Like in the past years, also in 2006 the self-appointed "global leaders" will meet again at the World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos. Under the pretext of their geographical and economical size and alleged responsibility and with the slogan "mastering our future", they decide about the future of our planet in closed sessions.
But actually this meeting has nothing to do with a real reflection, how to help people, or with the serious aim of saving the future of our planet. The only thing they are interested in, is the enlargement of their manipulating control of the policies of Western states and the securing of their power monopoly in the developing countries. The members of this meeting make economical decisions in a way that doesn't care about human rights or environmental protection. All that counts are their profits.
Increasingly this economy changes the scope and the intention to make life worth of living for the whole mankind is gradually replaced by the tendency to take away all from the majority and to give it all to the few rich nations.
And when in addition those who already have everything get tax reductions at the expense of the social services it's time to wake up and to show our disapproval in the street. When people in this society start getting despaired and withdrawing into indifference and resignation, it's necessary to stand up for a new consciousness - an awareness which doesn't tend to exclude and suppress anybody but promotes such natural values as joy and friendship.
That's why a dance parade takes place again in Berne against this world-wide unfairness on 14th January 2006. We want to emit a creative, loud and merry signal against the developments which carelessly risk the future of all of us. We hope you take part! Because the more we are the better our message can be heard. So, every person is important!
With kind regards
Your Dance out WEF-Team

Tel: +41 77 409 91 21
Other events against the WEF in Switzerland:
7th/8th January 2006, 14:00: banner workshop, Reitschule, Bern CH
14th Jan.: 13:00 Dance out WEF, Bern, CH (danceparade against the WEF)
14th Jan. in the evening: Tour de Lorraine, Bern, CH (concerts, parties..)
21st Jan.: creative activities in whole Switzerland
21st Jan. in the evening: Reclaim the streets, Luzern, CH
28th Jan.: Demonstration against the WEF, Basel, CH
25th-29th Jan.: World Economic Forum (Davos) und The Public Eye on Davos