Violate the innocent and deprive the weak and do so with no show of shame of remorse let alone faith.
Though not true in every case, the majority of the position-holders over ‘nations’ ‘nation states’ and ‘empires’ have pledged allegiance to some form of religious faith and conviction.
The utter majority of those pledges were untrue. In contrast with them, the people whom these power-holders wanted to obey and follow them, did genuinely believe in religions.
This contrast continues to this day. In fact the antics of some of the most brazen and the most corrupt holders of office in the year 2005 could easily be condemned, as the worst acts of hypocrisy and lying.
What is going on in today's’ world may one day come to be seen as one of humanity’s darkest hours. Side by side with the overt
expression of allegiance to God there is the most wanton disobedience of some of the most central tents of divine injunctions: attacking the weak and the vulnerable, neglecting the weak and the helpless.
And doing so in the name of otherwise widely cited international codes and human rights laws
Despite the operation of a massive bureaucracies at every level, supposedly;y to uphold these laws and to apply those codes, the innocents continue to be violated whole the careers of none of the perpetrators and the neglecting bureaucrats and place-persons do not come to an end.
I have thought long about this dichotomy of democratic disaster of our times.
Today’s brief lines symbolise my literary update today of those thoughts
0310 HRH GMT London Tuesday 27 December 2005
Who took God’s name the most in the past year
meaning to do so the least? Who mentioned fear
of God the most when the last thing they thought
of was anything at all to do with God? Who fought
the will of God the most this past year totally openly
and who defied the God-fearing the most brazenly?
Who chose the moments and places of prayer to attack
who gave excuses to violate scare and give heart attack
to unknown numbers of devout souls crying to God daily
who defied the divine wisdom daring the believers daily?
Who played with the fears of the unnamed faithful all over
who told newer lies at people scaring them to fall over
themselves and to panic and to give up so much liberty
Who gave the liars any vote at all to lie taking the liberty
against people who had given so much effective consent
under the previous regimes of lies? Who banned dissent
against unjust laws and against even more unjust action
Who has decided that society has ended and no reaction
against this scrapping of society and of thought will occur
and the next year will belong to the lying ruling mocker?
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