An Italian peace activist was hospitalised yesterday after refusing to be deported from Israel. Vittorio Arrigoni, 34, was injured yesterday evening when Israeli authorities tried to deport by force him and two other detained UK residents, according to Israeli lawyer Gaby Lasky.
He was returned today to the detention centre at Tel Aviv airport. The three are being held after they were refused admission to Israel to attend a peace conference in Bethlehem. They now face the prospect of Christmas in an Israeli jail.
The three are experienced peace campaigners who were on their way to the "Celebrating Non-Violence" conference that starts on 27 December in Bethlehem. But when they tried to pass through Ben Gurion airport near Tel Aviv on December 20, when the authorities detained them.
Only quick legal action by an Israeli lawyer prevented the three from being forcibly deported yesterday morning. They must now await the outcome of an appeal hearing, which will not take place until Christmas Day at the earliest.
All three have worked previously as international observers in the Palestinian territories. All are members of Access for Peace in the Middle East, a pressure group that intends to challenge the criminalisation of peace workers and the deliberate isolation of Palestinians from international observation and assistance.
Robin Horsell, a UK-based South African who formerly campaigned against apartheid gave his reasons for fighting deportation: "Israel gives spurious grounds for deportation or refusal of entry. But the real reason is our support for human rights and justice. We hope this legal challenge sets a precedent that in future will allow international citizens full access to Palestinian lands."
Many prominent peace campaigners support Access for Peace in the Middle East including Jews for Justice for Palestinians, Nonviolence International, Clare Short, George Monbiot, AngieZelter, Jeremy Hardy and European Jews for a Just Peace.
For more information contact:
Charlotte: +44 (0) 7768 305897
Roger +44 (0) 7785 792107
for details of the conference:

Access for Peace in the Middle East
This is an important opportunity to challenge Israels policy and
maybe even set a legal precedent allowing internationals freer access to the Occupied Territories.
The delagates were completely honest about their reasons for coming to Palestine, and about their past involvement with ISM and non-violent activism.
Please demand to know why Israel wants to deport peacemakers.
Fax: 972-2-670-1628
Minister Mr. Avraham Poraz>
Director Mr. Mordechay Mordechay>
Spokesperson Ms. Tova Ellinson>
Public Relations Ms. Nechama Pluga-Zecharia>
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Beebs caught on: Bethlehem has become a 'prison'
24.12.2005 20:02
Last Updated: Saturday, 24 December 2005, 18:52 GMT
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Bethlehem has become a 'prison'
The patriarch called for the building of "bridges of peace and love"
Israel's most senior Roman Catholic leader said Bethlehem has become an "immense prison" since the erection of the West Bank barrier.
The Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Michel Sabbah, called for all barriers between people to be dismantled.
The patriarch was speaking in Bethlehem, where he will celebrate the traditional Christmas Eve mass.
Israel says the barrier is needed to keep out Palestinian attackers, but Palestinians regard it as a land grab.
'Bridges of peace'
The patriarch, who is the Pope's representative in Israel, called for the wall's dismantling, and said "bridges of peace and love" should be built instead.
He defended the rights of Palestinians to have their own homeland and live free of occupation.
Michel Sabbah said winning hearts was the key to peace
But he said those who held power had to realise that they could not rule through violence, but only by winning the hearts of both Palestinians and Israelis.
"Nobody needs checkpoints in the Holy Land," he said, according to Israel Radio.
"This is the Holy Land and it should be treated as a holy area. We wish that this road will stay open so all Christian pilgrims can enter every day of the year, every year."
A ceasefire in place between Israel and most Palestinian militants has brought in many more visitors than last year.
But the BBC's Dan Damon in Bethlehem says there is still tension, with Palestinians complaining about the lack of jobs and frequent arrest raids by Israeli troops.
Israel has built a new crossing point in a gap in the towering concrete barrier to process thousands of foreign visitors more quickly.
But our correspondent says to Palestinians it looks like an international border post redrawing the map of Israel.
He says despite the sombre political background, Bethlehem is filled with coloured lights and singing as pilgrims from many Christian denominations mix with Muslims to make the most of the festival.
catholic version ?