It is our aim to extract dialogue out of controversy. There is no need for anyone to get nasty unless, of course, they feel judged hereby and desire to demonstrate so.
[Think of Spirit as Ideology and Thunder as Mass Consensus]
Just as much as the covert and overt oppressors, this is our planet too.
Since we are forced to live with the existence of misery on this two dimensional plain of wandering, we maintain the right to confront the sorceries of that which propagates our miseries.
Whether a bad spirit lives within us or outside of us, next door to us or across the planet, we collectively have a right that ought to parallel the need to exorcise that spirit.
Say to yourself:
“My mind is mine to defend. It is my right to defend it against the cause of those who would dare to alter it, or the written and living testimony that it will bear.
“It is more my business than the business of serpents, to oppose the fraud and fear of those who honor a strange and enslaving spirit that prohibits pleasures and suppresses grievances.”
Say to others:
“I can mind the business of serpents until the dragon minds mine and puts me on a cross, or we together can put the serpents out of business by putting the dragon on trial. After all, what good is having a progressive ideology if it cannot be shared with others?”
The Ideologies of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the United States President George W. Bush
(1) WE will say “Iranian secret planners” instead of “Iran”, because WE must distinguish Mahmoud Ahmadinejad from hard-working liberator friends like CNN’s Christian Amanpour.
(2) When WE speak of Iran, WE do so with compassionate regard for their collective peace, security and respect in the civilized modern world.
(3) When WE speak of Islam, WE speak against the hard right that by no merit continues escaping judgment and defeat – not unlike the “Christian” Pat Robertson and the tax-exempt Council for National Policy in the United States of America.
“An eagle with one wing spirals down to its demise.”
A Message for Iran and Iraq and America:
With Moslem muscle, in an archetypically international fashion, Iranian secret planners are making war with the Christian nations that have become too friendly with Israel.
By infiltrating Iraq first, then making Saddam Hussein and his resistance to Shiites their scapegoat, Iranian secret planners have moved their own warfare to another sovereign nation, in order to escape their own accountability and bloodshed.
Iranian secret planners have turned Iraq into the spawning grounds of terrorism, and now they are poised to exploit democracy through Iraqi elections. As President Bush has demonstrated, those who control them after Election Day can render democracies powerless.
Iran's president must stop making a mockery of Islam and stop warring with Christians and Jews, lest he be declared the antichrist of the ages. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ought to watch his anti-Semitic tongue, lest the Jewish, Christian and Moslem world call upon the entire world to cut his theocracy off at the root - just as the American’s will do with theocrats like the Pat Robertson, the Council for National Policy and their infiltration of Canada through Stephen Harper’s agenda in hiding.
Saddam Hussein’s Defense Might Be the Court’s Offence:
Saddam Hussein’s grievance might be against Iran and worldwide political exploitation of religion. He could argue that Iranian Shiites and American Conservatives have no business devising the entering of a sovereign nation to remove the leader whom they together have put into such a perilous situation.
With a blue veil and a media time delay, the powers above him keep the testimony of Saddam Hussein under wraps. They would rather sentence him to martyrdom, than remove the same veil that his sympathizers wish to remove.
In all fairness, should we hide behind the veil of independent media and witness against George Bush, or stand in front of its veil and witness against Saddam Hussein?

A Message for Bible Believers:
There is one thing that we do stand against, which is exercised by virtually all organized religions.
The Lamsa Peshitta (Aramaic version of the Holy Bible) deems it unnecessary to use differing words for the word ‘shelter’. See Revelation 18:2 You will notice that the entire chapter mentions Babylon’s adultery with the merchants of the earth seven times, in verses 3, 7, 9, 11, 15, 19, and 23.
Much work was involve in the writing of scriptures, and much thought was involved in their alterations. For the sake of deliverance, some people wrote riddles. For the sake of ensnarement, others rewrote and altered them, while others misinterpreted them.
It will ever remain our mission to incriminate religious leaders who partake of tax exemption, and use the lame excuse that it keeps government out of their affairs. For those who invoke the First Amendment to keep government out, while invoking the same amendment to control government, may they soon find their tax-exempt status revoked?
Let us demand that only secular charities remain tax-exempt, thereby limiting the possibility of political domination by religiously incorrect ideology. If governments were democratically required to put aside ten percent of flatly taxed income for charitable work, secular charities would not need the help of religious embezzlers.
Hopefully soon, the nations of this earth will see how the ultimate oppressors have been hiding behind the veil of religion and prospering through exploits.
This article is open to edification; therefore edification of this Article will appear in time, until it is suitable for discussion on public television.
When we slay the dragon, the time and energy of devising strategies of appeal will be reduced to immediate replies of either yea or nay. Only then, we will be able to proceed with healing and building, rather than destroying the ideologies of a higher human spirit.
~ The Seventh Degree Messenger Gang (SDMG)
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