We have had no response from Mr Galloway’s office in the UK House of Commons or from anyone else that may be legally authorised to speak on his behalf to our campaign.
KHOODEELAAR will issue the next Part of our manifesto 2006 in the near future.
11 January 2006 Wednesday
Hide the following 6 comments
11.01.2006 19:49
Big Bully Brother
12.01.2006 09:16
The Leader
The Respect coalition is in crisis!
12.01.2006 16:23
Uncle Joe
Galloway is 'pedigree chum'
15.01.2006 02:17
If you are reading this and you are a member of 'Respect' (snigger at the irony) then you are probably realising by know you have been hoodwinked by hier-archiacal arseholes who pur like cats and smear like idiots whenever someone places cream in front of them, clinging to the dregs of fame as to a life-raft. Vote yourself some self-respect and leave that Ultra-Stalinist/Ultra-Capitalist bunch of self-promoting salesmen/dictators behind you.
Galloway gets a kicking next time he is on the streets .
Scotland the Jealous
16.01.2006 09:52
Oh.. it was the use of "wee" that gave you away Danny.
Fellow ?
07.03.2006 22:51