One gives the appearance of being implemented- the other is the state that exists when the other isn't being implemented.
Fascism is what we have now- an implemented governmental system based on a perceived order where the mass contents itself with sacrificing and repressing (ultimately) those who do not bow to it. Democracy is an ideology promoted by fascism so people may be justified in thinking that truth can be determined by vote.
Anarchy is what fascism exists for- fascism will ignore all other concern to focus on the disallowing of anarchy- fascism will kill bloodthirstily (cause invoking terror makes people bend- and if they don't bend you kill them and destroy their families). Anarchy cannot be implemented, as it is, simply, dealing with each moment as it comes. Anarchy is the government of what some would call 'Heaven-on-Earth' (I'll just call it the very near future).
so- voting IS an indicator of a horrible deep deep seated delusion. May we all stop and think.
When dancing with the devil unfurl your brow and relax your shoulders.
patience be with us all
David Arthur Johnston
Victoria, BC, Canada
Home page- http://www.angelfire.com/apes/hatrackman
Journal of the Occupation of St. Ann's Academy (Victoria, BC, Canada)- http://www.angelfire.com/apes/hatrackman/welcome.htm
Interactive Documentary on the 'Right to Sleep'- http://www.therighttosleep.com and http://www.loveandfearlessness.com
Hide the following 9 comments
25.01.2006 19:07
whoah, good analysis
25.01.2006 20:01
non dogmatic anarchist
"Anarchy is what fascism exists for"
26.01.2006 06:27
"a free stateless society is what totalitarian statism exists for"
or equally nonsense for the 'anarchy=chaos' types;
"chaos is what totalitarian order exists for"
What colour is fascism?
26.01.2006 12:02
Oh Danny Boy
26.01.2006 13:51
Mr Spoon
It's not my fault
26.01.2006 17:35
Forget your Egos,.. following (A)'s links brings
27.01.2006 13:50
Hello DC
27.01.2006 17:27
Real ninjas embrace compassion, knowing ultimately that it brings highest efficiency.
patience be with us all
Advance Swiss Democracy ..
27.01.2006 18:08
I found it in Switzerland in the Italian language site, and put this comment:
Swiss Democracy should advance further on its own road
Seeing this posted on a Swiss site, my concern that the writer sees so black and white, (there is a very confused grey when some Anarchists turn themselves into Fascists in their "anti-fascist" struggle) is overshadowed by the need to remind everyone of the essence of Swiss Democracy. It was appreciated by Lenin, though he failed to introduce its practice when he had the chance.
Male chauvinist Swiss men appreciated Mao's remark when they gave Women the vote without the essential Swiss duty for voters to be armed and skilled in the use of arms. That is the basis of Switzerland's true democracy and long peace. It should not be diluted.
Swiss women may be the majority of voters. They must decide whether they have a duty to have an equivalent to a Smith and Wesson Chiefs' Special .38 in every woman's handbag. This is of major feminist importance as an example to women in Afghanistan who really do need one under every burkah (burqua?). http://www.rawa.org/3women.htm And it maintains the essential basis of Swiss Democracy.
I doubt that RAWA agree with me, but you can look at their website at http://www.rawa.org -go on to see http://www.rawa.org/korea.htm
I remember the disgruntled Swiss man who could not shoot going up to the rifle range in order to pactice so that he could keep his vote. I talked to him of the mental attitude of relaxing and letting the gun do the shooting. And I wondered why such dedication could not be rewarded by being given some other weapon duty like throwing grenades or flamethrowing or whatever he could do.
Swiss Democracy is the closest approach to Anarchy of all the world's political systems. Do not go backwards along that route, find the road forwards. Education?