Australian Army to be given Extra Powers
from the newswire
Australian society has become increasing militarised over the last 5 years. The most recent example of this trend is a new law being proposed, currently in the Australian parliament which, if passed, would make it easier to call out the Australian Defence Forces (ADF) to police and shoot Australian civilians.

A round-up of the terrorism laws

Civil Rights Network Australia

Activists Rights

Bring back the draft, cries Young ALP?
SMH January 6, 2006
Cries john hoWARd the coward's fascist Neo-Lib/Labs more like it!
Photo: Protesters burn their national service papers at an anti-conscription rally in the 1960s.
According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the youth wing of the party that repeatedly opposed conscription during the Vietnam War wants to bring back national service.
But this is no coincidence because this smells like another HoWARd agenda no doubt through the back door of the well-paid losers the ALP.
The group's president, Sam Dastyari, said there were too many young people who were not willing to contribute to society. "It does not mean you would have to do military service or be an army cadet," he said.
But no one has been in his ear?
"The community service could take many forms, from being an army cadet to helping with chores at the local retirement village. It could be helping community groups or churches or charities."
But since when do people have to join the army to get a well-rounded education?
Allegedly, National service was last introduced in 1964 as a response to "aggressive communism" and "recent Indonesian policies and actions" and a "deterioration in our strategic position". Men aged 20 were required to serve in the army for two years, followed by three years in the reserve.
The policy sparked mass protests and was opposed by the ALP at elections in 1966, 1969 and 1972. One of Gough Whitlam's first actions on being elected prime minister in 1972 was to abolish it.
The federal ALP can't win an election because they're in bed with the fascist neo-liberals (hence Lib/Lab) and so are their policies.
John Howard's National Service = Conscription
Now which moron did not see this coming???
Line up for compulsory national Service and fight illegal Wars for John Howard, Ladies and gentlemen.
Thats right go and die for idiotic causes, so that the Nation can mourn like ANZACs.

The Slaughter of an Exhausted Whale Calf
Melbourne Indymedia 06/01/2006
After refueling inside the Antarctic Treaty area, the Japanese whaling fleet has recommenced the whale hunt and slaughter after 11 days. In that time the fleet has fled over 3,000 nautical miles from the far east of the whaling area to the far west. Greenpeace activists again disrupted the whale hunt on 5 January, enabling many whales to escape. Andrew, from the Greenpeace ship, Esperanza, tells the story of one hunt and how the harpoonist needed only one good shot to Slaughter an Exhausted Whale Calf.
Whalers refueled, set to start hunt again

The Slaughter of an Exhausted Whale Calf

International Fund for Animal Welfare investigates whaling practices

Greenpeace Ocean Defenders Blog

Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

Ludlow Tuart Forest Gathering
Perth Indymedia 6/1/06
Ludlow Tuart Forest advocates are gathering this weekend. Just over a year has passed since the Ludlow camp dissipated. A lot has happened in that time and we have all reflected on the campaign and our involvement in it. The Ludlow campaign was seen as vitally important for further Forest action, and Ecological Rights. [The Protest]
One of the most important things to come of it has been the relationships that we developed and deepened: COMMUNITY!
"Lets gather over the weekend beginning on Friday the 6th January 2006..."
Bring friends, stories, photos, paints, twirling toys, bubbles etc. READ More...
For details phone: 0421 965 253 Ludlow Background:
(Treebeard) Reports…
Ludlow Tuart Forest Weekend Gathering - from Friday 6th Jan

Save The Tuarts!

The "Other Campaign" begins in Mexico!
Aotearoa Indymedia 04 Jan 2006
January 1st, 2006 was the first day of the "Other Campaign." The EZLN, or Zapatista Army for National Liberation, has begun its tour of Mexico. They began in colonial San Cristóbal de las Casas, the city that was taken over on 1st January 1994 by some two thousand masked, armed, and defiant indigenous men and women, who from the balcony of city hall sent their message of war to the federal government. This began a 12-year political journey in Mexico. The first phase of the Other Campaign will conclude on June 25th, which is also the closing of official electoral campaigns for president, congress, the senate, and, in some states (including Chiapas), governors. Schedule
The Amado Avendaño Figueroa Brigade, which formed last month to provide an other kind of journalism to cover the Other Campaign, has filed its first report. Read Reports

Ariel Sharon 60% full of warfarin
Melbourne Indymedia 7/1/06
You can live without part of your cerebellum... so there IS hope for John Howard.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's massive brain hemorrhage Wednesday appears to be a rare but well-known side effect of blood-thinning medication taken to avert a recurrence of the minor stroke he suffered two weeks ago.

Photo: Honor Sharon!
johnny judaic

Shalom Sharon
In news just to hand Israeli President Ariel Sharon has this morning reportedly suffered a brain haemhorrhage and been admitted to hospital for urgent treatment.Senior figures within the Knesset have warned any further explosions within the ailing Prime Minister's skull will result in immediate retribution, with Israeli forces standing ready to launch helicopter gunship and missile attacks.

Related: Movie List
Class Solutions Presents: War Cam
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CCTV for illegal and degrading war!
Dee Rex and Soilent Green
Rave Mission
See the movie trailer

2005 in Review4
Your Rights
I would think that people would agree with the proposition that your civil liberty not to have your bag searched is outweighed by my right not to be blown up.
The same goes for you, your pockets, house, car, phone and just about anything you own!
Rollo & Bliss, bring my family back.
See the movie trailer

2005 in Review3
Australian Fascism
Peace Activist Scott Parkin deported!
St Germain and How do you plead?
Madness, madness.
I want to be with you, without a doubt!
I want to be with you, want to tell you that!
See the movie trailer

2005 in Review2
Revolution 30A
Revolution inc and Corporate Greed
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2005 in Review
No More War! & Repeal Draconian Laws!
Rave Mission and Gimme a Sign
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The Smoking Bums!
It's wrong but I want it to be right!
Krude Going Under
I'm going under, going under, and I can't turn round!