Independent Media Transcript 28 January 2006
Femantle forum - West Papuan refugees and their reasons for asylum
by Safecom-AWPA-Greens Perth IMC 26/1/06
From the newswire... Kulcha Multicultural Arts of WA, The Australian Greens and Project SafeCom present:
Free West Papua - Let Them Stay!
A forum about West Papuan asylum seekers and their reasons for the trip from Merauke to Weipa in Queensland with: Senator Kerry Nettle, Greens spokesperson for refugees; Mandurah-based Christmas Island refugee advocate Kaye Bernard; Project SafeCom's Jack H Smit who was born in The Netherlands; Australian West Papua Association supporter Ned Byrne...
31 January 2006, 7:00pm to 9:30pm
@ Kulcha Multicultural Arts of WA, South Terrace (above DOME), Fremantle WA (entry by donation)
Many organisations around Australia know that the West Papuans are genuine asylum seekers, that they came to the country nearest to them in accordance with the UN Refugee Convention and that they did not come using people smugglers. They say the asylum seekers should live on Bridging Visas in the community and treated as our neighbours.
Has anything changed since Tampa?

West Papuan Refugees jailed on Christmas Island
by Red One Perth IMC 20/1/06
The Howard Government has sent 43 West Papuan refugees, to a remote Immigration Detention Centre on Christmas Island, 2600km north-west of Perth.
DIMIA officials have denied access to the Australian media and kept them under close guard.
The refugees spent four days at sea in a 25-metre wooden outrigger canoe travelling the 425km from Merauke, in the disputed territory of West Papua.

Visa Doubts for Guest Speakers at Penal Abolition Conference
by Rick Wallace
MELB IMC 23/1/06
Prison abolition Conference organisers Justice Action, an Australian prisoners' support group, has accused the Government of dragging its heels on visa applications for two Irish republican activists and a Canadian professor who are guest speakers at the International Conference on Penal Abolition to be held in Hobart, Tasmania. 7-11th of February 2006.

Justice Action

No More Prisons
UK Prison population
(January 2006)
Prison Abolition Seminar
Saturday 28th January 2006 London
Can we resist prison building?
What are the alternatives to prison?
Abolitionist theory past and present
An intial planning meeting for the relaunch of Radical Alternatives to Prison is being held on the 28th Jan 2006 before the Prison Abolition Seminar.


Notebook of a Prison Abolitionist

US IMC 24/1/06
by Katie Quinn-Jacobs
Binghamton IMC
24 Jan 2006
Daniel Burns, 44, was sentenced to six months of federal prison in Binghamton federal court today by Judge Thomas J. McAvoy for each of his misdemeanor convictions last fall. The two six month terms are to be served concurrently. Burns was also fined $250.00 for a contempt of court charge and was ordered to pay his share of the $958.00 restitution for damages imposed by the court.
Burns is one of the four non-violent peace activists known as the St. Patrick's Four. The convictions stem from Burns' participation in a non-violent protest at a military recruiting station outside of Ithaca, NY on March 17th, 2003, where the four carefully poured their own blood on the posters, flag and walls of the recruiting station. Burns was the first of the St. Patrick's Four to appear this week for sentencing in Binghamton, NY. Peter DeMott, Clare Grady and Teresa Grady will also be sentenced individually this week.

Vietnam Vet and Civil Resister, Peter DeMott, Sentenced in Federal Court

Mother and Activist, Clare Grady, Sentenced in Federal Court

Legal Update Mumia Abu-Jamal
By Pilar Maschi pilar CR 24/1/06
Mumia Abu-Jamal v. Martin Horn, Pennsylvania Director of Corrections U.S. Court of Appeals Nos. 01-9014, 02-9001 (death penalty)
Last month the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit,
Philadelphia, issued the most important deci-sion affecting my client, Mumia Abu-Jamal, since his arrest nearly a quarter of a century ago.
This is the first time any court has made a ruling that could lead to anew trial and his freedom. The court has accepted for review the following issues raised on federal habeas corpus and in the subsequent appeal, all of which are of great constitu-tional significance concerning the right to a fair trial, due process of law, and equal protection of the law under the Fifth, Sixth and Fourteenth Amendments to the U.S. Constitution:
Claim 14, Whether appellant was denied his constitutional rights due to the prosecution's trial summation?
Claim 16, Whether the Commonwealth's use of peremptory challenges at trial violated appellant's constitu-tional rights under Batson v.Kentucky, 476 U.S. 79 (1986)?
Claim 29, Whether appellant was denied due process during post-conviction proceedings as a result of alleged judicial bias?
Claim 14 relates to the prosecutor's prejudicial argument to the jury including the comment that if convicted Mumia would have "appeal after appeal." That reduced the burden of the jurors, and turned the concept of reasonable doubt and presumption of innocence on its head. Claim 16 concerns the prosecutorial use of peremptory challenges to remove African-Americans from the jury. The record establishes that race is a major thread that has run through-out this case since Mumia's 1981 arrest. Claim 29 is about the bias and racism of the trial judge, Albert Sabo. Evi-dence was discovered in recent years through a courageous court stenographer, who overheard the judge say during a trial recess that he was going to help'em fry the n****r.
Another issue under consideration by the federal court, Claim 25, pertains to the death penalty. It addresses whether the death judgment can stand due to an unfair jury instruction. Mills v. Maryland, 486 U.S. 367 (1988).
The case is now moving rapidly. The court has issued a schedule for extensive briefing, with the first brief to be filed by the prosecution.
The District Attorney made a 30-day extension-of-time request which has been granted, so its initial brief is now due on February 16. The complicated briefing process will go through the spring. Then we will present oral argument before a three-judge panel in the U.S. Court of Appeals.
This is a giant step in our effort to secure a new and fair trial for
Mumia. Our goal is to win in this life-and-death struggle and see him walk out of jail a free person. However, we must not forget that Mumia remains in enormous danger. If the case is lost, he will die in the execution chamber.
Thank you for your concern and support in this campaign for justice.
Cordially yours,
Robert R. Bryan
Lead counsel for Mumia Abu-Jamal

Help us meet the challenge -- an anonymous donor has pledged to match, dollar for dollar, all gifts made to Critical Resistance (up to $15,000) that come in for our winter membership push.
Help us get to victory that much quicker by asking your friends and family members to support CR in the next few weeks. Your loved ones can donate online at

Every donation -big and "small" - is vital to sustaining CR's fight to end the prison industrial complex. Thank you for your contributions to this struggle.
Special Event
ICOPA X1: 11th International Penal Conference
On Penal Abolition
Hobart Tasmania
7-11 February 2006

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