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The Last Djadi-Dugarang?
By ISJA: Reporter Ray Jackson Sydney Indy 8/1/06
Djadi-Dugarang, Vol 6 Issue 11/12 "Not fit for modern Australian Society - part 2"
Download the latest newsletter from the Indigenous Social Justice Association...
Please note the "last word" on page 41. ISJA's survival depends on this.
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2005_nov-dec_final__1_.pdf (mimetype: application/pdf )
Djadi-Dugarang, Vol 6 Issue 11/12
"Not fit for modern Australian Society - part 2
Down the Rabbit Hole with COAG"
Download the latest newsletter from the Indigenous Social Justice Association!
Please note the "last word" on page 41.
ISJA's survival depends on this.

Iraq: the Endless War
By Dr Gideon Polya Melbourne Indy 6/1/06
Dr. Gideon Polya, a senior biological scientist in Melbourne, has lodged a formal complaint with the International Criminal Court over Coalition war crimes in occupied Iraq and Afghanistan. Dr Polya has been researching "excess mortality" for all countries in the world for the period since 1950.

Activate the New Year with 3CR's Seeds of Dissent Calendar!
Elanor McInerney Reports Melb Indy 5/1/06
Celebrate radical Australia and get inspired to make 2006 an active and progressive year with 855AM 3CR Community Radio's Seeds Of Dissent Calendar.
Jane Howarth, a long time researcher and commentator on the region and in particular on Radio 3CR community radio has just completed a series of background articles on the Iraq Endless War.

The moment two worlds collided
Andrew Darby Reports SMH 9/1/06
Shot across the bow … the damage to Greenpeace's Arctic Sunrise ship, which has been trying to disrupt whaling by Japan in Antarctic waters, inset. Photo: Greenpeace
"HE'S coming directly at us from 90 degrees. We're going to get T-boned."
Greenpeace's expedition leader, Shane Rattenbury, was describing the moment yesterday when an 8000-tonne Japanese factory ship collided with the 949-tonne Arctic Sunrise, leaving it with a 1.5-metre dent in its bow. Both sides are blaming each other for the incident.
Japanese Whaling Supply ship sideswiped and chased by Sea Shepherd
Reporter: Takver Melb Indy 10/1/06
S.S. Whale Meat!
In the latest drama between whalers and conservationists, the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society ship, the Farley Mowat, has ordered the whaling supply ship, Oriental Bluebird, to leave the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary. When they refused to comply, the Farley Mowat slammed their starboard hull against the starboard hull of the Oriental Bluebird. The Farley Mowat is pursuing the supply ship out of the whale sanctuary.

The Slaughter of an Exhausted Whale Calf
Melbourne Indy 06/01/2006
After refueling inside the Antarctic Treaty area, the Japanese whaling fleet has recommenced the whale hunt and slaughter after 11 days. In that time the fleet has fled over 3,000 nautical miles from the far east of the whaling area to the far west. Greenpeace activists again disrupted the whale hunt on 5 January, enabling many whales to escape. Andrew, from the Greenpeace ship, Esperanza, tells the story of one hunt and how the harpoonist needed only one good shot to Slaughter an Exhausted Whale Calf.

Whalers refueled, set to start hunt again

International Fund for Animal Welfare investigates whaling practices

Greenpeace Ocean Defenders Blog

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Autonarcon just around the corner - activista convergence on City Farm
By Brother_x Perth Indy 9/1/06
AUTONARCON - 29th JANUARY 2006 at CITY FARM - What is Autonarcon? For lack of a decent immediate short name for a proposed Perth Anarchist and Autonomous Activist Gathering - 'Autonarcon' could be described as an upcoming gathering of creative, dynamic people who identify as, although not limiting themselves to, anarchists, dissidents, activists or maybe describe their politics as autonomous, independent, radical, or seek a life free of hierarchical control...
ALL WELCOME - Come get involved...

Related: Movie List Archive
The QUICKTIME REPORT 6 January 2006
Weekly Sunday Broadcast
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Class Solutions Presents: War Cam
2005 in Review5
CCTV for illegal and degrading war!
Dee Rex and Soilent Green
Rave Mission
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2005 in Review4
Your Rights
I would think that people would agree with the proposition that your civil liberty not to have your bag searched is outweighed by my right not to be blown up.
The same goes for you, your pockets, house, car, phone and just about anything you own!
Rollo & Bliss, bring my family back.
See the movie trailer

2005 in Review3
Australian Fascism
Peace Activist Scott Parkin deported!
St Germain and How do you plead?
Madness, madness.
I want to be with you, without a doubt!
I want to be with you, want to tell you that!
See the movie trailer

2005 in Review2
Revolution 30A
Revolution inc and Corporate Greed
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2005 in Review
No More War! & Repeal Draconian Laws!
Rave Mission and Gimme a Sign
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The Smoking Bums!
It's wrong but I want it to be right!
Krude Going Under
I'm going under, going under, and I can't turn round!

What is Justice Action