that.
Have a great luck on the action tomorrow and please post on IMC Brasil the results. I will look for it and I can translate it to portuguese. "
"always in solidarity "
1pm Thursday 16th, outside Brazilian Embassy
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