What she is effectively saying is that non-Muslim women who fall pregnant should be denied abortion and effectively forced to breed to help maintain the "Christian" race and to stop it being swamped by the breeding Muslim hordes.
This is the type of eugenic nonsense about ensuring the right people are breeding that was very popular in the 19th and 20th century and reached its logical conclusion in Nazi Germany. It echoes Costello call for mothers of Australia to have three children including "one for the nation". Take out the word Muslim and replace it with Jew or "inferior races" and these are the kinds of comments to be found in the German press during the Nazi era .These facists are obsessed with womens wombs being put to the service of the white Christian "fatherland".
For such racist bile to come from a serving government MP is a travesty and confirms that it is truly open season on Muslims in this country. The media such as the ABC report these comments with no editorialising about racism - rather blandly as "concerns" raised by an MP. Remember how the media treated Pauline Hansons comments on Aborigines which in contrast to these comments were pretty tame. Will they call for Howard to sack this MP and condemn her racism - I doubt it.
The villification of Muslims in this country is out of control.
ABC online article below

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