The reason for the timing of the white house Nazi gangsters or their Israeli deputy planned attack on Iran in March 2006 is that Iran in that month will establish a new oil bourse for trade of oil in euros in stead of dollars.
This will threaten the dollar as worldwide reserve currency and thereby the US economy which is completely dependent on the dollar hegemony.
Additionally the gangsters are constantly under pressure from the nazionistic neocons who dream of a Great Israel covering most of the Middle East.
Therefore all peoples of the world and in particular the Europeans must protest the Nazi gangster plan, including NATO involvement, and support the unhindered establishment of the Iranian oil bourse.
When euro replaces dollar the weak European economy will get a tremendous boost.
The imperialistically minded European politicians therefore are facing a heartbreaking dilemma. Their dark imperialistic hearts have always been on the side of the leading US imperialist gangsters. Now they must choose between the interests of their masters over there and the interests of the EU whose interests they have been elected to serve faithfully.
Therefore the EU attitude to the Iranian Bourse so far has been remarkably silent.
And therefore the position of each one of the EU politicians must be examined and the traitorous ones exposed as the Trojan horses they are.
ALL Europeans whether they want to eradicate the cancer tumor of the planet, or improve the European economy, or both, must in all possible ways support the extremely important establishment of the Iranian oil bourse.
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