Islamic Community Net
February 13, 2006

This is breaking news.
Because of the continuing protests by Muslims over the insolent drawings of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.), 1/3 of the Danish Army scheduled for deployment in Iraq have just now fled their posts. The enlisted personnel who would serve as cannon fodder are especially involved.
All this shows that real Muslims are protesting worldwide effectively, while the "moderate" Carlsberg "Muslims" continue to work overtime to hijack the protest movement from Islam and the Muslims and render the protests ineffective through "diplomacy". Think of the many Muslim lives that have now been saved through the desertion of 1/3 of the sadistic Danish army.
Islamic Community Net provides here a free translation preceding the Dagbladet article below, which is in Danish. Those with better knowledge of Danish are invited to post their own.
Danish soldiers do not want to go to Iraq
Dagbladet Information
February 13, 2006

A large number of soldiers who were to be sent to Iraq deserted at the last moment. New figures from Jyske Dragonregiment in Holstebro show, that almost one-third of the soldiers from the Army's Reaktionsstyrke Uddannelse, who are liable for military service abroad are those who fled. At Hærens the enlisted men are certain that the caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad are mainly responsible for the desertions.
"I think that the meaning is completely clear, when at home around the kitchen table one has to decide about the husband, the wife, the son or the daughter leaving on such a mission while the newspapers are full of threats to Danes every day" says chairman in HKKF, Flemming D.V. Nielsen.
/ritzau /
Danske soldater vil ikke til Irak
Dagbladet Information
February 13, 2006

Et stort antal soldater, som skulle være sendt af sted til Irak, er hoppet fra i sidste øjeblik. Nye tal fra Jyske Dragonregiment i Holstebro viser, at næsten hver tredje soldat fra Hærens Reaktionsstyrke Uddannelse, som skal ruste de værnepligtige til tjeneste i udlandet, er sprunget fra. Hos Hærens Konstabel- og Korporalforening er man sikker på, at Muhammed-tegningerne bærer en del af skylden for frafaldet.
- Jeg tror helt klart, det har betydning, når man sidder hjemme omkring køkkenbordet og skal beslutte om manden, konen, sønnen eller datteren skal tage af sted på sådan en mission, og aviserne så er fyldte hver evig eneste dag med trusler mod danskere, siger formand i HKKF, Flemming D.V. Nielsen.

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