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Mindwalk 27: Louisiana Land-Grab
I include a soon to be classic Bush sound-byte that aired on Letterman mixed in with the soundtrack of a video I found on the web at of a Fuel Convoy getting pelted with rocks by Iraqi Children. I ripped Arlen Spector from a wiretap piece via

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Download broadcast quality mp3 from here:

TRT 29:30 Stereo 128/44 27meg mp3
CREDITS: Thollem Mcdonnas, Ossie Davis, Maya Angelou, Paul Robeson, Fannie Lou Hamer, Malcolm X, WARLL_T-Dazzler's Remix, Al Sharpton, NBC News, George Bush, Margaret Tullaver, David Letterman, U.S. Military Fuel Convoy being pelted with rocks by Iraqi Children, Arlen Spector, Norelpref, Lucy Lew, GWB, Ennio Morricone, Alen Ginsberg,

The Second Installation!
Raymond Lafferty Presents: Difficult Listening Originals p2

TRT 59:30 Stereo 128/44 27meg mp3
Raymond Charles Lafferety is an California American Indiginous Artist. His works have been presented at the John Paul Getty Museum, The Whitney Museum and used in performances at La Biennale di Venezia 2005, and has been accepted to the Smithsonian Native American Museum Archives.
Raymond Lafferty puts the ART in Upstart Radio.
C-ya next week!